Seeking playtesters: Awesome new No Limit game

Seeking playtesters: Awesome new No Limit game

Hello everyone,

I'm looking for players who want to try out during a cash game and review here a new NL poker variant.

1. Super simple rules (graphic below)
2. Math probability 100% correct (identical to Texas Hold'em)
3. Pretty much infinite number of possible card combinations and hand scenarios

I believe it's a big game with great strategic potential which can be a real competition vs NLHE and PLO.

) 11 Views 11
12 March 2025 at 10:45 AM

53 Replies


This shows how much I want to play this game 😀

Even your memes don’t make any sense.

by jjjou812 k

Even your memes don’t make any sense.

It works as a meme only through the vertical axis. Through the horizontal axis, it becomes a coded message then.

And aesthetically it contains balance, harmony and peace. I created this as something to chill out and stare at, because lately I'm in this "gold rush" state of mind as you've probably already noticed.

There's obviously a lot more to win than to lose if you decide to be a playtester of NL TSP:

(+) Good scenario
You could win some $$$ at the table
You could become a part of poker history
TSP could become your favorite game
You could have a new subject to study

(-) Bad scenario
You could lose some $$$ at the table
You could waste your time
You could feel being deceived by a troll
You could lose some trust for your risk instinct
