65s on BTN, 3 ways postflop BTN v SB v BB

65s on BTN, 3 ways postflop BTN v SB v BB

flop: maybe this is too loose on a multiway flop? i would think less than half pot donk is pretty weak but im never sure. esp multiway maybe it can be stronger.
turn: it seems like fish don't mix many top pair hands into their bet flop x turn line. Usually on an offsuit card i bet 1/3 but when turn brings a FD i bluff a larger size.
River: mandatory bluff here with the lowest SDV hand that unblocks FD's? Villian is tagged as a fish but he's not playing tons of hands 23.5/0 over 18 hands. If he was looser i would probably give up here.

NL Holdem 0.1(BB)
HERO (141.3BBs) [VPIP: 21.1% | PFR: 17.9% | AGG: 38.6% | Flop Agg: 45.7% | Turn Agg: 38.3% | River Agg: 31.6% | 3Bet: 8.7% | 4Bet: 10.6% | Hands: 76568]
SB (89.9BBs) [VPIP: 23.5% | PFR: 0% | AGG: 20% | Flop Agg: 25% | Turn Agg: 0% | River Agg: 50% | 3Bet: 0% | 4Bet: 0% | Cold Call: 44.4% | Hands: 18]
BB (344.2BBs) [VPIP: 42.1% | PFR: 31.6% | AGG: 42.1% | Flop Agg: 44.4% | Turn Agg: 25% | River Agg: 100% | 3Bet: 12.5% | 4Bet: 66.7% | Cold Call: 25% | Hands: 20]

Dealt to Hero: 5 6

HERO Raises To 2.5BBs, SB Calls 2BBs, BB Calls 1.5BBs

Hero SPR on Flop: [11.65 effective]
Flop (7.5BBs): Q 7 T
SB Bets 3BBs (Rem. Stack: 84.4BBs), BB Folds, HERO Calls 3BBs (Rem. Stack: 135.8BBs)

Turn (13.5BBs): Q 7 T Q
SB Checks, HERO Bets 8.6BBs (Rem. Stack: 127.2BBs), SB Calls 8.6BBs (Rem. Stack: 75.8BBs)

River (30.7BBs): Q 7 T Q 4
SB Checks, HERO Bets 19.6BBs (Rem. Stack: 107.6BBs)

19 March 2024 at 04:33 AM

3 Replies

Would fold flop even HU, 65s is pretty close to garbage on this board. I would consider it more of a lead than donk and think they're bluffing a less.

Turn bet seems good, maybe even a lot better than checking back. Generally checking ranges after donks aren't protected.

River yeah you have good properties to bluff and it seems like a decent enough spot. It's interesting you say you'd give up if they were looser, I would think that means they end up with more garbage that can't call river and you're actually more incentivized to bluff.

by TripleBerryJam k

Would fold flop even HU, 65s is pretty close to garbage on this board. I would consider it more of a lead than donk and think they're bluffing a less.

Turn bet seems good, maybe even a lot better than checking back. Generally checking ranges after donks aren't protected.

River yeah you have good properties to bluff and it seems like a decent enough spot. It's interesting you say you'd give up if they were looser, I would think that means they end up with more garbage that can't call river and you'

I feel like whales with 40-50+ vpip don't fold rivers after calling turns, but I don't have data to back this up. My default strat is to not bluff many rivers vs whales. On the flop IP heads up vs small bets I usually call with a lot of my bdfd but maybe I should let the smaller ones go?

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Fold on the flop.

As you correctly noted, fish rarely fold rivers, especially blank ones. So I would avoid bluffing on this river.
