I wanted to post something Survivor related but realized there's no general thread about Survivor. Each thread is about a particular season or votes for hottest, best, etc.
Given that who knows when/if the show will come back, here's a general thread to post all things Survivor.
I won't ruin the OP with my content post, so it will come next.
Enjoy and come on in guys!
Yeah, I agree that Australian survivor is top tier. My only knock would be possible game manipulation by the producers. A top fan favorite player getting voted out? Suddenly a vote out is a tribe swap or redemption island. idk, seems fishy sometimes.
The ones I've rewatched I had seen before. A couple of them I couldn't remember who won. 😂 The ones that I knew were still fun to watch. My wife either hadn't seen them or saw random episodes from a few seasons. Going back to the beginning I saw season 1 but didn't start watching again until probably season 4 or 5. I've never seen Australian Survivor so I'm going to give that a try at some point. I assume it's streaming.
I'm closing in on the end of the first season. Not the first first season, but the first season when it restarted in 2016. What has to be the dumbest player ever wins? Not sure if I can continue if following seasons are that bad. Or maybe she's great and I'm the dumb one?
Looks like they need more old white guys, it might be time to start applying
Boston Rob is doing interesting things in the 3rd season of The Traitor
Carolyn Wiger from season 44? is also on the show
When will a white man next win?
Over/under season 56
I'm closing in on the end of the first season. Not the first first season, but the first season when it restarted in 2016. What has to be the dumbest player ever wins? Not sure if I can continue if following seasons are that bad. Or maybe she's great and I'm the dumb one?
I guess I see why she won. She absolutely crushed Final Tribal, but damn, they made her look so bad in season.
I guess I see why she won. She absolutely crushed Final Tribal, but damn, they made her look so bad in season.
Your post makes it sound like you were spoiled on the result before you saw it…sorry to hear I guess…I remember being really pleasantly surprised when I saw it.
IIRC that result had as much to do with Lee botching FTC as Kristie crushing it. Lee gave off very S23 Coach vibes - just didn’t own his game and jurors didn’t want to hear about integrity/loyalty.
The next Aussie season is solid.
I was only spoiled because with 4 left I just couldn't handle watching her and googled Kristi worst survivor ever, lol. Thanks for the info on the next season, will continue on I guess.
Edit: Added spoiler tags even though it's 9 years old, lol
If you have not yet got into Traitors on Peacock, let me be the 6th or 7th person ITT to recommend it. Great show. It's essentially a live action game of Werewolf with reality stars.
The Challenge 41 cast flying out today.
Rumours that Kellie from S45 will be on along with a new era pre merger the leak had 'forgot' about. So some of the names flying around are Sarah S44, Maddy S44, and Jem S46
That sounds awful. They should do like BB and sell access to full time camera feeds.
So season 50 is when they officially jump the shark then.
What happened to the game I love
Do we really believe that what fans vote for will actually be implemented?
I'm still not convinced Woo legitimately received more votes than Shane for S31. /tin-foil
Trying to think of locks.
I do not have the encyclopedic knowledge of these idiots that some of you do.
I’m thinking Christian is one.
Shan seems like one for me. And I’m out.
Tyson seems like he’d be asked. Idk what his position on going back is.
Evvie seems like one for intersectionality. Unclear if she has a real job or not. She hasn’t sold out and done the other shows which I think they like
Trying to think of locks.
I do not have the encyclopedic knowledge of these idiots that some of you do.
I’m thinking Christian is one.
Shan seems like one for me. And I’m out.
Tyson seems like he’d be asked. Idk what his position on going back is.
Evvie seems like one for intersectionality. Unclear if she has a real job or not. She hasn’t sold out and done the other shows which I think they like
Christian - Top 3 biggest locks on the board I think now he has tenure
Shan - May have fallen out with production. Can see 41 being ignored completely
Carolyn - Will be a lock unless if they are still butt hurt about her going on the Traitors
Tyson - Heard he doesn't want to play again
Evvie - See above on ignoring 41
Biggest locks I have are Christian, Q and Andy
Outside of that probably about 60-70 in the frame fighting for 17 spots
I vote for season 1 style no twists. Is that on the menu?