JJ OOP in a 3b pot vs raise
Winning Poker, Hold'em No Limit - $0.01/$0.02 - 5 players
Hand delivered by Pokeit
UTG: $2.03 (102 bb)
CO: $2.05 (103 bb)
BU: $2.23 (112 bb)
SB: $4.33 (217 bb)
BB (Hero): $3.22 (161 bb)
Pre-Flop: ($0.03) Hero is BB with J♣ J♦
1 fold, CO raises to $0.05, 2 players fold, Hero 3-bets to $0.24, CO calls $0.19
Flop: ($0.49) 6♠ 2♥ 9♦ (2 players)
Hero bets $0.12, CO raises to $0.30, Hero calls $0.18
Turn: ($1.09) Q♥ (2 players)
Hero checks, CO bets $0.27, Hero calls $0.27
River: ($1.63) K♥ (2 players)
Not sure if i should check flop, especially w JJ as opposed to AA KK QQ. Idk what the raise represents besides sets or complete air. Theoretically, lower pairs and 87s are in the opponents range with some frequency, but realistically im not sure he would do that. I am very wary of the aggression (i had the villain as a weak/passive player postflop), but could i really fold here (raising with my overpair havent crossed my mind during the hand)? Same for the quarter pot bet on the turn. River completes a backdoor flush and brings another overcard. Villain probably doesnt have KK, QQ or AK, but im not sure i could get lower sets to fold anyways. Do i just check fold here?
16 Replies
In theory you should never cbet 1/3pot here, you are supposed to have a polar range with some trash and some strong hands, and villain is supposed to fold 22, 66 and even 99 preflop at some frequency (for 99 I have a big doubt). I think many people use 1/2pot or check, I use 2/3 pot or check.
As played I would just 3bet flop, there is no card we really want to see on the turn.
x/c against smaller sizes like 25-50% pot. Bigger than that you can probably fold.
Why cbet 1/4 pot on 962r ? I think its a case of try to get money in asap. What do you rly get value from with the 1/4 pot bet that you don't with a bigger 2/3 pot bet? Pairs will call anyway . Hands like KQs or AQ might call the 1/4 pot but do you rly want that to happen?
In 3bp you can cbet all overpairs very often as long as V doesn't have higher PP's in their range. So in this case BBvCO beting JJ often is good. In tighter positions you can start checking hands like TT & JJ and bet higher OPs more often. What comes to flop sizing I agree with others that you should bet bigger, like 2/3 or 3/4. You want to pile in money fast when there are very few turn & river cards that that rob equity from overpairs. This means that you should bet at bit smaller on two-tone flops because more than 1/4th of the deck will rob a lot of equity from overpairs where you need to start playing more checks and have to fold turns & rivers at some frequency.
As played I think villain can raise flop and bet turn with worse sometimes, so probably not folding turn. OTR vs any normal size bet I don't think calling is good. What are villains natural bluff candidates? Vs someone that likely has low SC's in their opening and 3b calling range and is on the aggressive side, calling river might be OK imo
For some reason the thought of just b-3b on the flop didnt even cross my mind until after the hand, and even after i wrote the post (i edited it in). Its like it wasnt even an option. Maybe i was afraid of calling down a guy who i had as weak passive and being wrong as i always do.
You guys are right, i should have probably cbet bigger and 3b if raised. A learning moment for me i guess. Thanks all.
I called a small bet, villain had KQo.
Isn't betting 1/3 pretty standard on dry fliops like these? I know this is 1/4 in this hand but just thinking
9 high flops that aren't straights/too connected we can get away with range betting usually, it's not really a mistake. But also usually a solver will funnel polarisation into vulnerable OPs like here for protection/value.
I'd be pretty wary if they raised a big cbet on a bone dry board like this. Would need a decent read (or QQ+) to gii
What is the V Raise flop range ?
Overcards, like BW?
I'm putting him in sets (9 or 6) or QQ-TT, nothing else. Is it too conservative?
What is the V Raise flop range ?
Overcards, like BW?
I'm putting him in sets (9 or 6) or QQ-TT, nothing else. Is it too conservative?
Well, the actual result is in the thread and you can look at it. I think depending on the player (i dont remember what kind of a player i played this against) you could expect 87s, lower pairs or overcards (maybe with backdoor flush draws) as well.