you cant stop the PROPHET
I came up with this idea throughout a two-week holiday that I took a while back. I'd just played cash at a week-long tournament series. Normally, I'd treat these things like a holiday - play for 12 hours, drink for a couple of hours with friends, and then return the next day for more of the same. However, everything was last-minute this time, and my hotel was a 15-minute drive from the casino. I couldn't drink. This was game-changing.
I became vaguely interested in health and fitness when my weight ballooned to 80kg. I'd been 60kg, healthy enough, for about four years, but all the alcohol I'd drunk and exercise I hadn't done shot me right up. I started going to the gym, drinking less, eating better, and dropped to 70kg. But that's where my momentum died. I weighed in at 69.4kg this morning, which is still not great given I'm in my twenties. I shouldn't be wasting my theoretical prime like this.
What I noticed at this tournament series is that everyone was living like ****. Everyone was drinking during/after playing, diets were awful because all casino food is fried, and everyone was overslept because of late-nighters. I consider poker a sport in some ways, and none of these people were particularly athletic.
Whilst I was on holiday this month, the Olympics were on. I always find it inspiring to watch competitive sports - people performing at the highest level is infectious. The emotion and thrill of the competition look incredibly exciting, similar to deep runs in tournaments, but with more of the body involved. Then I had an idea - what if I treated poker like these athletes treat their disciplines?
I've done a lot of research into routines for mind sport and physical sportsmen. Turns out there is a lot of pseudoscience online concerning sports and coaching. Lots of people want to sell you 1-on-1 packages, "life coach" deals and online things. It was a pain to cut through all the chaff and get some key bullet points.
Being in shape doesn't replace the edge of skill. You don't suddenly get better at poker for the sake of being jacked or super fast - but I think that living super-healthily can enable you to think "on the spot" more effectively and have better memory recall, emotional regulation and mental tenacity. I hope it can serve as the "cherry on top" of the skill edge that I'm continuing to build as I practice.
I have been thinking about what my goals are. My life goal is to win everything, but this is a bit far-fetched and doesn't help with short-term motivation, so I've planned out objectives for this stage in my poker career:
- Play 30k Hands a Month Online
- Run 4 Days a Week
- Stretch 6 days a Week Pre/Post Exercise
- Exercise 6 days a Week
- Sleep 8+ Hours Every Night
- Drink alcohol as little as possible
I will also buy a YELLOW PORSCHE with the winnings.
I live in the sticks, so getting live experience isn't really possible unless I travel for some bigger regional/national series. But in my country, they're not that great anymore. I also don't mind just playing online, because then I get to 100% focus on the plans that I've made.
I also have a nutrition plan that I've worked out. It's quite flexible, but focuses a 2200kcal limit daily, 150g protein intake for recovery/buildup, lots of fruit/veg for nutrients. Five days a week strength training in afternoons, 4 days a week running short/long distance to improve time in both disciplines
My daily posts aren't going to be too detailed because I have quite busy days planned, but I'll make sure I provide the topline (weight, hands played, results, etc). Happy to answer questions about my methodology such that other people can try this out.
I'm also considering starting a coaching operation in my free time, geared at live poker players in the US up to 5/10. I don't have the record to prove my ability above this stake yet.
One doesn't just jump into the life of an athlete though - the body will surely burn out and the mind become deflated. I intend to spend the final four months of the year building up to a level I would consider "athletic", to ensure that I stay attached to the program that I have designed.
It's 10pm presently, I begin the experiment tomorrow. Tuesday's exercise is a short distance run (thankfully) in the mornings, and a Pull session in the afternoon. I will update the thread on how it goes, as I begin what could be a few years of work.
Enjoy yourselves,
P.S. I didn't mention this in the original post, but I am blessed to be financially secure enough that poker results don't affect me. As such, there will be some serious bankroll mismanagement in this thread. I feel that because I can afford to weather some serious swings, I am a good control candidate for this kind of program. I remember having to make ends meet when I was 20/21 and frankly the stress would be too much.
Mouth been dry and headaches/lethargy last two days. Haven't been sleeping as many hours as I'd like to, so could be that. Could be dehydration. Drinking shitloads today to rule one out
Chump change but nice to be reminded you're doing a good job
BTN: 109.1 BB
SB: 112.56 BB
BB: 173.3 BB
UTG: 125.52 BB
MP: 121.52 BB
bb/100 (CO): 121.08 BB
SB posts SB 0.5 BB, BB posts BB 1 BB
Pre Flop: (pot: 1.5 BB) bb/100 has T♥ 8♥
fold, fold, bb/100 raises to 2.5 BB, fold, fold, BB calls 1.5 BB
Flop: (5.5 BB, 2 players) J♥ K♠ 7♦
BB checks, bb/100 bets 1.3 BB, BB calls 1.3 BB
Turn: (8.1 BB, 2 players) Q♣
BB checks, bb/100 bets 4.38 BB, BB calls 4.38 BB
River: (16.86 BB, 2 players) 2♠
BB checks, bb/100 bets 25.64 BB, fold
bb/100 wins 16.02 BB
Not sure if I'd try jamming AT here, doesn't feel like a good strategy
sunday million begins thanks for the 150k guys i need to fill my chest freezer with venison and picanha (brazil i forgive you after i eat this)
i need to brush my teeth because they're ****ing rank
so much to do next few days - heaps of stress. moving house is a pain in the arse never do it
just want every other responsibility to **** off so i can gamble money on the internet care-free
aug 31 hands: 1504
aug 31 result: +406.32BB
hands: 1094
result: +400.02BB
Good couple of days. Phone broke today, no longer charging. I tried to get out any lint but it just doesn't want to work,
Trying to get money on partypoker because they have the best games in 6 months going right now. Can't deposit without confirming on my phone WHYYYYYYYYY
this month is going to be diabolical i can already feel it
i budget myself amounts of money for disposable every month but with moving into the new house I've already spent a lot of it on home improvement and furniture so it looks like it BREAD AND WATER BOYS!!!!
phone still broken but the old iphone 6 came in hand. fun battling the higher up regs and trying to get whale money. got put in spots I've never seen before from the get-go
cheeky party spin: -58.69BB (285 hands)
BTN: 140.62 BB
SB: 99 BB
albert einstein: 111.42 BB
bb/100 (UTG): 421.8 BB
MP: 78.72 BB
CO: 96.72 BB
SB posts SB 0.5 BB, albert einstein posts BB 1 BB
Pre Flop: (pot: 1.5 BB) bb/100 has J♥ J♣
bb/100 raises to 2.5 BB, fold, fold, fold, SB raises to 5 BB, albert einstein calls 4 BB, bb/100 raises to 18 BB, fold, albert einstein calls 13 BB
Flop: (41 BB, 2 players) J♠ T♥ 2♠
albert einstein checks, bb/100 bets 9.74 BB, albert einstein calls 9.74 BB
Turn: (60.48 BB, 2 players) 8♣
albert einstein checks, bb/100 bets 28.1 BB, albert einstein calls 28.1 BB
River: (116.68 BB, 2 players) K♣
albert einstein checks, bb/100 bets 365.96 BB and is all-in, albert einstein calls 55.58 BB and is all-in
bb/100 shows J♥ J♣ (Three of a Kind, Jacks)
(Pre 68%, Flop 93%, Turn 100%)
albert ****ing einstein shows A♥ 8♥ (One Pair, Eights)
(Pre 32%, Flop 7%, Turn 0%)
bb/100 wins 223.84 BB
moving up stakes to combat inflation
press-ups whilst villain tanks
i was a fat bastard in 2022/23, must've drank my way to about 80kg. dropped the weight by not drinking insane amounts every day and improving the quality of the food i eat.
now i want to focus on getting fitter. my best official run times is a 23:55 5km and my best unofficial 10k time is 55:50
PATHETIC for a man in his prime age. the regret i will feel if i waste my peak. back to running slowly because terrified of injury.
i don't like lifting as much. lifting community on internet seems obsessed with having mental health issues (girlfriend broke my heart i must bench 300) or being super sigma males (please please please consider an alpha male) and i find it all to just be so toxic
going to try find a football team to play for. i reckon at amateur level you can just outrun everyone
below is 2024 weight loss so far. reckon it bottoms out once i start trading fat for muscle in equal measure
BTN: 127.32 BB
SB: 92.92 BB
BB: 335.66 BB
UTG: 100 BB
bb/100 (MP): 205.74 BB
CO: 102.48 BB
SB posts SB 0.5 BB, BB posts BB 1 BB
Pre Flop: (pot: 1.5 BB) bb/100 has K♠ Q♠
fold, bb/100 raises to 2.5 BB, fold, BTN calls 2.5 BB, SB calls 2 BB, fold
Flop: (8.5 BB, 3 players) 7♠ J♠ 6♠
SB checks, bb/100 bets 2.02 BB, BTN raises to 8.5 BB, fold, bb/100 calls 6.48 BB
Turn: (25.5 BB, 2 players) 2♦
bb/100 checks, BTN bets 22 BB, bb/100 calls 22 BB
River: (69.5 BB, 2 players) T♦
bb/100 checks, BTN bets 21.78 BB, bb/100 raises to 172.74 BB and is all-in, BTN calls 72.54 BB and is all-in
bb/100 shows K♠ Q♠ (Flush, King High)
(Pre 49%, Flop 66%, Turn 77%)
BTN shows 6♣ 6♦ (Three of a Kind, Sixes)
(Pre 51%, Flop 34%, Turn 23%)
bb/100 wins 254.14 BB
BTN: 113.5 BB
salvation army: 160.32 BB
BB: 100 BB
UTG: 255.02 BB
MP: 105.04 BB
bb/100 (CO): 329.46 BB
salvation army posts SB 0.5 BB, BB posts BB 1 BB
Pre Flop: (pot: 1.5 BB) bb/100 has T♣ J♣
fold, fold, bb/100 raises to 2.5 BB, fold, salvation army raises to 9.5 BB, fold, bb/100 calls 7 BB
Flop: (20 BB, 2 players) K♣ 9♣ Q♠
salvation army bets 150.82 BB and is all-in, bb/100 calls 150.82 BB
Turn: (321.64 BB, 2 players) 5♣
River: (321.64 BB, 2 players) K♦
salvation army shows A♥ A♦ (Two Pair, Aces and Kings)
(Pre 78%, Flop 3%, Turn 0%)
bb/100 shows T♣ J♣ (Flush, King High)
(Pre 22%, Flop 97%, Turn 100%)
bb/100 wins 317.64 BB
Hands: 1048
Results: +517.18BB
25 minute run in the books. Tried to stick to a 6:00/km pace as I ease back into it, succeeded in a 5:39/km (with a couple traffic stops). Behind legs feel like they've been through it - few good small bridges to get incline work in. Need a leg session in the gym later this week in London. Might hit gym later for a pull session.
Weighed in a 67.6kg today which is way lower than it should be - not sure why.
taking tomorrow off ahead of what's going to be a long weekend of degenerate gambling
permitting myself a rare chinese as my girlfriend wants one. its important to allow yourself these things so people cant accuse you of having an eating disorder
need to play another 1k hands before i sleep
hands: 507
result: -194.30BB
took night off instead of tomorrow. early bedtime to ensure legs get maximum recovery.
don't understand these guys who can't beat 50nl for 2bb/100, putting in 10 hour sessions daily. its like they've cashed their chips in and accepted this is as good as they're getting.
I'm not here for the money, i'm here to beat 2knl and win one of every trophy available.
hands: 1501
result: +163.40BB
biohazards produced: 1
glass collection day or as i call it the ALCOHOLYMPICS
mad walking past everyone’s glass bins and seeing just how many bottles of wine and beer are being discarded this month. impossible to live your full potential necking 4 bottles of wine a week.
im getting bladdered on the 14th and thats the only time this month. double parked wines baby COME THE **** ON.
woman has gone out of her way to be as far away from me as possible at the train platform.
2 nights down in London, got a client meeting booked in then it’s poker time. i love getting to beat the regs there. there’s something sweet about it.
client meeting went very well. ended up having drinks last night with some journalist types. didn’t make it to poker but enjoyed myself.
always enjoyed how the europeans breakfast. eggs on the way, then off to find a card game. lunch booked in for later but i’m not sure where
hotel room is nice as well
what is wrong with this city? all tables regs pretending “i would crush the 2/5 if i had a bigger bankroll” “i get so many coolers online”
BTN: 140.62 BB
SB: 99 BB
albert einstein: 111.42 BB
bb/100 (UTG): 421.8 BB
MP: 78.72 BB
CO: 96.72 BB
SB posts SB 0.5 BB, albert einstein posts BB 1 BB
Pre Flop: (pot: 1.5 BB) bb/100 has J♥ J♣
bb/100 raises to 2.5 BB, fold, fold, fold, SB raises to 5 BB, albert einstein calls 4 BB, bb/100 raises to 18 BB, fold, albert einstein calls 13 BB
Flop: (41 BB, 2 players) J♠ T♥ 2♠
albert einstein checks, bb/100 bets 9.74 BB, albert einstein calls 9.74 BB
Turn: (60.48 BB, 2 players) 8♣
albert einstein checks,
Really good flop and turn sizing, I think pre-flop should have been a bit smaller. Why so big?
Really good flop and turn sizing, I think pre-flop should have been a bit smaller. Why so big?
- 2. JJ is a good hand and it’s clearly rec city at this table, i can force bigger preflop mistakes by increasing the price. also with the added dead money, the pot odds laid by a normal 4bet sizing are much more generous for both players. recs are also pretty inelastic - calling range looks near identical facing 13bb or 18bb
took a break to smoke this cigar i bought but i don’t smoke and the nicotine is too strong
got this woman to choad my cigar to stop me throwing up all over the fish
now i can smoke the rest of it when the table dies and throw up all over the regs
why casinos make me wear JEANS and then make it THIRTY ****ING DEGREES