Rosarito Life - Zooming to $50k in 6 months

Rosarito Life - Zooming to $50k in 6 months

Well, I figured it was time for a new PGC. About a year ago I dropped out of college to play poker full time. It's one of the best decisions I've ever made. I won't bore you guys here with a long story about my poker career, but some of that can be found in my old pgc:

While I've found a lot of success both online and live, my dedication to the grind has been lacking. With fewer distractions now, I'm hoping to turn that around. I have some goals I'd like to achieve in the 6 (now 5 1/2) months I'm here, but first I'll post my results to date.

Online Cash

200nl hands: 262,163 @ 6.37 bb/100
500nl hands: 63,497 @ 8.24 bb/100
1knl hands: 3,897 @ -23bb/100

this is over the last ~15 months. yeah, my volume sucked

Online Tournaments

Total: 219
ITM: 23%
ROI: 131%
AVG Buyin: $99

Live Cash

166 hours (2/5 and 5/10, mostly 5/10)

So, after a fairly lackluster year as a college dropout turned professional poker player, I'm looking to really ramp things up and put the necessary volume in to really make money. I just moved into a place in Rosarito and it's ****ing amazing. Right on the water, ocean views from every room, nice facilities (gym/pool/sauna), cheap rent, almost no distractions, close to Rosarito and the border... what more could I ask for? If I can't grind out real volume here then I can't do it anywhere.

Weekly Goals

10k hands Bovada (200-500nl)
20k hands pokerstars zoom (100nl right now)
$1.5k in tournament buyins
Run at least 10 miles
Spend less than $50 per week (rent/utilities already paid)

Long Term Goals

Play only 500nl or higher on Bovada (by Feb 1, 2019)
Play only 200z or higher on stars (by Mar 1, 2019)
50k richer by April 30, 2019

So lets get to it then. Going down to the gym to run 2 miles now, then on to the grind.

) 8 Views 8
16 October 2018 at 05:22 PM

33 Replies


by Mr Spyutastic k

Wow that's pretty brutal. Amazing you're still in though. glgl

I canÂ’t complain much, I ran pure to get that chip stack. And lucky that the aipf hands were vs short stacks

by tgiggity k

I canÂ’t complain much, I ran pure to get that chip stack. And lucky that the aipf hands were vs short stacks

definitely sounds like you're in a good mental state

gogogogo, the kitties need caviar!

Good luck and trust your gut. Don't be afraid to do something out of the box if it feels right.

by Chip Wynn k

Good luck and trust your gut. Don't be afraid to do something out of the box if it feels right.

Thanks. IÂ’m definitely not afraid to bluff for stacks especially in a tourney like the main.

ItÂ’s a bust though. One of the first hands of the day I got snapped down 3 streets by JJ in a single raised pot on A548T. Went from 240k to 180k. Then just ran horrendously.

Had about 100k chips when I flopped a set of 3Â’s on J63 four ways. 3 way to the turn T bringing in a second flush draw, I bet and get raised and then reraised behind. Laid it down and they had 66 and TT. ThatÂ’s why you donÂ’t play low pocket pairs lol. Still had 50kish but busted when I jammed KQ into a raise and a call. Raiser folded but the caller flatted QQ lol gg

CanÂ’t wait for next year. I canÂ’t even begin to describe how soft it is.

And hey, I get to say I busted Huck Seed. He cold called a raise with 76s, I 3bet AK and the raiser folded. Huck backjams 100bb into my 10bb 3bet and I hold. Ya know, stuff thatÂ’s standard in a 10k XD

by rickroll k

definitely sounds like you're in a good mental state

gogogogo, the kitties need caviar!

Kitties wonÂ’t be eating caviar until next year :(

Haha thank you for the updates gigs this is great news... don't be a stranger i.e. cat pics

I just read the entire thing over the past three days and decided to make an account to comment. What a crazy read! The highs and lows of poker/life. The first 50-60 pages were so good, where you were figuring things out and had people being positive/supportive. It's a shame how it went a bit downhill with trolls/negative people.

Your swings seem absolutely brutal, even with so many posters saying bigger downswings are standard. The crypto part really hit home for me. I was 'trading' crypto in 2017 and ended up losing my liferoll in the process. I hadnÂ’t thought about it for years until the market hit $100k recently.... hurts to think about. These days, I'm a complete nit and just invest in indexes.

HowÂ’s life back in the US? Did your partner manage to get their visa sorted?

It would be awesome if you could share a 2024 recap if you're still playing poker

by TommyTsunami k

Haha thank you for the updates gigs this is great news... don't be a stranger i.e. cat pics

by CollectingData k

I just read the entire thing over the past three days and decided to make an account to comment. What a crazy read! The highs and lows of poker/life. The first 50-60 pages were so good, where you were figuring things out and had people being positive/supportive. It's a shame how it went a bit downhill with trolls/negative people.

Your swings seem absolutely brutal, even with so many posters saying bigger downswings are standard. The crypto part really hit home for me. I was 'trading' crypto in 2

Thanks guys, I'm glad to see people still enjoying the thread.

Life is good. My boyfriend got his visa and we're enjoying life together in the US. It's great to be back. Never thought I would miss living in California so much but there is nothing better.

Poker is still going well. Feel like I'm at a point where I don't even think about poker when I'm not playing which is nice. I've never really studied but I used to constantly think about different spots/exploits/etc when off the felt. I still occasionally pick up something new or want to think deeply about a spot but it's rarer and rarer. Less stress, but the game also feels less and less interesting from an intellectual perspective. An unavoidable reality of playing the same game for almost a decade.

I've been mixing a decent amount of live $5/$10 lately. the hourly is great (was $200/hr for a while but has settled to ~$120) and it's usually a very fun/social table. But it sucks that getting into a $10/$25 game or higher here in norcal is all about who you know (or be wiling to wait until the whales bust and play 6 handed with regs at 2am) The politics of live poker (and dealing with awful human beings - almost exclusively misregs) discourage me from playing live with any kind of consistency. Also, variance sucks.

So I've been grinding a lot of 100-500nl online still. Similar hourly, 100x more difficult, but also much more fun. Was mixing into 5knl/10knl occasionally before those went private but that's probably for the best for me. I would hop into 1knl/2knl but getting a seat is damn near impossible without scripting or reg battling in super high rake environments. Weirdly enough at 5knl it was always easy to get a seat before the table filled but there is much more competition for seats at the lower stakes

I've had a few real close runs at big money in some large field mtt's but haven't quite brought it home yet. This year was probably the year with my most cashes over 10k and definitely my most profitable year ever playing poker so things keep going in the right direction. When I started playing back in 2016 I never would have imagined the games would still be soft today.

Don't get me wrong, the level of competition I face today is leagues better than what I faced on bodog 8 years ago. Most regs at 200nl didn't know you could cbet smaller than half pot or overbet back then. Though to this day most 200nl regs don't overbet, ever. A lot of weird 1/5, 1/4, 1/4 pot lines that I never used to see but that are not very effective regardless. Different player pools play so wildly differently that oftentimes the hardest part of being a pro is remembering the specific playstyles/exploits that work in the pool you're currently playing.

Anyway, I'm just rambling at this point. Haven't really had the time or motivation to update here but I'm always down to answer any questions. Been thinking a lot lately about what I want to do after poker. Or alongside poker with poker still being my main source of income. I feel like I need to be doing more. Poker is great to pay the bills and it's a lot of fun still most of the time but it feels empty. I don't get any fulfillment out of it. I've been at the ceiling of my potential for a while now and I just don't love the game enough (or have the financial motivations I guess) to break through it and into the real upper echelons. But I want to challenge myself still, learn new things and solve complex problems. I just don't really want to do it in the poker world.

Yoo happy new year.

Sick update. Poker is weird, when you’re not super involved in it you dream about it and crave it, and when you are involved in it, it’s draining and often not what it’s made out to be.

I only play poker as a side income, I’m an engineer, but even that lately has been draining and boring.

I almost want to do like a hands on income hobby like picking up used antique style furniture for cheap, re finishing it and spray painting it quirky colours and selling it. A guy I met was making solid money doing that and it honestly sounds fun af. Had an artsy ig page and ****.

Food for thought, rant over lmao good luck at felt

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