Nima Jooyandeh is a scammer and a thief

Nima Jooyandeh is a scammer and a thief

mod note: This post is a cliffnotes of the actions of Nima Jooyandeh on these and other forums.

Nima Jooyandeh, who also goes by "the bay area beast" (and dozens of other names over a 10+ year history posting on the internet on various sites) stole $14,500 from poster Fubster. He has repaid $10,000 of it so far.

Some of the circumstances of the theft include taking sports bets from him acting as both a middleman for another bookie, and acting directly as a bookie himself. Stealing winnings paid out by other bookie, and scamming Fubster by not paying out the winnings from bets he booked himself after previously collecting money from losing bets that he had booked for Fubster. He also attempted to vehemently deny being the actual bet taker, and instead used a fake name of an alleged associate, who it was discovered was a fake persona used to steal (by having this fake bookie "disappear" during California wild fires).

In addition to that, here are other activities this person has participated in that have been admitted to by him on this forum, or have links posted to him being caught on other forums

1. Tried to start a book with poster HIV. Owes poster HIV ~$5K and is paying him back at a rate of $5/week.

2. Ran bets/money for Fubs.

3. Ran his own book and took bets/money as fake identity Sterling.

4. Stiffed Fub for $6k+ as Sterling.

5. Stiffed iceminers on SBR $500. Created fake identity to defend himself etc.

6. Stiffed a guy for $800 or $1000 on Rxforum.

7. Has had many accounts banned on Pickmonitor.

He spent many years pretending to be a sports tout and often started subscription services to sports picks. These subscriptions always flamed out as soon as he hit a losing streak. He would often claim things like "100% guaranteed winning picks", and "complete transparency".

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30 November 2015 at 07:33 PM

403 Replies


Good job beast, KEEP IT UP.

Good for him. Real change. Owning it.

by Alpha Fish k

it's obviously an impostor

a true Giants fan wouldn't be caught dead wearing Yankees hat

I agree, definitely a cheapfake

all jokes aside, good on a beast for staying sober.

by MastaAces k

all jokes aside, good on a beast for staying sober.

this, we're all on team beast

by rickroll k

a beast looks suave with salt and pepper


by rickroll k

this, we're all on team beast

Yep! Beast keep up the great work. I'm rooting for you!

I appreciated the brief history of Racer 5.

What do we think is the most likely source of his living funds? Mooching off HIV/whoever that guy is in his videos, mooching off Tdad, successfully cappin'? No way he's ubering in Brazil, right? Or has ANY sort of job?

Took a cashout from Tdad and moved to a low cost of living country.

by Neil S k

Took a cashout from Tdad and moved to a low cost of living country.

Yeah, obviously this. The same money stretched further.

Plus all the money he would spend on alcohol is reinvested into something like NimaCoin.

Nima didn't retire to Thailand?

Giants’ Blake Snell threw a no hitter tonight!

Somewhere a Bay Area Beast is smiling and drinking a celebratory non-alcoholic beer.

I am just rereading the my job is driving me nuts thread and in retrospect are even funnier than back in the day.

the only people defending babs at this point are hiv and fubster.

who are both just angling for beasts action and that sweet tdad bail out money.

What ever happened to fubster? he ended up scamming some people himself or something like that, right?

Is it confirmed that HIV is the guy hanging with a beast in Brazil?

Man there is too many characters in this tragic comedy.

I thought he hangs with Degen. Wasn't that also the dude he banged lady boys in Thailand with?


We also never got the full backstory about Degen trying to kill him in Thailand.

babs if you are out there reading this. You never delivered on the Degen story.

The people demand to know why your bromance turned sour in Thailand. Did you fall in love with the same ladyboy and fought over him?


I was actually considering using her.

Arent ladyboys usually pretty open about being dudes so him is correct to use?

Beats me. I guess you'd have to ask each one individually. Maybe we should just base pronouns on your shoes from now on. You want to be called she/her you gotta wear women's shoes. You want to be called he/him you gotta wear men's shoes. They/them, you gotta wear more than 2 shoes.

ladyboys do not call themselves women

hence why they have boy in the name

only in the west do we believe people with gender dysphoria are the gender of their choice

in asia, where it is far more common and far more open and accepted (there are ladyboy politicians in thailand) they are just dudes who are so feminine they prefer to appear the way they act

no ladyboy in asia will ever say "i'm a woman" it's always "i'm a ladyboy"

but having said that, it would still be a she, despite that they acknowledge they are dudes - they didn't get implants to be called he

they are also out in the open about it, there's no "secrets" or anything out there, just to ensure that there's no confusion, they'll often find innocuous ways to point out they are ladyboys asap - and will respond to a "hey can i play winner in pool?" with "of course but you better be ready to lose to a ladyboy"

so literally all those stories of "oh man we were in thailand and joe took this beautiful woman back to his hotel and then discovered she was a ladyboy and told her to leave"

no, that's not what happened at all, joe knew all along what the deal was and wanted plausible deniability so made up that story that he didn't know and then instead of banging and then she left after getting paid "he just had a few drinks at the hotel room, then found out and asked her leave"

spend enough time traveling asia, you'll hear constant close encounter stories with ladyboys and rarely hear about an actual encounter, yet oddly there's ladyboy sex workers everywhere, wonder why there are so many when they clearly can never get business 😀

extremely different perspective to the point where many in the west claim that ladyboy is a pejorative and would even call all ladyboys transphobic because they believe themselves to be men who prefer to live as women rather than women born with the wrong physical gender - much like how tranny is now considered a bad word by some despite rupaul has a song called "tranny chaser" just a decade ago before the left decided that word too is bad - which is the equivalent of saying "jew is a bad word and you must always say jewish"

by marknfw k

Beats me. I guess you'd have to ask each one individually. Maybe we should just base pronouns on your shoes from now on. You want to be called she/her you gotta wear women's shoes. You want to be called he/him you gotta wear men's shoes. They/them, you gotta wear more than 2 shoes.

the **** is going to hit the fan once people start calling nonbinaries for "goodie two shoes".

nonbinaries go barefoot?

Someone is channeling their inner Beast
