AQ, Vill 3Bets pre and flop, TPTK

AQ, Vill 3Bets pre and flop, TPTK

90bb deep

Hero raises AQo from UTG to 3.5bb
BTN calls
SB min 3bets to 6bb
Hero calls
BTN Calls

Flop is Q62 two tone

SB bets 6bb ( third pot)
Hero raises to 22bb
SB Jams 85bb.

I was getting 31% odds to call IIRC.

Ran the ranges in pokerstove and I was getting 20% vs a likely range 25% against a lose range, and 30% with bluffs. Close to 0% eq at best pre-rake. Also a lot of added variance, wouldn't take it even if slightly above equity post rake (1%)

Villain had KK.

Additionally the raise wasn't great, but it was a hand with weird sizes, I don't want to get too deep into that, as I believe ranging my opponent and folding vs that shove is an easier leak to fix than bet sizings which is a hard topic.

Another solution to my overall game in this spot would be being one move ahead and thinking of my bet sizing and what I would do if opponent raises, but that is very hard as well, especially mid-game where you don't know you are about to stack off. But I really should be thinking a couple of steps ahead.

To clarify the thought process that I did have, the bet sizing of vill was kind of small, especially preflop, and there was a player behind to act, I kind of wanted to protect my hand vs draws (I know realize there weren't really any straight draws, and the flush draw isn't enough of a reason to end action. can't be scared to play, additionally my pair is v high, only downgrades with king turns). I figured my raise was closer to a donk bet, where I steal the aggression and set a higher bet size, not sure if that makes sense.

So my take is: call flop, if raise, size a bit lower. Fold vs jam like 75% (keep some calls to protect vs bluffs.

I do think there's AKs here, but it's only 1 combo and it doesn't push the equity above 30%. That brings me to villain's range: AA,KK,QQ,AKs,AQ, some AK bluffs (1 or 2 combos worth, let's say 2, with the backdoor flush), that's it pretty much, there's also the mirage of KQ, but I don't think I should play a GTO strategy assuming KQ here, rather play assuming a good player that calls KQ here, and let the fish exploit themselves with that kind of plays.

Not everything needs to be exploited.

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07 January 2025 at 09:00 AM

3 Replies

So... I'm not a pro, but a few comments...
1- you are all technical, gto, range percentages, etc, against a moron that mini squeezes from sb... unless you have a read, his likely range is everything.
2- that being said, I really don't like the flop raise. The flop is dry. Very dry. Except for the flush draw, nothing there. Why raise to fold all his bluffs, scare all his qt bullshit that will value bet himself three streets? There is also the other caller here full of QJ, QT, KQ... just call and be happy. Play carefully if the flush completes or a K shows up (12 cards), but apart from that, collect money from everything else that he will bet turn.
3- now the he shoved... ugh.. don't know the stakes you are playing, but against a nl25 fish I can say he has it. They over bluff when you show weakness, but when they shove vs strength they are not joking. The good/bad thing for you is that you beat a lot of his value. Kq, chopping aq, QJ (YEAH, ive seen donkeys value shove QJ here...). You are feeling bad but considering you are only losing to aa, kk, q6 (why not?), 66, 22... you gotta call this. I would happily fold KQ, but with aq you should have enough for a call.

by EuropeanNagapie k

So... I'm not a pro, but a few comments...
1- you are all technical, gto, range percentages, etc, against a moron that mini squeezes from sb... unless you have a read, his likely range is everything.
2- that being said, I really don't like the flop raise. The flop is dry. Very dry. Except for the flush draw, nothing there. Why raise to fold all his bluffs, scare all his qt bullshit that will value bet himself three streets There is also the other caller here full of QJ, QT, KQ... just call and b

1. Fish still get aces, kings and queens. He had kings btw.

2. Stakes are NL2
Agree with calling and not being scared.
Don't think qx is there, such a wide 3b range would have been noticeable and I would have made a note of their preflop stats.

stats at the moment of the hand were 23%pfr and 5% 3bet over 92 hands
100%cbet 15/15

★ Recommended Post

Does this count as a WA/WB scenario? In this case it is probably better to c/c flop and see if turn drops K or flush
