Nima Jooyandeh is a scammer and a thief

Nima Jooyandeh is a scammer and a thief

mod note: This post is a cliffnotes of the actions of Nima Jooyandeh on these and other forums.

Nima Jooyandeh, who also goes by "the bay area beast" (and dozens of other names over a 10+ year history posting on the internet on various sites) stole $14,500 from poster Fubster. He has repaid $10,000 of it so far.

Some of the circumstances of the theft include taking sports bets from him acting as both a middleman for another bookie, and acting directly as a bookie himself. Stealing winnings paid out by other bookie, and scamming Fubster by not paying out the winnings from bets he booked himself after previously collecting money from losing bets that he had booked for Fubster. He also attempted to vehemently deny being the actual bet taker, and instead used a fake name of an alleged associate, who it was discovered was a fake persona used to steal (by having this fake bookie "disappear" during California wild fires).

In addition to that, here are other activities this person has participated in that have been admitted to by him on this forum, or have links posted to him being caught on other forums

1. Tried to start a book with poster HIV. Owes poster HIV ~$5K and is paying him back at a rate of $5/week.

2. Ran bets/money for Fubs.

3. Ran his own book and took bets/money as fake identity Sterling.

4. Stiffed Fub for $6k+ as Sterling.

5. Stiffed iceminers on SBR $500. Created fake identity to defend himself etc.

6. Stiffed a guy for $800 or $1000 on Rxforum.

7. Has had many accounts banned on Pickmonitor.

He spent many years pretending to be a sports tout and often started subscription services to sports picks. These subscriptions always flamed out as soon as he hit a losing streak. He would often claim things like "100% guaranteed winning picks", and "complete transparency".

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30 November 2015 at 07:33 PM

403 Replies


by LKJ k

And your takeaway is that this is about the behavior of others.

I mean, it's beyond blaming. It just it. 500 million people on reddit gonna stop doing that **** whether i think they're wrong or not.

i was sincerely asking how to modify my own behavior. 'let them win and stop talking' is one but i really dislike that. **** letting the mob when because they got numbers.

Oh it was a piece of something. That’s for certain. Didn’t smell like art though.

eth, what is it that you want?

by ethbtc88 k

What is the non-troll/attention whore way to handle someone attacking you?

the correct, beastly way is to strike back with a funny and creative alliterative allegation and a meme image with two sets of tags. beeyoft

by rickroll k

eth, what is it that you want?

i want this ambien to put me to sleep instead of making me want to write like modern day shakespear with typos

aside from that, i would like som clear code of conduct. the fact that i'm asking what the community wants from me shows i'm willing to be reasonable and try. but the rules are contradictor and absurd and hypocritical. all roads like to '**** off and go away' - that's the only thing which will cause people to leave me alone.

and even then they don't. i have taken breaks and they continue talking **** about me.

if i come back and defend myself, i get criticized for being an attention whorse.

none of you would be ok with rules like that placed upon you. it's absurd.

in mai humble opinion, a minority opinion isnt a bad thing. when you see a minority opinion, the idea isn't to throw a roap around its neck and hang it from a tree. minority opinions are good in a lo to fways but the big one is when they are right. you lynch all the monirity opinion right people and you're gonna be left with nothing but a bunch of midbrain mods.
and psychfants and spammers.

oh...maybe that happeend 5 years ago.

by ethbtc88 k

i want this ambien to put me to sleep instead of making me want to write like modern day shakespear with typos

aside from that, i would like som clear code of conduct. the fact that i'm asking what the community wants from me shows i'm willing to be reasonable and try. but the rules are contradictor and absurd and hypocritical. all roads like to '**** off and go away' - that's the only thing which will cause people to leave me alone.

and even then they don't. i have taken breaks and they continue

less word salad

i have read all this twice and still have no idea what you want

let's try again but perhaps in the morning

in one sentence for each

1. why are you posting? - ie what are you trying to gain from posting here

2. what response are you hoping to get that has not come forth?

you've never been clear on any of these, i think if we understood this then we could begin to have an actual discussion

by All-inMcLovin k

Oh it was a piece of something. That’s for certain. Didn’t smell like art though.

What month are you guys having Oktoberfest this year?

by rickroll k


1. why are you posting? - ie what are you trying to gain from posting here

2. what response are you hoping to get that has not come forth?

Why are you sasking?

Sounds like your goal here is to talk me into not posting. That isn't gonna happen so let's skip it.

"They just watn to silence me"

"Let's have a talk hre, why do you even post here? Why don't you stop posting"'

Ya you really proved me wrong.

That's what the mob wants. That's what every mob wants. A lynching. They don't want peace, they don't want to work it out. They want their enemy in the ground.

A bease has been lynched.

Now they want to lynch me simply for sticking up for him. What a grave crime, having a different opinion because I grew up with the ****ing guy.. Lynch me anyway.

Nobody believes you're in this thread in good faith. The fact that you've been given advice many times already, and you're now DEMANDING people coach you, to me proves it. You're just trolling, and weakly so.

by ethbtc88 k

Why are you sasking?

Sounds like your goal here is to talk me into not posting. That isn't gonna happen so let's skip it.

pretty weird response to two very basic questions

you rant and ramble incoherently and i'm trying to figure out what your goals are and why you're upset, it's pretty simple

leaning heavily now with the others that you're intentionally obfuscating here and just trolling

Perhaps it’s time for another intervention bitcoin non-buddy.

Edit: for those who dont know he posted terribly in the SE Forum. I moderated him justly and he started an ATF thread asking for intervention where I verbally and explicitly checkmated him. If you read it I suggest making some popcorn to enjoy the experience.

by Neil S k

Nobody believes you're in this thread in good faith. The fact that you've been given advice many times already, and you're now DEMANDING people coach you, to me proves it. You're just trolling, and weakly so.


this is the internet, we ask strangers questions. i didn't demand anything and if i were ignored or told to get bent, i'd have understood that.

by rickroll k

pretty weird response to two very basic questions

i post in this thread because i love 2+2. if i said much more than that, it would reveal who i am. the topic is trying to hep my friend, but i wouldn't do this on some random forum that didn't have such a huge a deep place in my heart.

i don't care who you are

you've been incoherently complaining, i'm trying to help out and understand what it is you are upset about

but instead you just troll away and blame your incoherence on drugs

by rickroll k

i'm trying to help out and understand what it is you are upset about

These guys have spent 10+ years trying to ruin my friends life. That's what i'm upset about.

But there is no help you can offer because they are not going to change your minds. Nor am I going to stop being upset about that.

ok so now i know why you're posting here

what different kind of response would you like from them?

We’re truly starved for a court jester when we’re giving this replacement-level clown this level of engagement.

by rickroll k

ok so now i know why you're posting here

what different kind of response would you like from them?

you're either dim or you're leading up to what i already replied to: you're gonna tell me in some form to go away. for my response to that, scroll back.


Would you say that a good defense is to say that you were "just kidding"?


How in the wide wide world of sports have we ignored "the Persian Pounder" mention?
That's gold, Jerry!!!
I think that it was his 3rd grade math teacher that gave him that name...

The Persian Pounder could be an item at Nima's future (highly successful) Saffron Chicken restaurant, with an entire pound of an elite Persian meat!
