*** October 2024 High Stakes Thread ***

*** October 2024 High Stakes Thread ***

Hello and welcome to the arena!

Previous High Stakes thread: *** September 2024 High Stakes Thread **...

: : :

We generally post ~200bb+ pots, but if there's an interesting hand/showdown, or if there's not much action feel free to post smaller ones.

Posting hands

How to post CoinPoker hands:

Click on hand #number in replayer.

Copy text and remove ante part of first row in hh:

[code]Poker Hand #72306164: Omaha Pot Limit (200/400 ante 80) 2023/04/12 15:51:58 GMT[/code]

Add - after parenthesis. Line should read:

[code]Poker Hand #72306164: Omaha Pot Limit (200/400) - 2023/04/12 15:51:58 GMT[/code]

This works until someone has a 7 figure stack, then you need to edit any number over one mega.

paste hh https://pokeit.co/convert/

The converted hand will say it's from GG, you may edit this too.

For the OCD inclined, search and replace § with $.

Post your nice hand here!


Please use the following options for converting hands:

Converter from Pokeit https://pokeit.co/convert/ with wide variety of supported games, multiple hand conversion, etc.

Another converter: http://www.railhand.com

Just paste your hand history, convert, copy generated code and paste in this thread.

If you want to post 2-7 TD hands: http://www.feralcowpoker.com.

Set it to "Two Plus Two - textonly" output, and show results and player names.

Known High Stakes players

No Limit Hold'em

  • Alan Zheng = az96 (WPN), Alan Zheng (GG)

  • Alex Trevallion = HornyOldMan (WPN), Alex Trevallion (GG)

  • Alexey Borovkov = Alexey Borovkov (GG), Zas911 (WPN), avr0ra (PS), Youtube Channel Guest Host

  • Andrey Zgirouski = Andrey Zgirouski (GG), diogen13 (PS)

  • Anvar Muratov = ch0p-ch0p (WPN), Anvar Muratov (GG)

  • Armin = AbsoluteTopUp (Global), RealMenRathole (WPN), @Twitter

  • Artem Shaganov = oSpiel888 (PS), jrSuited18 (WPN)

  • Barak Wisbrod = Barak Wisbrod (GG), iWasOnly17 (WPN), Mechanics of Poker Podcast

  • Ben Raven = BenaBadBeat (PS), Benjamin Raven (GG), BenaBadBeat (WPN) Mechnaics of Poker Podcast

  • Boris Martin = Boris Martin (GG), MrBaguette (WPN)

  • Cole Swannack = alanwatts15 (WPN), Cole Swannack (GG), Topkat5757 (PS)

  • Daniel Soltys = Meek Bill (WPN), Daniel Soltys (GG)

  • Darrell Goh = Darrell Goh (GG), JohnMcShen (WPN), FourSixFour (PS)

  • David Hanlon = David Hanlon (GG), uhhhyesandno (WPN)

  • David Yan = David Yan (GG), MissOracle (PS) @Twitter

  • Dmitry Grinenko = FlyingStyle (WPN), Dmitry Grinenko (GG)

  • EnfantProdige (PS) = BeppeBergomi (WPN)

  • George Froggatt = George Froggatt (GG), Real Enough (WPN), You-Mad-Br0 (PS), Mechanics of Poker Podcast @Twitter

  • Hector Rodriguez = TUTI88 (PS)

  • Henri Puustinen = Henri Puustinen (GG), buttonclickr (PS)

  • Ignacio Moron = TIKITAKA11 (WPN), Nacho124441 (PS), Ignacio Moron (GG)

  • Ivan Galinec = vesnapisarovic (WPN), ja.sam.gale (PS), Ivan Galinec (GG)

  • Jared Alderman = Jaldermann (WPN), @Twitter

  • Jeremiah Williams = JeremiahW (Global), freestyler (WSOP.com), @Twitch.tv

  • Jose Jiminez = Jose Jiminez (GG), JMBigJoe (PS), Poker Life Podcast

  • Josef Schusteritsch = Sunni_92 (PS), J Schusteritsch (GG), Mechanics of Poker Podcast

  • Juan Pardo = Juan Pardo (GG) = Malakastyle (PS)

  • Julian Schultheis = JVL_Starrr69 (PS), J Schultheis (GG), Mechanics of Poker Podcast

  • Kayhan Mokri = Kayhan Mokri (GG), kayhanmok (PS)

  • Linus Loeliger = borntotilt (WPN), LLinusLLove (PS), Linus Loeliger (GG) Trion Poker Interview

  • Luuk Gieles = 6-7BTC (WPN), Luuk Gieles (GG), pokerkluka (PS)

  • Manuel Saavedra = Manuel Saavedra (GG), J0hnMcclean (WPN)

  • Marius Gierse = Orgi69 (WPN), Marius Gierse (GG), DEX888

  • Markus Leikkonen = M Leikkonen (GG), Makeboifin (PS), Mexican222 (WPN) Joey Podcast @Twitter

  • Matt Marinelli = ILuvAvrilLavigne91 (WPN), Matt Marinelli (GG), Mechanics of Poker Podcast @Twitter

  • Michael Zhang = Michael Zhang (GG), mczhang (PS)

  • Misha Inner = Misha Inner (GG) @Twitch.tv

  • Naoufel Smires = Bonk30 (PS), Naoufel Smires (GG) Mechanics of Poker Podcast

  • Owen Messere = PR0DIGY (WPN), Owen Messere (GG), HU vs Doug Polk @ The Lodge

  • Patrick Sekinger = psek1 (PS), P Sekinger (GG)

  • Pauli Ayras = Pauli Ayras (GG), Fiilismies (PS)

  • Priit Parmasto = Priit Parmasto (GG), PathfinderPaco (WPN)

  • Roberto Perez = CWestmoreland (WPN), DavyJones922 (PS), LemonHouse (GG), Mento Poker Podcast

  • Roman Herold = Roman Herold (GG), Romanhld (PS)

  • Samu Aalto = Samu Aalto (GG), pla5te (PS)

  • Sergey Nikiforov = Burundos254 (WPN), MunEZ_StaRR (PS), Sergey Nikiforov (GG), Mechanics of Poker Podcast

  • Siarhei Mashko = Siarhei Mashko (GG), AGL_by (PS)

  • Stefan Burakov = Stefan11222 (PS), Ollin22333 (WPN), Stefan Burakov (GG), Stefan Blog

  • Steffen Sontheimer = go0se.core (PS), S Sontheimer (GG), Mechanics of Poker Podcast

  • Taisto Janter = Taisto Janter (GG), SigadiSogadi (WPN), SyrW_Helmets (PS)

  • Tobias Duthweiler = dudd1 (PS), moneybyebye (WPN), T Duthweiler (GG) Mechanics of Poker Podcast

  • Uri Peleg = Miscusee (PS), Uri Peleg (GG), Mechanics of Poker Podcast

  • Via Negativa (GG) = oneplusone (WPN)

  • Vicente Delgado = eldelbar (WPN), vicenfish (PS) Vicente Delgado (GG)

  • Viktor Kudinov = Viktor Kudinov (GG), 7SkyAroundMe (WPN), Zas91 (PS) Mechanics of Poker Podcast

  • Wiktor Malinowski = Iimitless (PS), W Malinowski (GG), Epic Joey Podcast Interview

  • Wouter Beumers = DoublelegTD (WPN), W Beumers (GG), MMAsherdog (PS)

Pot Limit Omaha

  • Aku Joentausta = Aku Joentausta (GG), Aku1206 (PS)

  • Andras Nemeth = Andras Nemeth (GG), probirs (PS)

  • Andreas Torbergsen = Andreas Torbergsen (GG), Skjervoy (PS)


  • Dirk Gerritse = Dirk Gerritse (GG) = Venividi1993 (PS) = Bodamos007 (WPN)

  • Eelis Pärssinen = Eelis Pärssinen (GG), EEE27 (PS)

  • Grazvydas Kontautas = Grazvydas (ACR), grazvis1 (PS)

  • Gruffudd Jones = d.apollo777 (PS) Mechanics of Poker Podcast

  • Hung Nguyen = Hung Nguyen (GG), Zero1100101 (PS)

  • James Park = James Park (GG), JayP-AA (PS)

  • Konstantin Osipau = Konstantin Osipau (GG), Katya18 (PS)

  • Laszlo Bujtas = Laszlo Bujtas (GG), omaha4rollz (PS)

  • Liviu Ignat = Liviu Ignat (GG), 0Human0 (PS)

  • Luuk van den Belt = Luuk van den Belt (GG), Cobus83 (PS)

  • Maxime Lemay = Maxime Lemay (GG), Amsogood (PS)

  • Pedro Zagalo = Pedro Zagalo (GG), Zagalo87 (PS)

  • Stanislau Melhui = Stanislau Melhui (GG), borntotilt (PS)

  • Vasilev Sergei = Vasilev Sergei (GG), St1ckman (PS)

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) 5 Views 5
01 October 2024 at 05:54 AM

783 Replies


Yeah you are right. It's just me talking to myself. I apologize for people that didn't want to see this. I am out for now.

by KakiTee k

Gravy you're embarrassing yourself man.

Eelis has children, travels the world playing sports with mates and seems to be well liked by everyone. You are trying to validate yourself in comparison by criticizing his BB def freq, why not compare yourself to others overall instead of focusing on the one small area you seem to derive self worth from.

"there's more to life than poker"

This is arguable the most ironic post out of the whole thread from what you threw out as a streamer. lol

by iDon k

This is arguable the most ironic post out of the whole thread from what you threw out as a streamer. lol

LOL, average kaki stream:

- railing some table/watching some hand someone played
- sees something that might be a fraction of a fraction of a bb off of nandez' cloud sims as if those are the end all be all godsend of poker
- grimaces, loads up plotrainer, finds a comparable node even if a different board entirely
- plugs in a "close enough" hand for comparison
- -0.09bb
- grimaces, "buncha ****ing toilet regs honestly bruv, like look at a sim for once in your life"
- so anyways chat, I am superior in all male categories and why would I clean my room when I have a wife

that being said, I think I'm enough beyond braindead to know it's played up a bit for the character and ngl it is the most entertaining plo content has been in long time, all the rest of it is either garbage quality play or super boring nitty play trying to shill a course/site

When berri and sanita resume?

by Bondurant k

Yeah you are right. It's just me talking to myself. I apologize for people that didn't want to see this. I am out for now.

I think that every poker player has this kind of mental 'break-down' moments every once in a while (oftentimes, not publicly). Online poker is a tough environment. Regardless, thank you Grazvydas for your contribution to this thread. For me personally, it was both inspiring and insightful (not only poker-wise). Re-iterating theme that great achievements require lots of pain and sacrifice.

On behalf of most readers in here, I wanna say that we appreciate you. Thanks man.

by Mike Femton k

Is there a bunch of deleted messages or is this raving lunatic talking with himself?

We know americans dont get the best education but surely you learn how to read, no?

by belthazorrrrr k

We know americans dont get the best education but surely you learn how to read, no?

you can just say no...

I personally think the spirit of competition can being out the best in the competitors, but also the worst; or perhaps I'm just projecting my own tendencies. And (presumably) bondurant pbb derive a lot of his identity from being a world class PLO reg, and when the SS that EEE posted, which is highly misleading in absence of the context of the wider conversation, that displaces a integral part of Bondurant's perceived identity, should anyone be surprised that he REACTED the way he did? Did he go a step too far? Probably.

If EEE is still keen to play 3h/4h; and Bondurant HU, why not split the volume of the challenge between the two formats where each competitor get to press advantage on their "home turf". You can also incorporate prop bets (3:1 odds) or bb spots into each of the respective formats as well.


I mean if i was as good as grasv i'd probably want some respect put on my name as well considering how much work and effort he probably put into becoming that good..

same reason doctors get so cranky when they are not addressed as Doctor or have that MD in their name

by damian^ k

same reason doctors get so cranky when they are not addressed as Doctor or have that MD in their name

by Bondurant k

Lol just tell me your screen name, so I know what you are talking about.


graz, do you use a hud while playing?

by Slugant k

graz, do you use a hud while playing?

Yes, but not a high priority for me, my player pool is usually ~10 of the same regs and a fish.

I don't think EEE27 is coming back with anything tangible that could make him look smart in this situation.

He got used to me backing down from conversation, because that's the only thing that he likes to do, and not actually come meet me at cards.


after that last hand jasamgale's auto reload failed and he quit that table with womencantdrive having 600bbs :(
They are playing a second table where stacks are more even.


by Bondurant k

I don't think EEE27 is coming back with anything tangible that could make him look smart in this situation.

If you set the bar of looking smart, I think I am among geniuses.

by RevengeTour k

If you set the bar of looking smart, I think I am among geniuses.

I am not only smart, I am rich too.

by Bondurant k

I am not only smart, I am rich too.

How many hours of grind and study do you average per month?

by 7845 k

How many hours of grind and study do you average per month?

I think PLO is slightly slower right now, so if I would full time for next 12 months, I think I would add only like 10% to my BR, or even less. So I think it's around time for me to find something else to do, and maybe rest for a year, and then maybe try to open some businesses, where I wouldn't need to work for an "hourly" rate (even though it's high rate) and where the growth could be more progressive and wouldn't cap out at a certain point.

by Bondurant k

If you are Venividi, just go and write it out, if you have some dissatisfaction with me, go make a separate thread so we can discuss it.

When the vodkas result in your not being able to tell I wasn't quoting you

by Couchsock k

You have been very condescending to me in the past. You’ve berated me on countless occasions. If you can’t take it, don’t give it

Did this mouthbreather ever identify himself ?? Clearly you struck a cord amongst a friend group as a handful of them came in here all butthurt

An organized 3-4 handed match seems like the last thing ppl would agree to. Thats a shitload of trust to have in people that clearly have some relationship. Wild that guy pulled up 5yr old msg's to make it out like you punked out and not reading the rest of the convo where he turns down being offered 3-1 hu.

by The Standard Station k

Did this mouthbreather ever identify himself ?? Clearly you struck a cord amongst a friend group as a handful of them came in here all butthurt

Fins make up a decent portion of the highstakes plo community, I've personnaly only had positive interactions with them through the years.

hahaha all the high stakes PLO guys showing up and fighting, feels like 2008 2p2

by Lemay002 k

Fins make up a decent portion of the highstakes plo community, I've personnaly only had positive interactions with them through the years.

Fins are okey. All I am saying that it would come back full circle of EEE27 telling how good he is at live tables and that he is better. So it's fair for me to call it out.

Him sending a screen shot of me refusing to play 3 handed with Venividi challenge is misleading, because just a few messages before/after he refused an actual hu match for stakes/hands/odds offer. (I couldn't have played Venividi because we were having overlapping coaches at that time, so it wouldn't be fair, and Venividi and all his friends well knew I would be a favorite, so idk why he would even sign up for that)
