Seeking playtesters: Awesome new No Limit game

Seeking playtesters: Awesome new No Limit game

Hello everyone,

I'm looking for players who want to try out during a cash game and review here a new NL poker variant.

1. Super simple rules (graphic below)
2. Math probability 100% correct (identical to Texas Hold'em)
3. Pretty much infinite number of possible card combinations and hand scenarios

I believe it's a big game with great strategic potential which can be a real competition vs NLHE and PLO.

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12 March 2025 at 10:45 AM

30 Replies


Making this was torture, but I hope it helps 😀 :

by rubixxcube k

See this is the problem. You're refusing to clearly explain the rules to us. You say early position gets to choose the cards/slots that are activated. What does that mean? If you and I are heads up and you're first to act and you replace a card in slot 1, does that mean I can only replace the card you put in slot one or can I replace a card in slot 3?

Key details like this are quite important to understanding how the game is played.

From what you have said if I can make the nut hand using the

There are not "two permanent board cards". Each round of replacement only three cards on the board can be replaced but on round 1 it can be cards 1,, 2, and 3 and on the second round cards 3, 4, and 5 . In theory if during a round players only changed one slot 4 board cards are not replaced that round. Assuming I correctly understand the rules.

by Polarbear1955 k

There are not "two permanent board cards". Each round of replacement only three cards on the board can be replaced but on round 1 it can be cards 1,, 2, and 3 and on the second round cards 3, 4, and 5 . In theory if during a round players only changed one slot 4 board cards are not replaced that round. Assuming I correctly understand the rules.

No, no. There ARE "Two permanent board cards". Although you don't know which those will be until all 3 slots are activated. Check out both graphics I made (post #1 and post #26). They will both help you understand the rules.

“He built the wall so he knows every detail of the wall so that’s why he can ZOOM from one side to the other.”

6 handed plays like holdem.

Why not discard 1pre 1post and 1 turn leaving us with a 2 card NL hand.

I replace a board card make the nuts and someone’s like naw. 3s=4 hearts now.

This game seems like a fever dream I have as a dealer

by ITryDeuces k

Making this was torture, but I hope it helps 😀 :

Making this image was torture yet you think you’re gonna be able to launch this as the next big poker game?

The image did make it understandable but it’s still too complicated and more importantly too slow to catch on, you’ll be lucky to get 15 hands an hour live

by TheCake k

I replace a board card make the nuts and someone’s like naw. 3s=4 hearts now.

It's the same thing as having temporary nuts on the flop in NLHE - turn and river can change that into a losing hand. You should look at it as if it was some kind of a draw, it may be successful and may be not. All your hole cards should be ready (connected) for alternative scenarios if you want your hand to be really strong.

by Dilly_ k

Making this image was torture yet you think you’re gonna be able to launch this as the next big poker game?

The image did make it understandable but it’s still too complicated and more importantly too slow to catch on, you’ll be lucky to get 15 hands an hour live

It was torture because I had to simultaneously think about the graphic design and poker strategy. I tried to keep that hand scenario likely to happen in real life like if it was 2 good players playing. Plus, I had to watch carefully to not make any mistakes. It was really difficult. But I'm glad it made things more clear.

The game will be really difficult to master, so I think only beginners will play very slowly live, good players should play it normally. Maybe + a few seconds for each move.
