Pet Pictures
It seems like there's a lot of conflict and unhappiness in the world these days. It gets me down. One of the few things
Ridgid. Lifetime warranty, even on batteries. Edit: not on blades!
Damn! It took me nearly 30 seconds of searching the pic to find it.
Congratulations! A new rock!
Those dogs and cats look like they are in one of Sgt Friday's line-ups.
awesome shots from all of you and a reminder to scratch em good while you got em
particularly the greybeard hounds and hand tool blades
Looks like an escape plan to me.
Probably needs to arrange a distraction of some sort the next time.
always been under the impression cattails grew more vertical
is that a citrus tree?
or perhaps Avocado?
we need a dedicated horticulture thread... I thought there was one a while ago.
It is an avocado. I have 2 of them that are allegedly ~50 years old (I supposedly planted them when I was a wee 5yo). They don't put off any fruit but they do make a pretty easy to care for largish house plant.
they grow okay indoors?
Yeah, they do fine. I have them outside most of the year and only bring them in for the winter months. I thought I finally did them in a couple of years ago when I was out of town for a late freeze. The whole thing died but come spring a new growth came popping out of the dirt.
Edit: maybe should have called them patio/house plants instead of house plants, lol.
Good to see Howard (and the cats) again!
howard has things figured out
He had all winter to think about it.
howard my man
I'd go back to sleep too
Pretty awesome... he's so clean looking, do you bath him?
Lol no he's pretty filthy
neighborhood cat where i'm staying is very famous
his name is shades
he comes up to everyone and just rubs against their legs and lets you pick him up etc
walks around like he owns the neighborhood, regularly setting off the ring alarms for visitors and also known to break into people's homes to just hang out - more than once he came over as i was entering the house and needed to physically stop him from entering the house when i opened the door
now i know why
took out the puppy today to get her socialized as dropped kid off at school bus
shades comes out like usual to greet the children
sees the dog, ignores the kids and walks straight up to the dog and then without any warning hissed and scratched her nose
shades then wanted to continue the attack and was chasing after the puppy but some of the children intervened and scurried him off into the bushes
i get now why he walks around like a mafioso who owns the neighborhood because that literally is the case