Things that shouldn't piss you off, but do.

Things that shouldn't piss you off, but do.

Feel free to add your own. I'll give two really quick.

1. This girl I'm friends with on facebook makes a post about how she is now pregnant. (She's 19 btw) obviously every random girl she is friends with on facebook felt the need to congratulate her on such an amazing accompolishment. That was midly annoying to sift through, but I understand it's a big deal and all...I just have a cold heart as of late lol.

Anyways about 2hrs later she makes a new post about being pregnant because the first wasn't enough. Awesome. Like 15 mins ago she makes ANOTHER post about it saying "Can't sleep, tummy hurts, hello prego life 😀😀"

It took every ounce of my energy not to type something extremely rude like, "we ****ing get it, your pregnant."

2. Me and my friend drive 30 mins to play beerpong with these chics we met randomly one night. 2 are definitely good looking....ones a chubbba wubba though. Ok lookin face but yeah....Anyways were all playing BP along with 2 other dudes that we didnt know would be there..( I guess I understand them wanting to have 2 of their guy friends there since we've never formally hungout, but whatever...) my friend randomly makes comments the whole time whenever the chubba wubba talks to me such as "that's all you" or "wheres your girl at" when she leaves the room.

Any clue why he feels the need to say things like that? He's always been considering kind of the **** blocking type amongst our ground of friends even if it's never negatively effected me. J/W if someone can get all psychological on me and tell me why he always does that.

) 8 Views 8
05 October 2009 at 05:44 AM

1286 Replies


Second recycling bin?
I just called my waste company, Republic Services, and told them that there was no way in hell that I was going to do their job for them by separating everything and allowing them to extract value from my work by reselling the recyclables, so they had better come pick up their unused container asap. They showed up the next day to pick up their unused bin.

one-rep max calculators that allow you to choose lb/kg for weight lifted even though the output value will be the same numerical value regardless of the choice

People who use the phrase "pot committed" as a rationalization to indulge themselves in the sunk cost fallacy.

people who three/four bet fold because they don't realize that they are already pot committed.


No Limit Holden

by MSchu18 k

No Limit Holden

Sometimes you just have to Caulfield.

by whatthejish k

Sometimes you just have to Caulfield.


by whatthejish k

Sometimes you just have to Caulfield.

"The cards were dealt, and I watched her go on a heater. All new players try to run the table, and so did old Phoebe, and I was sort of afraid because they started playing H.O.R.S.E., and she didn't know those games, but I didn't say or do anything. The thing with new players is, if they want to sit with the sharks, you have to let them do it, and not say anything. If they go busto, they go busto, but it is bad to say anything to them."

All this poker talk. Not why I come to twoplustwo.

People who put a blue light in their front lamppost in an effort to trick people into thinking it is a cop.

I also have beautiful penmanship.

by 27offsuit k

I also have beautiful penmanship.

either free hand or implement assisted i bet i'll give you a run for your money
but i wouldn't particularly characterize it as beautiful

by 27offsuit k

I also have beautiful penmanship.

Prove it...

by 27offsuit k

People who put a blue light in their front lamppost in an effort to trick people into thinking it is a cop.

When my son-in-law did this (legitimately) and I asked what it meant, my next utterance was "Dumbass!"

by 27offsuit k

People who put a blue light in their front lamppost in an effort to trick people into thinking it is a cop.

This is a thing?

I believe they do it in an attempt to slow the traffic in front of their house. 3 people have them on my regular routes.

Schu, I'll be back...

Your 'i's are missing cute little hearts.


That technical is the tits... I stand corrected!

That may be the first time I've ever seen someone cross their 2

by marknfw k

That may be the first time I've ever seen someone cross their 2

The 2 but not the 7 surprised me.

27 is indeed a man of mystery.

That's more of an errant dash in 2-7, I was writing fast.

when I have to write anything these days, my hand literally goes numb and I get cramps, and my writing looks like I am hold the pen like this...

I've completely lost the motor skills to 'write' effectively. at least when I have a stroke in the near future, I wont have lost much.

That sounds… concerning.
