*** October 2024 High Stakes Thread ***

*** October 2024 High Stakes Thread ***

Hello and welcome to the arena!

Previous High Stakes thread: *** September 2024 High Stakes Thread **...

: : :

We generally post ~200bb+ pots, but if there's an interesting hand/showdown, or if there's not much action feel free to post smaller ones.

Posting hands

How to post CoinPoker hands:

Click on hand #number in replayer.

Copy text and remove ante part of first row in hh:

[code]Poker Hand #72306164: Omaha Pot Limit (200/400 ante 80) 2023/04/12 15:51:58 GMT[/code]

Add - after parenthesis. Line should read:

[code]Poker Hand #72306164: Omaha Pot Limit (200/400) - 2023/04/12 15:51:58 GMT[/code]

This works until someone has a 7 figure stack, then you need to edit any number over one mega.

paste hh https://pokeit.co/convert/

The converted hand will say it's from GG, you may edit this too.

For the OCD inclined, search and replace § with $.

Post your nice hand here!


Please use the following options for converting hands:

Converter from Pokeit https://pokeit.co/convert/ with wide variety of supported games, multiple hand conversion, etc.

Another converter: http://www.railhand.com

Just paste your hand history, convert, copy generated code and paste in this thread.

If you want to post 2-7 TD hands: http://www.feralcowpoker.com.

Set it to "Two Plus Two - textonly" output, and show results and player names.

Known High Stakes players

No Limit Hold'em

  • Alan Zheng = az96 (WPN), Alan Zheng (GG)

  • Alex Trevallion = HornyOldMan (WPN), Alex Trevallion (GG)

  • Alexey Borovkov = Alexey Borovkov (GG), Zas911 (WPN), avr0ra (PS), Youtube Channel Guest Host

  • Andrey Zgirouski = Andrey Zgirouski (GG), diogen13 (PS)

  • Anvar Muratov = ch0p-ch0p (WPN), Anvar Muratov (GG)

  • Armin = AbsoluteTopUp (Global), RealMenRathole (WPN), @Twitter

  • Artem Shaganov = oSpiel888 (PS), jrSuited18 (WPN)

  • Barak Wisbrod = Barak Wisbrod (GG), iWasOnly17 (WPN), Mechanics of Poker Podcast

  • Ben Raven = BenaBadBeat (PS), Benjamin Raven (GG), BenaBadBeat (WPN) Mechnaics of Poker Podcast

  • Boris Martin = Boris Martin (GG), MrBaguette (WPN)

  • Cole Swannack = alanwatts15 (WPN), Cole Swannack (GG), Topkat5757 (PS)

  • Daniel Soltys = Meek Bill (WPN), Daniel Soltys (GG)

  • Darrell Goh = Darrell Goh (GG), JohnMcShen (WPN), FourSixFour (PS)

  • David Hanlon = David Hanlon (GG), uhhhyesandno (WPN)

  • David Yan = David Yan (GG), MissOracle (PS) @Twitter

  • Dmitry Grinenko = FlyingStyle (WPN), Dmitry Grinenko (GG)

  • EnfantProdige (PS) = BeppeBergomi (WPN)

  • George Froggatt = George Froggatt (GG), Real Enough (WPN), You-Mad-Br0 (PS), Mechanics of Poker Podcast @Twitter

  • Hector Rodriguez = TUTI88 (PS)

  • Henri Puustinen = Henri Puustinen (GG), buttonclickr (PS)

  • Ignacio Moron = TIKITAKA11 (WPN), Nacho124441 (PS), Ignacio Moron (GG)

  • Ivan Galinec = vesnapisarovic (WPN), ja.sam.gale (PS), Ivan Galinec (GG)

  • Jared Alderman = Jaldermann (WPN), @Twitter

  • Jeremiah Williams = JeremiahW (Global), freestyler (WSOP.com), @Twitch.tv

  • Jose Jiminez = Jose Jiminez (GG), JMBigJoe (PS), Poker Life Podcast

  • Josef Schusteritsch = Sunni_92 (PS), J Schusteritsch (GG), Mechanics of Poker Podcast

  • Juan Pardo = Juan Pardo (GG) = Malakastyle (PS)

  • Julian Schultheis = JVL_Starrr69 (PS), J Schultheis (GG), Mechanics of Poker Podcast

  • Kayhan Mokri = Kayhan Mokri (GG), kayhanmok (PS)

  • Linus Loeliger = borntotilt (WPN), LLinusLLove (PS), Linus Loeliger (GG) Trion Poker Interview

  • Luuk Gieles = 6-7BTC (WPN), Luuk Gieles (GG), pokerkluka (PS)

  • Manuel Saavedra = Manuel Saavedra (GG), J0hnMcclean (WPN)

  • Marius Gierse = Orgi69 (WPN), Marius Gierse (GG), DEX888

  • Markus Leikkonen = M Leikkonen (GG), Makeboifin (PS), Mexican222 (WPN) Joey Podcast @Twitter

  • Matt Marinelli = ILuvAvrilLavigne91 (WPN), Matt Marinelli (GG), Mechanics of Poker Podcast @Twitter

  • Michael Zhang = Michael Zhang (GG), mczhang (PS)

  • Misha Inner = Misha Inner (GG) @Twitch.tv

  • Naoufel Smires = Bonk30 (PS), Naoufel Smires (GG) Mechanics of Poker Podcast

  • Owen Messere = PR0DIGY (WPN), Owen Messere (GG), HU vs Doug Polk @ The Lodge

  • Patrick Sekinger = psek1 (PS), P Sekinger (GG)

  • Pauli Ayras = Pauli Ayras (GG), Fiilismies (PS)

  • Priit Parmasto = Priit Parmasto (GG), PathfinderPaco (WPN)

  • Roberto Perez = CWestmoreland (WPN), DavyJones922 (PS), LemonHouse (GG), Mento Poker Podcast

  • Roman Herold = Roman Herold (GG), Romanhld (PS)

  • Samu Aalto = Samu Aalto (GG), pla5te (PS)

  • Sergey Nikiforov = Burundos254 (WPN), MunEZ_StaRR (PS), Sergey Nikiforov (GG), Mechanics of Poker Podcast

  • Siarhei Mashko = Siarhei Mashko (GG), AGL_by (PS)

  • Stefan Burakov = Stefan11222 (PS), Ollin22333 (WPN), Stefan Burakov (GG), Stefan Blog

  • Steffen Sontheimer = go0se.core (PS), S Sontheimer (GG), Mechanics of Poker Podcast

  • Taisto Janter = Taisto Janter (GG), SigadiSogadi (WPN), SyrW_Helmets (PS)

  • Tobias Duthweiler = dudd1 (PS), moneybyebye (WPN), T Duthweiler (GG) Mechanics of Poker Podcast

  • Uri Peleg = Miscusee (PS), Uri Peleg (GG), Mechanics of Poker Podcast

  • Via Negativa (GG) = oneplusone (WPN)

  • Vicente Delgado = eldelbar (WPN), vicenfish (PS) Vicente Delgado (GG)

  • Viktor Kudinov = Viktor Kudinov (GG), 7SkyAroundMe (WPN), Zas91 (PS) Mechanics of Poker Podcast

  • Wiktor Malinowski = Iimitless (PS), W Malinowski (GG), Epic Joey Podcast Interview

  • Wouter Beumers = DoublelegTD (WPN), W Beumers (GG), MMAsherdog (PS)

Pot Limit Omaha

  • Aku Joentausta = Aku Joentausta (GG), Aku1206 (PS)

  • Andras Nemeth = Andras Nemeth (GG), probirs (PS)

  • Andreas Torbergsen = Andreas Torbergsen (GG), Skjervoy (PS)


  • Dirk Gerritse = Dirk Gerritse (GG) = Venividi1993 (PS) = Bodamos007 (WPN)

  • Eelis Pärssinen = Eelis Pärssinen (GG), EEE27 (PS)

  • Grazvydas Kontautas = Grazvydas (ACR), grazvis1 (PS)

  • Gruffudd Jones = d.apollo777 (PS) Mechanics of Poker Podcast

  • Hung Nguyen = Hung Nguyen (GG), Zero1100101 (PS)

  • James Park = James Park (GG), JayP-AA (PS)

  • Konstantin Osipau = Konstantin Osipau (GG), Katya18 (PS)

  • Laszlo Bujtas = Laszlo Bujtas (GG), omaha4rollz (PS)

  • Liviu Ignat = Liviu Ignat (GG), 0Human0 (PS)

  • Luuk van den Belt = Luuk van den Belt (GG), Cobus83 (PS)

  • Maxime Lemay = Maxime Lemay (GG), Amsogood (PS)

  • Pedro Zagalo = Pedro Zagalo (GG), Zagalo87 (PS)

  • Stanislau Melhui = Stanislau Melhui (GG), borntotilt (PS)

  • Vasilev Sergei = Vasilev Sergei (GG), St1ckman (PS)

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) 5 Views 5
01 October 2024 at 05:54 AM

783 Replies


Tom dwan and Phil Naggy playing 200/400 on twitch

by Post Hoc Magician k

sry to interrupt the promotional content


by Anonimi k


Listen if Venividi wants to do:

(1) chess match
(2) NL match
(3) Power Slap Match (I think it's fair, 2 games we never played before + we can knock each other out if we don't like the result)

I am in to do it.

I know he likes to pretend to play "I am a streemer I like VIP games"

Just let me know,


It's always fun to consider that today's GTO approved lines would have only been played by absolute whales not too long ago.

by Bondurant k

These guys are too rational to get baited by that. Though I am sure Venividi got hurt by "ain't no Heavyweight"

Where would Jnandez rank relative to that top 10?

I wasn't lying to put him top 50.

Someone should also come after his coaching project.

Any idea why Venividi wants to come back playing poker after 10x-ing his bankroll in crypto and saying "ohhh I fear to miss out on my life, you should play less poker"? Wild guess "it's for the love of Twitch chat" and he loves to get his private chef tacos on a stream.

by Bondurant k

I wasn't lying to put him top 50.

Someone should also come after his coaching project.

Is being top 50 in a format meant to be an insult?

He doesn't make a living from playing poker, or ever was good at playing poker. He runs a successful poker training site. Successful because people pay for a subscription there.

by Bondurant k

I wasn't lying to put him top 50.

Someone should also come after his coaching project.

What do you mean by someone should come after his coaching project?

I mean the quality of product and market opportunity.

He is the guy that enjoyed coaching, and was on other site as a hired coach and then successfully given market opportunity created his own coaching site with a good marketing? Congratz to him

Just saying if there was smart people that actually wanted to run high quality poker site, they could probably compete. Though hiring smart coaches wouldn't be easy.

by jb` k

Is being top 50 in a format meant to be an insult?

According to very reliable sources he is very far from top 50. Think the way he conducts business and market himself is incredibly dishonest. Somehow seem to have a very big following.

JNandez is a coin poker shill these days. Lost most of his credibility for me.

Galfond is a gangster though. He made lots of money playing poker. Then came back and challenged poker world to hu PLO, shopped for weakest opponents, beat them all, then went ahead and played private HU match 2 times vs top notch HU player and was v competitive in it.

If I was a coach and both Jnandez and Galfond offered me a same value deal, I would rather go work for runitonce.com

But maybe Jnandez is an incredible guy and it's extreme pleasure to work for him, and that's why people stay loyal to him.

Or maybe these sites make you sign some kind of "non compete" contract.

I loved how during his GG sponsorship days he would regurgitate the rake on GG is not that bad if you play it smart and join PLO mastermind but the first thing he did after quitting GG was make a detailed video how bad the rake actually is lolo

It warms my heart we are all scumbags ❤️

Hard to renegotiate for a better rake after GG has confirmation/sample that PLO people will play regardless.

I have a feeling they couldn't have pulled off the same thing for NL.

by ProffesionalMalaka k

I loved how during his GG sponsorship days Jnandez would regurgitate the rake on GG is not that bad if you play it smart and join PLO mastermind but the first thing he did after quitting GG was make a detailed video how bad the rake actually is lol.


by Bondurant k

I mean the quality of product and market opportunity.

He is the guy that enjoyed coaching, and was on other site as a hired coach and then successfully given market opportunity created his own coaching site with a good marketing? Congratz to him

Just saying if there was smart people that actually wanted to run high quality poker site, they could probably compete. Though hiring smart coaches wouldn't be easy.

I'm waiting for Grazvydas coaching to run over the market and be number 1

Thread has gotten so much fun since graz decided to join the party (a bit late but OK🙂)

by Bondurant k

Any idea why Venividi wants to come back playing poker after 10x-ing his bankroll in crypto and saying "ohhh I fear to miss out on my life, you should play less poker"? Wild guess "it's for the love of Twitch chat" and he loves to get his private chef tacos on a stream.

Perhaps I'm being thick here (likely) and you're being sarcastic which you are, but what are you saying exactly, that the retired rich persona is bullshit and he needs to continue to play poker to earn money, or that he really is rich after '10xing his bankroll in crypto' and his idea of fun is streaming games, when he doesn't need to pay poker (which makes little sense given him preachign to play less) - which is it?

by dappadan777 k

Perhaps I'm being thick here (likely) and you're being sarcastic which you are, but what are you saying exactly, that the retired rich persona is bullshit and he needs to continue to play poker to earn money, or that he really is rich after '10xing his bankroll in crypto' and his idea of fun is streaming games, when he doesn't need to pay poker (which makes little sense given him preachign to play less) - which is it?

Venividi is loaded with money, he did very well with crypto. (not being sarcastic)

Idk if he wants 2p2 to know that, but he loves when people admire how rich he is.

There's 2 guys that ever in my life had said to me "you should find a life outside of poker, I am retired, go play less and find a life"

That's Venividi and EEE27.

So I am just reminding it to them.

by Bondurant k

Venividi is loaded with money, he did very well with crypto. (not being sarcastic)

Idk if he wants 2p2 to know that, but he loves when people admire how rich he is.

There's 2 guys that ever in my life had said to me "you should find a life outside of poker, I am retired, go play less and find a life"

That's Venividi and EEE27.

So I am just reminding it to them.

So what's the purpose of playing loads of hours, if he doesnt need to and think its a waste of a life (which it is in some respects if you're already rich, so he's right, unless you adore poker).
