My poker story

My poker story

About me: I am 35. I have an okay job that pays about $70k a year in Wisconsin. Masters degree+, veteran. I work for schools so I get my summers off. I have decided to go to WSOP this summer.

My poker story isn’t all that exciting. Played some online, played some live, always been a fan of the game. Little successes here and there but never any huge scores. Took breaks, always came back. I think Im good, but most do, and if Im being completely honest with myself I don’t have any spreadsheets or whatever to back that up…just what I feel. I play $1/$3 NLHE at the Oneida Poker Room in Green Bay. Sometimes $2/$5. Not to suggest that means much it’s just what game I’m most familiar with.

Im going from about June 19th -July 13th and maybe a few weeks in August. Im going to play 12 hours a day each day. Cash games only no tournaments. Staying in a cheap place through Airbnb $800 for 27 nights or whatever it is. Hoping to get in about 400 hours at cash games this summer. Ill also post when I play sessions at my local room or other places. Sometimes I also play in Minneapolis, Milwaukee, and Chicago. Not to imply I’m a reg anywhere. Last few years was more interested in fantasy football and the stock market so have played little as in maybe monthly.

Ive created this thread as a journal for myself to help keep track of my losses/winnings and share with others who enjoy the game. I’ll post all sessions even if I lose big, or everything. My bankroll right now is about $30k but it’s not from poker. Sold a property. Never built a poker roll before, hadn’t ever tried too much. When I make money I spend it. Going to try and do it differently and keep things separated.

Bankroll: $30,000
Hours: 0
Hourly: $0/hour

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11 March 2024 at 02:14 AM

79 Replies


Lost $900 in $1/$3 . Ran like dogshit had like $180 left built it back up to $550 then ran like dog **** again got it in 60% all in with about a $300 stack for a $750 pot but missed my flush draw/gut shot straight draw. What else is expected when you start talking **** to the universe…but not chasing anything heading back home it was a frustrating session to say the least table was slow dealers kept making mistakes smelly table and ran like the inside of a sloppy toilet bbl

MSPT coming through Milwaukee this week/end, so lots of tournaments and cash game action. May head down there Friday night, but I feel the beginning of a cold coming on so depends how that pans out.

Ran up $1k in live craps to $5k in Milwaukee just threw 3 hards in a row and hopped the 4 5 for $100 on the way out and hit it. Gonna immediately register for the $1100 main event tomorrow for MSPT $500k gtd and chill in a $1/$3 game the rest of the night. I'm a bit sick so going to try to get some sleep tonight.

I was pretty sick so I decided not to register for the $1100 main event or play anymore cards. I went back to the hotel and sat in the hot tub and chilled the rest of the night. Put $300 on the Lakers ML didn't hit. Woke up ate some pancakes at IHOP then headed home, took some Nyquil and slept over 12 hours on and off. Have about 10k cash in the drawer right now so doing pretty good between everything. Have to pay some taxes (I think?) so may not be back for a bit gonna try and get the fitness up and focus on work stuff for a bit. Been a bit of a degenerate lately so may take a bit of a brief hiatus.

My Spring Back is from 03/22 - 03/30. I'm going to try and put in some hours someplace then. May depend how first few days go to see if I can run up a stack. Will likely stay around my area in Green Bay, Milwaukee, maybe Chicago. Friday, March 21st 8:00PM - Saturday, March 30th 10:00PM is the time frame I have.
