Things that shouldn't piss you off, but do.
Feel free to add your own. I'll give two really quick.
1. This girl I'm friends with on facebook makes a post about how she is now pregnant. (She's 19 btw) obviously every random girl she is friends with on facebook felt the need to congratulate her on such an amazing accompolishment. That was midly annoying to sift through, but I understand it's a big deal and all...I just have a cold heart as of late lol.
Anyways about 2hrs later she makes a new post about being pregnant because the first wasn't enough. Awesome. Like 15 mins ago she makes ANOTHER post about it saying "Can't sleep, tummy hurts, hello prego life ππ"
It took every ounce of my energy not to type something extremely rude like, "we ****ing get it, your pregnant."
2. Me and my friend drive 30 mins to play beerpong with these chics we met randomly one night. 2 are definitely good looking....ones a chubbba wubba though. Ok lookin face but yeah....Anyways were all playing BP along with 2 other dudes that we didnt know would be there..( I guess I understand them wanting to have 2 of their guy friends there since we've never formally hungout, but whatever...) my friend randomly makes comments the whole time whenever the chubba wubba talks to me such as "that's all you" or "wheres your girl at" when she leaves the room.
Any clue why he feels the need to say things like that? He's always been considering kind of the **** blocking type amongst our ground of friends even if it's never negatively effected me. J/W if someone can get all psychological on me and tell me why he always does that.
you've to be kidding
When people increase numbers for an adage.
“It’s like we take a couple steps forward and then ten steps back.”
for the brazilianth time, will you stop waxing poetic?
Amblers that are unaware of their surroundings, walking four wide down the path/aisle to make sure nobody can get by.
Invalid entry.
every time i try to give personal information
similar phrase on the small of my back
Re-reading old OOTV threads and seeing some pretty terrible predictions (which turned out to be wrong) by supposed "good" posters
Catching up on a thread like this for the first time in months and now being pissed every day thereβs barely any new content. Slackers
people adding 'gate' at the end of a name to signify a scandal.
People that order budlight at the poker table.
Do they not know about the boycott on that gender fluid or do they just not care about the decline of society?
People who complain about the tastes of others which has no impact on them personally.
A real job? Lol
I kid, i kid.
Bragging about how many times you have seen a band because you have some imaginary competition in your head.
New flash: seeing Phish 100 times does not mean you like them any more or less than somebody that has seen them 80 or 120 times, it just means all three of you are douchebags
In the same vein, people adding "-oholic" to the end of a word to indicate addiction to it, when part of that fake suffix is from the word alcohol itself.
"I'm a real chocoholic!" OK so you're addicted to chocohol? That's cool I guess.
Bragging about how many times you have seen a band because you have some imaginary competition in your head.
New flash: seeing Phish 100 times does not mean you like them any more or less than somebody that has seen them 80 or 120 times, it just means all three of you are douchebags
Walmart Greeters.
You stand around for hours, check like 3 receipts when I forget to bag everything, and if I walk by you, you aren't allowed to stop me in any way.
What a pointless job.
New flash: seeing Phish 100 times does not mean you like them any more or less than somebody that has seen them 80 or 120 times, it just means all three of you are douchebags
sounds like somebody could use some bathtub gin!
mmm chocohol