Carnivore vs vegan diet
I, for one, prefer animal foods, but also eat some fruits like berries and apples, as well as bell peppers, and tomatoes from my pillow.
Get stomach ache from broccoli and sauerkraut, despite being german...
prop bet i can gain more weight eating 2kg broccoli per day versus you eating 12 eggs and 2.5lbs meats per day
will escrow up to 200k to reputable gimmicks
Yeah, not touching that one, lol.
---you lost bro---
I see, so a 150 pound person can eat 5,000 calories of meat each day and will not gain any weight? Defying the laws of thermodynamics... straight magic.
---deal with it---
I don't think it's possible for me to feel better or be healthier. I'm glad it works for you, though.
--- Pics, or it didnt happen---
Why would you want to add in poisonous foods such as tasty fruits? Fruit today, vegetable tomorrow, and before you know it, total anarchy.
You dodge half of everything you cannot comprehend or argue with, come up with ignorance on most other facts, then cherry pick to fantasize about some absurdity on the rest.
I rest my case, your honor.
Humans are, in fact, not machines. And that's the reason why CICO is nonsense.
This guy is addicted to bracketing commas.
Comma comma comma bracket-chameleon?
Why aren't you touching that one? You said eating carnivore has "future health risks", what are they? A'll I've ever heard is the exact opposite. I posted a video earlier of a woman in her 80's who looks like she's 42 because she's been a pure carnivore for 65 years and she'll probably live to over 120. She's the longest person on carnivore I've ever heard of. Does she at all look like eating only meat, fish, chicken, eggs, butter and bacon has future health risks?
I see, so a 150 pound person can eat 5,000 calories of meat each day and will not gain any weight? Defying the laws of thermodynamics... straight magic.
Do you realize 5,000 calories would equal over 7 pounds of meat? It's not even possible for someone to eat that much. I can barely eat over a pound of meat per day until I'm full, but I'm not a biologist so I couldn't tell you about the thermodynamics. It's irrelevent anyway since no one's eating 7 to 8 poinds of meat per day.
it's overused as a comparison but I still love it. AND ITS F8CKIN TRUE
When a human is fat and needs to lose some weight...'I think I'll combine my foods differently.....only eat in a 4 hour window.....cut out carbs/protein/fats....avoid xyz additives/ingredients.....consume an entire liquid diet with pureed foods and vitamins....never eat carbs within 4 hours of protein.....etc etc etc ad infinitum
When their dog is overweight...'I'm gonna give him less food and walk him more'
Humans are not machines, but the human body is not a magical zone where the laws of physics don't apply. When muscles exert themselves, they expend potential energy.
The source of that potential energy is usually from the food you eat. It can also be from stored fat if you run low of sugars from your food.
CICO is not nonsense. It's an immutable law of nature.
Your excuse making reminds me of all the obese women who claim their metabolisms are just special and that's why they can't lose weight.
Why aren't you touching that one? You said eating carnivore has "future health risks", what are they?
Because I don't want to get pelted by a bunch of Fung cultists. While it's possible you can convince people that have spent every waking hour chewing on food that when they have changed their feeding window to 4 hours each day that they're actually consuming fewer calories, you can't convince them that their magic diet is unhealthy.
I've ever heard is the exact opposite. I posted a video earlier of a woman in her 80's who looks like she's 42 because she's been a pure carnivore for 65 years and she'll probably live to over 120. She's the longest person on carnivore I've ever heard of. Does she at all look like eating only meat, fish, chicken, eggs, butter and bacon has future health risks?
Results oriented thinking. We all have known a person who chain smokes and is in their 80's, but we would never claim smoking isn't dangerous to one's health.
Just lmao at thinking because she's 80 and she's been carnivore for 65 years that she's got another 40 years before she kicks it.
Do you realize 5,000 calories would equal over 7 pounds of meat? It's not even possible for someone to eat that much. I can barely eat over a pound of meat per day until I'm full, but I'm not a biologist so I couldn't tell you about the thermodynamics. It's irrelevent anyway since no one's eating 7 to 8 poinds of meat per day.
Bro, do you realize how many calories you were eating when you were like 330 pounds? If you had managed to reduce your calorie intake down to an average of 3000 calories per day, you would have been losing weight.
it's overused as a comparison but I still love it. AND ITS F8CKIN TRUE
When a human is fat and needs to lose some weight...'I think I'll combine my foods differently.....only eat in a 4 hour window.....cut out carbs/protein/fats....avoid xyz additives/ingredients.....consume an entire liquid diet with pureed foods and vitamins....never eat carbs within 4 hours of protein.....etc etc etc ad infinitum
When their dog is overweight...'I'm gonna give him less food and walk him more'
Lol, so true.
Humans are not machines, but the human body is not a magical zone where the laws of physics don't apply. When muscles exert themselves, they expend potential energy.
The source of that potential energy is usually from the food you eat. It can also be from stored fat if you run low of sugars from your food.
CICO is not nonsense. It's an immutable law of nature.
Your excuse making reminds me of all the obese women who claim their metabolisms are just special and that's why they can't lose weight.
Humans are not machines, but the human body is not a magical zone where the laws of physics don't apply. When muscles exert themselves, they expend potential energy.
The source of that potential energy is usually from the food you eat. It can also be from stored fat if you run low of sugars from your food.
CICO is not nonsense. It's an immutable law of nature.
Your excuse making reminds me of all the obese women who claim their metabolisms are just special and that's why they can't lose weight.
Right... There are absolutely no specific thermogenic effects with many amino-acids, and no differences in metabolic rates due to different diets, ages, lifestyles etc at all... Surely no hormonal changes when using fat as fuel, instead of sugar...
It's just laws of physics always being the same...
Thank god it's soooo easy, and we dont need to use our brain, or experience the differences first hand. We can just say "nah bro, it's physics" and keep munching our cheetos, thinking about how sophisticated we are...
If i eat a pound of peanuts and a pound of corn, and you can pick half of them out of my poop afterwards, that's CICO, right?
Right... There are absolutely no specific thermogenic effects with many amino-acids, and no differences in metabolic rates due to different diets, ages, lifestyles etc at all... Surely no hormonal changes when using fat as fuel, instead of sugar...
TEF is not why people get overweight. The difference (TEF) between carbs and protein is negligible in the grand scheme of things. But it's good enough to grift off of.
If i eat a pound of peanuts and a pound of corn, and you can pick half of them out of my poop afterwards, that's CICO, right?
You're really into picking stuff out of poop, eh?
The casings of corn in your stool is made of cellulose and contains 0 calories.
Differences are negligible... It's physics... it's science...
The peanuts in my poop are made of fat, mostly, and contain many unused calories.
Yes. If you're 5% bodyfat and trying to get down to 3% for a contest, then perhaps you can quibble about minutia. But those guys just eat less food.
So you're saying you can eat a jar of peanut butter and metabolize few calories?
A gramm of protein being 3.4 calories instead of 4... That's just 15% less... Cant harm our scientific approach of the physics and math of CICO... Not like there is any reason for precision when using physics and math, right?
Feelings are more important than facts...
So you're saying you have issues with reading comprehension?
Your very specific digestion is another one of the many reasons why you cant generalize how we use "calories", is obviously what i'm saying.
Eating ultra-processed foods like peanutbutter force-feeds your body with basically pre-digested food. It's like eating vomit.
Ah, and the cherry on top with the fake prop bet offers. Very nice!
And you can secure more action, to boot: "Hey, guys, I have this dumb American that thinks he can gain 2kg only eating broccoli for two weeks, but I can only afford $100K. Can you spot me some more action?"
Listen up, I can gain 2kg eating broccoli in one sitting. I mean, you really didn't think that one through when you slammed your e-peen on your keyboard, eh?
I know para in real live and he is a bit nuts. the offer he made is 100% serious and honestly you are acting like a little bitch.
You make claims and get called out but instead of putting your money where your mouth is or alternatively saying i dont feel confident enough to wager on it or i dont have a 100k to risk or anything like that you continue to try to belittle him and keep running your mouth?
That is a major bitch move.
you might be right or not. I dont really care but you are for sure a pompous coward. no question about that.
Well, not surprising, once called out on his bullshit, he responded with the typical ego-damaged, "HU4ROLLZ! You pick the game" challenge, proving once again that glucose is necessary for proper brain function.
hahahahah man you are shaking in your boots. Its okay if you dont want to bet because you are not confident or simply dont have the funds available. No shame in turning down a bet.
But the one who is fake and cowardly is you.
You also keep ignoring one very important point para made. I dont want to ruin his potential action so i am not going to point it out.
But in essence you are much less smart than you think and to try to act like a tough guy after you got called out like that is so pathetic.
You are basically the guy still talking **** while backing away. saying i wont fight you mate i dont want to hurt you.
Just admit that you like to run your mouth but are to shook to back up your words. its not an uncommon trait in people at all.
I've been in the gym 5 times a week for 5 months. I eat once a day, relatively healthy.
I do 30 mins of intense cardio and 1 hour of hard weights focusing on one muscle group each session.
I've not gained or lost a single kg, but body composition has completely changed.
Quit alcohol too.
Because I don't want to get pelted by a bunch of Fung cultists. While it's possible you can convince people that have spent every waking hour chewing on food that when they have changed their feeding window to 4 hours each day that they're actually consuming fewer calories, you can't convince them that their magic diet is unhealthy.
Eating a pure Carnivore diet isn't a Cult.
Intermittent Fasting appears to be extremely beneficial to the human body, much better than eating 3 meals a day. I never said people will consume fewer calories if they ate the same food once a day.
Results oriented thinking. We all have known a person who chain smokes and is in their 80's, but we would never claim smoking isn't dangerous to one's health.
Just lmao at thinking because she's 80 and she's been carnivore for 65 years that she's got another 40 years before she kicks it.
If 100% of the people who went full carnivore are feeling the best they ever have and have as much energy and as clear of a mind as they had when they were 12, and it's cured them from diabetes and Parkinson's patients are able to function much better and if it cures depression or other psychological issues better and quicker than any medication or therapy can with a 100% success rate (and as a side effect will melt off all excess body fat), then yes I'm being "results oriented".
I wonder how many of these carnivores “feeling better than when they were a child,” have been living with undiagnosed food allergies their entire lives.
Many of them, for sure.
I for one didnt have any significant allergies, aside of lactose-intolerance.
What i love about eating very low carbs the most is how i feel mentally when burning fat as fuel. No highs and lows, but a very pleasant, calm and steady mood, with very good focus for work and poker. It feels almost like a drug, which allowed me to quit alcohol (drank ~3x per week), weed (smoked daily) and cigarettes completely.
I know para in real live and he is a bit nuts. the offer he made is 100% serious and honestly you are acting like a little bitch.
Yeah cool, boyo, but to me he's just a dude in OOT with an account less than a year old talking out his ass about picking peanuts out of his ****. But cool. Go ahead and escrow $100K to mark, and when he lets me know the escrow went through, we'll set up a location in Vegas. I wouldn't be able to do it until probably October, as I'm remolding three of my rentals. If you want to play HU mixed FLTD to get a crack at getting that $100K back, we can do it at the Aria.
Eating a pure Carnivore diet isn't a Cult.
Intermittent Fasting appears to be extremely beneficial to the human body, much better than eating 3 meals a day. I never said people will consume fewer calories if they ate the same food once a day.
Even some of the most hardcore IF proponents, like Peter Attia, don't even IF any longer nor recommend it. In fact, they recommend against it. Bottom line is eating a balanced diet in appropriate amounts is all one needs to do to be healthy and maintain a healthy weight.
If the carnivore diet isn't a cult, why do you promote it to people like people promote cults to people?
I have strong opinions on my diet and exercise regimens and many in here have misconstrued that as me advocating for others to do the same, but I have always contended that it's the best for me.
If 100% of the people who went full carnivore are feeling the best they ever have and have as much energy and as clear of a mind as they had when they were 12, and it's cured them from diabetes and Parkinson's patients are able to function much better and if it cures depression or other psychological issues better and quicker than any medication or therapy can with a 100% success rate (and as a side effect will melt off all excess body fat), then yes I'm being "results oriented".
Bro, people being "cured" of diabetes, high blood pressure, depression, etc., is because they dropped 100+ pounds. It turns out "healthy at any size" is bullshit. Go figure.
Melting off body fat comes from eating far less food than one needs to sustain their current weight. It doesn't matter what that food is. Now you could say that the satiety of certain foods can cause one to eat less food, but that's a different topic.
Right... There are absolutely no specific thermogenic effects with many amino-acids, and no differences in metabolic rates due to different diets, ages, lifestyles etc at all... Surely no hormonal changes when using fat as fuel, instead of sugar...
It's just laws of physics always being the same...
Thank god it's soooo easy, and we dont need to use our brain, or experience the differences first hand. We can just say "nah bro, it's physics" and keep munching our cheetos, thinking about how sophisti
That's exactly it. It is that easy, and you don't have to use your brain. People overthink diets because they want to gain results with no lifestyle change.
forget 2007 crossfit message board, this is becoming like an Apr 2020 covid thread
can't wait for an Ivermectin reference
So why get so pissy and defensive that some people eat carnivore when it’s best for THEM?
Goodie for you that you have your diet sorted out. Now maybe stop getting so hostile toward others who are trying to sort their own diets out and make themselves healthier. None of which has any impact on your life yet you seem very pleased to bash them and belittle them.