Nima Jooyandeh is a scammer and a thief

Nima Jooyandeh is a scammer and a thief

mod note: This post is a cliffnotes of the actions of Nima Jooyandeh on these and other forums.

Nima Jooyandeh, who also goes by "the bay area beast" (and dozens of other names over a 10+ year history posting on the internet on various sites) stole $14,500 from poster Fubster. He has repaid $10,000 of it so far.

Some of the circumstances of the theft include taking sports bets from him acting as both a middleman for another bookie, and acting directly as a bookie himself. Stealing winnings paid out by other bookie, and scamming Fubster by not paying out the winnings from bets he booked himself after previously collecting money from losing bets that he had booked for Fubster. He also attempted to vehemently deny being the actual bet taker, and instead used a fake name of an alleged associate, who it was discovered was a fake persona used to steal (by having this fake bookie "disappear" during California wild fires).

In addition to that, here are other activities this person has participated in that have been admitted to by him on this forum, or have links posted to him being caught on other forums

1. Tried to start a book with poster HIV. Owes poster HIV ~$5K and is paying him back at a rate of $5/week.

2. Ran bets/money for Fubs.

3. Ran his own book and took bets/money as fake identity Sterling.

4. Stiffed Fub for $6k+ as Sterling.

5. Stiffed iceminers on SBR $500. Created fake identity to defend himself etc.

6. Stiffed a guy for $800 or $1000 on Rxforum.

7. Has had many accounts banned on Pickmonitor.

He spent many years pretending to be a sports tout and often started subscription services to sports picks. These subscriptions always flamed out as soon as he hit a losing streak. He would often claim things like "100% guaranteed winning picks", and "complete transparency".

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30 November 2015 at 07:33 PM

403 Replies


giants 50/1 to win the series

even year, you idiots

I think of this thread every time I see the saffron at Costco. Did nima ever put any of his saffron recipes in here?

Come on down to "Double Down Jim's" where the chicken is saffron and you're everybody's favorite penetrate!

by marknfw k

I think of this thread every time I see the saffron at Costco. Did nima ever put any of his saffron recipes in here?

I'm sure he put on here all the ones he had, as he attempted to scam people to fund him to gamble.

I have made this and it’s pretty good

Babs world famous safran chicken

Habanero ( if you like it hot)
Salt and pepper
Lemon juice
Olive oil

Dice onions, chop garlic and habaneros add some safran to a small amount of water mix everything together including lemon juice and chicken, marinate over night

But trust me on this add some mint, cumin and yogurt use a less over powering chili and don't marinate for more than 4 hours. Serve with rice, pita, yogurt, humus, taboule and grilled vegetables. Brush the vegetables with some harissa and olive oil while grilling them

Can confirm that saffron chicken is delicious, even when made by those of us who do not have access to ancient Persian recipes and a lifetime of saffron chickenmaking experience.

No mention of a whole, grilled onion and/or tomato?


a whole grilled onion is the requisite side dish to the saffron chicken main entree you ate up ape

by Neil S k

attempted to scam people to fund him to gamble.

his intent isn't to scam anyone. he's just delusional about his own abilities as a sports bettor. he ignores basic gambling math, has abysmal bankroll management etc - but he knows the Giants really well and he thinks that's enough.

that isn't enough obviously but he truly does not know that. he wont accept that. and he tries to get people to partner with him to go break off Vegas or whatever and he means it.

you can throw all sorts of shade his way about that but calling him a scammer isn't accurate. scamming involves ill intent. being an idiot isn't ill intent.

There was no ill intent in inventing a fictional person and then strongly implying that the fictional person was the one who made off with someone else's money before disappearing in something strongly implied to be the wildfires occurring in the area.

Amazing stuff. I'm just honored to be here.

by LKJ k

There was no ill intent in inventing a fictional person and then strongly implying that the fictional person was the one who made off with someone else's money before disappearing in something strongly implied to be the wildfires occurring in the area.

Amazing stuff. I'm just honored to be here.

I don't know this story but this part indicates it's not the type of situation i was just referring to:

was the one who made off with someone else's money

That sounds like deep in the weeds of a complex situation. I was referring to the very beginning. When he's asking for people to give him money to gamble with.

by ethbtc88 k

I don't know this story

Yes you ****ing do.

What on earth do you get out of telling a brazen and completely unbelievable lie like this? Even the dumbest posters in the history of these threads would immediately know that you were lying, so WTF is the point of taking this line?

What does it say when someone replies to you 100 times telling you something you said is wrong - and all 100 times they did not interpret what you said correctly and are attacking a strawman?

It can't be incompetence nor can it be a desire to show someone is wrong. Because in either case, they would have addressed an actual argument at least once. 100 times in a row has to be deliberate. They have to be knowing they are doing that and doing it on purpose.

I just don't understand why. Why would someone do that?

by LKJ k

Yes you ****ing do.

What on earth do you get out of telling a brazen and completely unbelievable lie like this? Even the dumbest posters in the history of these threads would immediately know that you were lying, so WTF is the point of taking this line?

my last post was not in response to this.

i honestly don't. you can believe what you want. i've seen various aspersions you guys make toward him but usually ignore them. just as i ignored that one. i couldn't even tell you what it is you just said. it went in one ear and out the other. you guys are huge nima haters and your attacks on him have 0 credibility with me.

by ethbtc88 k

my last post was not in response to this.

i honestly don't. you can believe what you want. i've seen various aspersions you guys make toward him but usually ignore them. just as i ignored that one. i couldn't even tell you what it is you just said. it went in one ear and out the other. you guys are huge nima haters and your attacks on him have 0 credibility with me.

Class, in today’s lesson we are going to learn about how to ignore easily verified facts in order to maintain our beliefs. Facts are stupid and should be ignored whenever they are the least bit inconvenient.

Please make note that you should always label people pointing out those facts as “haters”.

Troll Job

If you are sincere, just search this thread for “Sterling Korb” to educate yourself.

by Booker Wolfbox k

Class, in today’s lesson we are going to learn about how to ignore easily verified facts in order to maintain our beliefs. Facts are stupid and should be ignored whenever they are the least bit inconvenient.

Please make note that you should always label people pointing out those facts as “haters”.

You just called the extremely biased opinions of people who despise someone so much that they spend 10 years harassing and bashing them - facts. That's what you consider facts.

That isn't what I consider facts. And, that is precisely what I meant.

by ethbtc88 k

What does it say when someone replies to you 100 times telling you something you said is wrong - and all 100 times they did not interpret what you said correctly and are attacking a strawman?

It can't be incompetence nor can it be a desire to show someone is wrong. Because in either case, they would have addressed an actual argument at least once. 100 times in a row has to be deliberate. They have to be knowing they are doing that and doing it on purpose.

I just don't understand why. Why would so

I have a good working theory on this. It's a deflection tactic, a self defense mechanism. Someone makes a good point which you can't really refute, so you do this as a way to troll them, change the subject and have a better vector to attack them on.

I can't deny, it works well. You did it to me 99 times before and it just worked flawlessly on the 100th try. My original point is gone - was never addressed at all, and you got the mob on me about something completely different.

by All-inMcLovin k

Troll Job

If you are sincere, just search this thread for “Sterling Korb” to educate yourself.

Reading what people in this thread said, is not the same thing as educating myself.

This thread is a hivemind of haters. Non-haters are forced out through mod actions or abuse. Nima isn't even allowed to defend himself. That's not an environment with any credibility at all. Regardless of the topic. Education and facts require objectivity. Here there is none, only an angry mob.

"I don't believe you that God exists"


"I don't find the Bible credible because your cult wrote it"



You guys forget I've seen first hand how you behave and twist around facts. Your totally factual and educational summary of me would probably be something like:

"That guy was a delusional idiot troll, probably either HIV or Nima's dad. Did not make one coherent point in over a year"

And thats who you are. I get it. But if you think that means I should believe anything you have to say about anything else, you are smoking rock.

"He had no intent to scam"

"Here's a proven time he scammed people"

"Well I didn't mean THAT time"

The only reason he never scammed anyone on OOT is that we had no need for him, where as sports betting team have to take chances on randos to get usable accounts to lay down enough bets. If anyone here had been looking for a situation, he would have scammed them. No doubt.

Your collective refusal to respond directly to arguments indicates not only that you're wrong, but that you know you're wrong. Everything is either a strawman, a personal attack or changing the subject. Basically none of the arguments I make ever get addressed. Because you know I'm right.

by Neil S k

"He had no intent to scam"

"Here's a proven time he scammed people"

"Well I didn't mean THAT time"

The only reason he never scammed anyone on OOT is that we had no need for him, where as sports betting team have to take chances on randos to get usable accounts to lay down enough bets. If anyone here had been looking for a situation, he would have scammed them. No doubt.

It is possible someone somewhere, made an argument remotely resembling that. But it wasnt here and it wasn't me.

bro approaches the babs situation like he does Purdy in SE

everyone is a hater while he clings to his beloved and projects biased incompetence and/or malice on everyone else

I've assumed he was babs the whole time (still do) but maybe they're just kindred spirits cut from the same cloth
