My results of grinding 2NL 5NL 10NL 25NL 50NL 100NL

My results of grinding 2NL 5NL 10NL 25NL 50NL 100NL

Hello everyone, I want to share with you my 20 days result with 50$ deposit on GGpoker

2NL was awful, after like 15k hand

) 38 Views 38
11 September 2023 at 12:13 PM

1014 Replies


It’s dropping more and more as i expected, i will buy back in at -25%

Done. Iā€™m in choo choo train damn

I want to buy more DOT but currently a bit broke to be buying more crypto.

by Masq k

I want to buy more DOT but currently a bit broke to be buying more crypto.

I believe it will go down -5% more but i prefer not to risk it, greed is what makes people lose in crypto

Anyway my prognosis is till 15th December it will go up 25%+ again and im done i really hope i dont stuck for months

I saw TEMA mentioned elsewhere. Not available on lots of places but maybe something to look into.

Not sure what's special about the 15th December?

by Masq k

I saw TEMA mentioned elsewhere. Not available on lots of places but maybe something to look into.

Not sure what's special about the 15th December?

After that date i believe crypto will crash again, i might be wrong but thats my personal belief so i have to go with what i believe

Just a little bit more and im packing my bags šŸ˜ƒ

After long long off-table work and memorizing stuff today i finally started playing to practice it

Here is one hand i played today, in the past i used to fold such kind of hands vs 3bets, i had more like 4bet or fold strategy vs CO/BTN 3bets but now as i have a balanced plan my calling range consists with small pairs too and actually i know exactly what to do postflop

You may criticize donking turn here but i can assure you its balanced, river call was little loose tho but it seemed very suspicious bet from V thats why i called but i should've folded according to my strategy but sometimes a call here is ok i guess

vwp hand there. just unlucky to run into a flush.

flop call looking a bit ambitious especially against 13 VPIP German nit šŸ˜ƒ


flop call looking a bit ambitious especially against 13 VPIP German nit šŸ˜ƒ

i can assure you its balanced


flop call looking a bit ambitious especially against 13 VPIP German nit šŸ˜ƒ

What’s villain repping with that flop bet AA KK AQ or maybe QQ? None of these hands except QQ want to stack off in that flop SPR especially if you’re a German nit

Which means it’s unlikely my bets will get raised and more likely ill realize full equity by the river, also his range consists of huge portion of AKo, he will have AK with almost same frequency as AA+KK+QQ combined which means he will give up vs my turn donks sometimes, if i hit a set by the river there is a chance ill stack him off too

Also missed 44 is my bottom range so for balance it’s not good to just check fold only because villain is German nit, those nits are capable of making good laydowns so if i fold my bottom range vs them and play only top range they will just fold in the end and what i get? No redline no blueline so my strategy is like: you fold vs my top range? Ok then fold vs my bottom range too… you call my bottom range? Ok then call my top range too or get owned and fold everything

But yeah his cbet sizing was little unpleasant, I’d prefer him to bet less.

That makes no sense. You're basically just trying to beat a bluff against an opponent who almost never bluffs. Personally, I would have folded on the flop.


flop call looking a bit ambitious especially against 13 VPIP German nit šŸ˜ƒ

reading that flag as german MIGHT be the biggest mistake in this hand. hard to say.

The 'strategy' is to level yourself into losing the max?

by BiLLAllas k

That makes no sense. You're basically just trying to beat a bluff against an opponent who almost never bluffs. Personally, I would have folded on the flop.

Does GTO take that into consideration too? like how bluff heavy is our opponent? hell no right? i literally don't care either because he might cbet with 2 overcards like AKo and im not gonna fold my entire range because of his image

by Masq k

The 'strategy' is to level yourself into losing the max?

How am i losing the max? in what scenario? i call his cbet and donk bet - thats all i lose but if i make set by the river im getting his stack, also there is chance to win at showdown if he has AK or Axs type of hands

Also im jamming rivers not only with sets but also balance it with some bluffs so he may fold his overpairs too, more V folds more i benefit

Before i was just folding 44 type of hands pre because set mining not so profitable and now with this strategy at least i can realize my equity properly, even if i get slightly better results it's my bottom range so whatever

You shouldn't forget that small pairs win vs overpairs approximately 20% of time by the river, the thing is we may win his entire stack by the river 1 time out of 5 and we can get some folds on the turn vs our donks too and we can win showdowns too

Our aim isn't to basically turn 44 into very profitable hand, our goal is to make more profit then just folding it pre

I look forward to the day paistings comes in here telling you to back off and not steal his fame.

He has some serious competition now nonetheless.

Same line but this time with the goodies, just both of these hands i felt little unlucky

by Keruli k

reading that flag as german MIGHT be the biggest mistake in this hand. hard to say.

hahaha just realized im blind af

by bribri94 k

I look forward to the day paistings comes in here telling you to back off and not steal his fame.

He has some serious competition now nonetheless.

So much this.

by ImePaskaa k

So much this.

Yeah maybe im just delusional, time will show.

rapidesh reincarnated

by blazar k

How am i losing the max? in what scenario? i call his cbet and donk bet - thats all i lose but if i make set by the river im getting his stack, also there is chance to win at showdown if he has AK or Axs type of hands

Also im jamming rivers not only with sets but also balance it with some bluffs so he may fold his overpairs too, more V folds more i benefit

Before i was just folding 44 type of hands pre because set mining not so profitable and now with this strategy at least i can realize my equit

Well....let's see.

You're in a 3bet pot OOP and completely brick the flop. After checking, you face a bet just over half pot which is fairly strong sizing. Rather than give up at that spot, you think maybe you can steal turn and donk.

Strat 1: check - fold flop = 6.5bb loss.
Strat 2 (the 'balanced' strategy): check - call flop / donk turn / check - call river bet = 65bb loss.

Personally speaking, i'll take the unbalanced strat 1!

AA vs 44 may be an 80/20 pre-flop. Once you see the flop and have totally bricked then you're investing with about 10% equity to try and hit on turn or river. It's not a great proposition!

No issues with set mining small pocket pairs. It can be very lucrative when running into big pairs. The issue is that if you brick the flop and it doesn't help your hand then you want to get away for cheap.

by Masq k

Well....let's see.

You're in a 3bet pot OOP and completely brick the flop. After checking, you face a bet just over half pot which is fairly strong sizing. Rather than give up at that spot, you think maybe you can steal turn and donk.

Strat 1: check - fold flop = 6.5bb loss.
Strat 2 (the 'balanced' strategy): check - call flop / donk turn / check - call river bet = 65bb loss.

Personally speaking, i'll take the unbalanced strat 1!

AA vs 44 may be an 80/20 pre-flop. Once you see the flop and have t

River call wasnā€™t part of the strategy it was improvised so itā€™s like -30 anyway for now i wonā€™t change anything just i need more volume and then ill make small adjustments accordingly

the 20% logic of the call could be ok - maybe a friend was sitting next to you chewing gum and randomly spat it at the screen preflop and then in trying to scrape it off actually spread it to perfectly obscure the flop - i assume this is what happened.
