Variance 214K hands - 6max NL2-NL10
What do you think about my variance (NL2-NL10 6max)?
I'm bit disapointed with how the variance is shaping, the difference is around 3500bb.
What's your difference? How do you deal with downswings?
Maybe you have any ideas on how to fix the gameplay to avoid a variance of this magnitude?

1 Reply
I don't think you can really fix the gameplay ... It's poker, there is variance involved. 35BI variance over this sample isn't even that much. Next year the lines will be reversed probably.
Also the goal should be to make the best decisions. Sometimes the best EV decision will be heavy variance, but it's still going to be high EV. What I'm trying to say is that if you purposely try to reduce variance you'll also likely reduce your EV and the result will be worse.
Finally, not sure if you ever played with primedope variance calculator, but I'll leave the link here in case you didn't
As for dealing with downswings, the best advice I can give is to focus on the things you can control : Playing well, putting in the hours of study and play, review your hands etc., and trust that if the process is right the results will eventually come. Congratulate yourself for everything you do well even if sometimes the results are not concludent. That's poker, and what will separate the best from the rest is the way they handle the bad times and bad variance, not reducing it.
Hope this helps.