Nima Jooyandeh is a scammer and a thief

Nima Jooyandeh is a scammer and a thief

mod note: This post is a cliffnotes of the actions of Nima Jooyandeh on these and other forums.

Nima Jooyandeh, who also goes by "the bay area beast" (and dozens of other names over a 10+ year history posting on the internet on various sites) stole $14,500 from poster Fubster. He has repaid $10,000 of it so far.

Some of the circumstances of the theft include taking sports bets from him acting as both a middleman for another bookie, and acting directly as a bookie himself. Stealing winnings paid out by other bookie, and scamming Fubster by not paying out the winnings from bets he booked himself after previously collecting money from losing bets that he had booked for Fubster. He also attempted to vehemently deny being the actual bet taker, and instead used a fake name of an alleged associate, who it was discovered was a fake persona used to steal (by having this fake bookie "disappear" during California wild fires).

In addition to that, here are other activities this person has participated in that have been admitted to by him on this forum, or have links posted to him being caught on other forums

1. Tried to start a book with poster HIV. Owes poster HIV ~$5K and is paying him back at a rate of $5/week.

2. Ran bets/money for Fubs.

3. Ran his own book and took bets/money as fake identity Sterling.

4. Stiffed Fub for $6k+ as Sterling.

5. Stiffed iceminers on SBR $500. Created fake identity to defend himself etc.

6. Stiffed a guy for $800 or $1000 on Rxforum.

7. Has had many accounts banned on Pickmonitor.

He spent many years pretending to be a sports tout and often started subscription services to sports picks. These subscriptions always flamed out as soon as he hit a losing streak. He would often claim things like "100% guaranteed winning picks", and "complete transparency".

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30 November 2015 at 07:33 PM

403 Replies


by ethbtc88 k

It's clear as day what happened. Nima came in being arrogant and brash and a bunch of LKJ's went at him over a year or more and finally he snapped.

Does that make it all his fault? Is everything the fault of the person who snapped?

Not in my opinion. The people who antagonized him share blame. LKJ has a lot of blame in this thread for deliberately antagonizing me.

If you line everything I've said to him up against everything he's said to me, no reasonable judge would conclude that my words have been the harsher ones. And yet for some reason I haven't snapped and acted like a lunatic in response. Funny how agency and accountability works.

by ethbtc88 k

only if we get to pick isolated real life events from your life, have them written here in biased and inaccurate ways, and then unilaterally decide who you are as a human being.

bonus round: we ban you, so you can't defend yourself. and then have the mob gang up on anybody who ever defends you.

I said en quote:

Originally Posted by All-inMcLovin [IMG]

What about real life events that were shared by him/others itt? Are those fair game?

Okay let's limit it exclusively to real life events that Nima shared himself in his own words. Are those fair game?

by Garick k

He may, or may not be HIV, IDK.

HIV is a crypto obsessed multiple banned 2+2 poster born in 1988

what are the odds that nima has two crypto obsessed multiple banned 2+2 posters born in 1988 in his orbit

To be fair Nima's orbit encompasses all seven of Saturn's moons.

by BOIDS k

HIV is a crypto obsessed multiple banned 2+2 poster born in 1988

what are the odds that nima has two crypto obsessed multiple banned 2+2 posters born in 1988 in his orbit

lol that is one helluva coincidence.

i wasn't born in 1988 though, that would make me about 8 years younger than nima and we are the same age.

88 is due to 8's being lucky in china.

by All-inMcLovin k

I said en quote:

Originally Posted by All-inMcLovin [IMG]

Okay let's limit it exclusively to real life events that Nima shared himself in his own words. Are those fair game?

Fair game for deciding who someone is as a human being? No. No words typed into a message board are sufficient for that, regardless of what those words are or who typed them.

Reddit preaches that people should 'remember the human'. People on Reddit aren't great at this, it's probably why Reddit says it so much. But it's an awesome principle to live by on the internet. There are actual human beings behind all these words and avatars. And whatever you think you know about them is just a tiny sliver of who they actually are.

You guys are completely forgetting the human here. He's just some charicature to you. You have this narrowly defined negative view of who he is and you refuse to accept there is any more to him than that, or that any part of what you believe is wrong.

Do you believe that he scammed and stole from fubster? The human him, not the online him.

Do you believe that Sterling Korb was a real person, lost in the fires of Santa Rosa?

Yeah we've all heard the "I was just kidding" defense.

by ethbtc88 k

This is victim blaming.

If the victim responds by doing bad things, then both sides are at fault. Which was what I was attempting to convey with the cop analogy.

You are incorrectly labeling Nima as a victim. He is not. He is an instigator. Also, everyone is responsible for their own actions. There is no "they made me do it".

by marknfw k

Do you believe that Sterling Korb was a real person, lost in the fires of Santa Rosa?


by ethbtc88 k

Fair game for deciding who someone is as a human being? No. No words typed into a message board are sufficient for that, regardless of what those words are or who typed them.

Yeah, I can't imagine where I got the idea that you took so much umbrage to, that you're one of these "it's the internet lolz" donks who think that internet behavior gets some special level of immunity.

X-Posting from the NFL Games Thread:

by All-inMcLovin k

Originally Posted by tarheels2222 [IMG]
Basically. Deebo was Shanny’s gameplan, and they haven’t adjusted well without him.

Shanny is incredibly overrated. Nima was 100% right about him.

RIP Sterling Korb, he would've loved to see this game. I heard he was a devout Packers fan, growing up working on a Wisconsin farm before moving out West to Santa Rosa.

whos excited for penetrates vs slums of detroit

lions to win due to late unsanctioned golf picks supplled by el diablo

For us old timers this could be Greer10 vs babs all over again...

2010: wilson

2012: romo

2014: madbum

hoping nima is watching tonight with a buddy or two, a few racer 5s on the go, maybe some cash money on 9ers -0.5 Q1, ready to enjoy the spectacle

boom. guessing we had the money line too.

Nima is the happiest boy on earth today. Congrats!

Unless he bet the other way like he bet on the Dodgers.

by marknfw k

Nima is the happiest boy on earth today. Congrats!

But, they didn't cover...

by redbuck k

But, they didn't cover...


we all know the Persian Penetrate can't resist a fat ML favorite.

by All-inMcLovin k

the Persian Penetrate


sounds like a good name for a Saffron Chicken joint.

A better name would be "Double Down Jim's"
