you cant stop the PROPHET
I came up with this idea throughout a two-week holiday that I took a while back. I'd just played cash at a week-long tournament series. Normally, I'd treat these things like a holiday - play for 12 hours, drink for a couple of hours with friends, and then return the next day for more of the same. However, everything was last-minute this time, and my hotel was a 15-minute drive from the casino. I couldn't drink. This was game-changing.
I became vaguely interested in health and fitness when my weight ballooned to 80kg. I'd been 60kg, healthy enough, for about four years, but all the alcohol I'd drunk and exercise I hadn't done shot me right up. I started going to the gym, drinking less, eating better, and dropped to 70kg. But that's where my momentum died. I weighed in at 69.4kg this morning, which is still not great given I'm in my twenties. I shouldn't be wasting my theoretical prime like this.
What I noticed at this tournament series is that everyone was living like ****. Everyone was drinking during/after playing, diets were awful because all casino food is fried, and everyone was overslept because of late-nighters. I consider poker a sport in some ways, and none of these people were particularly athletic.
Whilst I was on holiday this month, the Olympics were on. I always find it inspiring to watch competitive sports - people performing at the highest level is infectious. The emotion and thrill of the competition look incredibly exciting, similar to deep runs in tournaments, but with more of the body involved. Then I had an idea - what if I treated poker like these athletes treat their disciplines?
I've done a lot of research into routines for mind sport and physical sportsmen. Turns out there is a lot of pseudoscience online concerning sports and coaching. Lots of people want to sell you 1-on-1 packages, "life coach" deals and online things. It was a pain to cut through all the chaff and get some key bullet points.
Being in shape doesn't replace the edge of skill. You don't suddenly get better at poker for the sake of being jacked or super fast - but I think that living super-healthily can enable you to think "on the spot" more effectively and have better memory recall, emotional regulation and mental tenacity. I hope it can serve as the "cherry on top" of the skill edge that I'm continuing to build as I practice.
I have been thinking about what my goals are. My life goal is to win everything, but this is a bit far-fetched and doesn't help with short-term motivation, so I've planned out objectives for this stage in my poker career:
- Play 30k Hands a Month Online
- Run 4 Days a Week
- Stretch 6 days a Week Pre/Post Exercise
- Exercise 6 days a Week
- Sleep 8+ Hours Every Night
- Drink alcohol as little as possible
I will also buy a YELLOW PORSCHE with the winnings.
I live in the sticks, so getting live experience isn't really possible unless I travel for some bigger regional/national series. But in my country, they're not that great anymore. I also don't mind just playing online, because then I get to 100% focus on the plans that I've made.
I also have a nutrition plan that I've worked out. It's quite flexible, but focuses a 2200kcal limit daily, 150g protein intake for recovery/buildup, lots of fruit/veg for nutrients. Five days a week strength training in afternoons, 4 days a week running short/long distance to improve time in both disciplines
My daily posts aren't going to be too detailed because I have quite busy days planned, but I'll make sure I provide the topline (weight, hands played, results, etc). Happy to answer questions about my methodology such that other people can try this out.
I'm also considering starting a coaching operation in my free time, geared at live poker players in the US up to 5/10. I don't have the record to prove my ability above this stake yet.
One doesn't just jump into the life of an athlete though - the body will surely burn out and the mind become deflated. I intend to spend the final four months of the year building up to a level I would consider "athletic", to ensure that I stay attached to the program that I have designed.
It's 10pm presently, I begin the experiment tomorrow. Tuesday's exercise is a short distance run (thankfully) in the mornings, and a Pull session in the afternoon. I will update the thread on how it goes, as I begin what could be a few years of work.
Enjoy yourselves,
P.S. I didn't mention this in the original post, but I am blessed to be financially secure enough that poker results don't affect me. As such, there will be some serious bankroll mismanagement in this thread. I feel that because I can afford to weather some serious swings, I am a good control candidate for this kind of program. I remember having to make ends meet when I was 20/21 and frankly the stress would be too much.
- 2. JJ is a good hand and it’s clearly rec city at this table, i can force bigger preflop mistakes by increasing the price. also with the added dead money, the pot odds laid by a normal 4bet sizing are much more generous for both players. recs are also pretty inelastic - calling range looks near identical facing 13bb or 18bb
If we get 5 bet though there's a lot of dead money out there that we don't want to necessarily want to get in always against fish, I think by 4betting smaller we achieve the same result with less at risk (fold equity) pre flop
If we get 5 bet though there's a lot of dead money out there that we don't want to necessarily want to get in always against fish, I think by 4betting smaller we achieve the same result with less at risk (fold equity) pre flop
not stressing this to be honest, even regs incapable of 4bet/5betting anywhere near to equilibrium - and recs tend to way way overdo passive actions.
the amount of time we get called by hands that absolutely shouldn’t >>> the times the original 3bettor has AA/KK
lots of ways to skin a cat so maybe there’s merit, but i think this is probably fine. 0.01% spot anywhere so not worth wasting our time over, better spent on more common parts of the game
london poker always disappoints
on the tube. one girl has thrown up all over herself, two people are having a fight.
will post some hands tomorrow that i think are cool
“i know that guy, do you think he’s good?”
i talk to a lot of people in poker, i had a lot of friends who would consider themselves regs. don’t get me wrong, they’re probably breakeven/small winning, but their idea of good is so warped.
i get this question a lot. i always try and answer it truthfully.
the truth is that so many of these live “regs/pros” are just fish. your average reg isn’t 3betting enough, check-raising enough, is too loose and passive facing aggression. they “don’t believe in gto”, they don’t know how to behave when they cooler a fish, and they wonder why it’s been three years and they’re still playing 1/2.
this notion of playing a poker table and making money off of the fish is outdated. it’s not seven players chopping a fish stack in EV. it’s the best reg getting an above average portion of fish money, on top of all the reg money that can’t compete with them.
it’s rare that i sit down and see one fish. i normally see eight, just of varying degree. last night i watched a “good player” (by account) pass up the opportunity to squeeze QJs vs HJ+CO+BTN in the big blind deep-stacked. that’s criminal. i watched another good player triple off the worst blockers i’ve ever seen.
poker “skill” is perceived relatively. i don’t think many people is this world are actually good at the game (myself included - how can i be good when i check-raise 3BPs only 10%), but for sure you can get a lot better than what the standard for “good” is. and it’s not these live regs.
it’s not their fault. you’re not in the wrong for not knowing something. i’m just speaking on the dichotomy of well-studied players and “live pro”s who only ever glanced at a sim when GTOWizard was on free trial
this is why you have to study to actually win
not stressing this to be honest, even regs incapable of 4bet/5betting anywhere near to equilibrium - and recs tend to way way overdo passive actions.
the amount of time we get called by hands that absolutely shouldn’t >>> the times the original 3bettor has AA/KK
lots of ways to skin a cat so maybe there’s merit, but i think this is probably fine. 0.01% spot anywhere so not worth wasting our time over, better spent on more common parts of the game
First of all, Gl in your grind.
I think the main point that would be good to takeaway from this situation is that:
Even if you 4B smaller you will still get all the money *in* pretty easily if you want to and avoid losing too much when he does go all-in and you hopefully fold.
1/2/5 Live Hold’em
bb/100 (HJ): £672
CO: £750 (big rec)
BB: £1100 (rec)
STR: £950 (nit rec)
SB posts SB £1, BB posts BB £2, STR posts STR £5
Pre Flop: (pot: £8) bb/100 has K♥ K♦
fold, fold, bb/100 raises to £15[/color], CO calls £15, BTN calls £15, STR calls £15 CO shows 7♣ 4♠ (Three of a kind, Fours)
Flop: (£63, 4 players) Q♠ 4♥ 4♦
STR checks, bb/100 bets £20, CO calls, fold, fold
Turn: (£103, 2 players) 5♦
bb/100 bets £160, CO calls
River: (£423, 2 players) 6♥
bb/100 bets £482 and is all-in, CO calls
bb/100 shows K♥ K♦ (Two Pair, Kings and Fours)
CO wins £1387
****ed up turn sizing but clearly the only way to play this hand vs a big rec. taking AQ/KQ+ on turn and just extract max value from all the wanky Qx they can’t fold seems fine.
QJ of the world goes check/call or just probes river for pot
1/3 Live Hold’em
bb/100 (BB): £1100
BTN: £320 (some shitter)
SB posts SB £1, bb/100 posts BB £3
Pre Flop: (pot: £4) bb/100 has A♣ 4♥
BTN raises to £11, bb/100 calls
Flop: (£23, 2 players) Q♥ 9♥ 9♠
bb/100 checks
Turn: (£23, 2 players) 9♦
bb/100 bets £45, BTN folds
terrible terrible hand choice but who cares because this gets almost a rangefold. try and protect your checking range a bit
Hands: 2000
Result: -437.84BB
Super swingy first week. Feels like I'm playing my best poker ever, however. Back in gym tomorrow. Reading more, getting more active and eating better.
I love brie and honey. Feel like some ancient greek merchant.
Played 30k hands in July. I want 31k minimum this month. Going to try play more hands every month, and study harder. just become the goat really
gym got cut short because i have the shits again. 4x8 bench 30kg, 4x8 shoulder press 8kg. starting right at the bottom, doing slower reps, trying to ensure no injury. hands ****ing kill from using phone all the time playing live.
few binks
- ran the numbers and turns out i don't owe the taxman 5k
- car repairs turn out to be 500 cheaper than i thought they would
- found some cash i'd stashed away in a folder and forgotten about
haven't played or looked at a single hand of cards today due to admin, and now I've got to go and collect some stuff from the shop. could be a 0-hander
BTN: 101.76 BB
SB: 100.5 BB
bb/100 (BB): 202.66 BB
UTG: 101.5 BB
MP: 290.28 BB
CO: 100 BB
SB posts SB 0.5 BB, bb/100 posts BB 1 BB
Pre Flop: (pot: 1.5 BB) bb/100 has 4♣ K♦
fold, fold, fold, fold, SB raises to 2.5 BB, bb/100 raises to 8 BB, SB calls 5.5 BB
Flop: (16 BB, 2 players) T♦ 2♣ 2♥
SB checks, bb/100 bets 8.66 BB, SB calls 8.66 BB
Turn: (33.32 BB, 2 players) 6♣
SB checks, bb/100 bets 23.9 BB, SB calls 23.9 BB
River: (81.12 BB, 2 players) J♠
SB checks, bb/100 bets 162.1 BB and is all-in, fold
bb/100 wins 77.12 BB
Really like this line. Think I'm way overdoing every street here, which isn't great vs the way most people play this spot (awfully tight)
think i've figured out the reduction strategy my supermarket uses. i reckon all the fresh stuff goes into the back for peaceful discounting to 25% price, and comes back out around 6:30. not sure about sundays, reckon it happens earlier. I'm testing this hypothesis today, and will likely buy a lot of fish.
reckon bread comes back out around 7:00
spot on. there was a chinese woman there waiting. clearly a reg. we recognised each other's game. prawn galore.
Hands: 625
Result: -520.44BB
What a crazy rollercoaster I have been on past three weeks.
GL crushing the supermarket!
Worried I could start making this miserable for myself. Love playing, love reviewing, but constantly feel like I'm not doing enough. End up feel frustrated that I have to spend 2 hours sorting the car out, or that I have to take 2 hours out of my day to do x
There's so much that I haven't done yet, and I just want to be making as much progress as possible. It's my element - I'm comfortable doing this. Forgetting how to relax. Forgetting how to take time off.
Obsession is essential if you want to make it to nosebleeds in this game, but I have costs (relationship, job, etc) that it feels like some of these basement dwellers didn't have to pay, and hence they have a leg up in time.
Falling behind on 31k hand goal for the month. At 7k in 9 days, and not sure how much I'm putting in today. Probably put in another hour then go spend time with my girlfriend.
Hands: 746
Results: +339.44BB
results continue to be all over the place. i suppose that's how it is. not supposed to win much more than lose - it's sample that dictates the winrate.
not sure i give a damn about having 100k hands at 50nl - it's not worth anything. i can't buy a house with a pt4 screenshot. I'm going to continue improving and then crush tougher and tougher opponents until I've had everyone i can. frankly, until I've done that, the money is an aside.
bike hurt my ass can't sit properly have to use standing desk
listened to chris nguyen's podcast on the bike today. lit a fire under my ass
i work harder than my opponents
i work out harder than my opponents
if i just keep showing up the rewards will be magnificent
I had to run to the shop to get the ingredients for dinner. naturally checked out the 50% discount section. lots of bread, nothing interesting in the fresh section but bread is STACKED, all of it freezable.
I've timed all my walks to the shop since i moved here. It averages to about 4 minutes, give or take one for traffic on the two crossings.
i didn't see the exact times of the bread reduction to 25%. i reckon it takes less time, and probably starts at 6pm along with the fresh reductions. i plan to be there from 6:10 to get the exact idea when it will be there, and purchase everything i want from the section.
i put way too much on the line for 50p sourdough bread, but i can never go back to the "loafs" i was buying before.
the adrenaline i get from this is like nothing else in my life. it feels almost illegal to optimise it this hard, but the supermarket is a PvP environment.
learnt a lot today. bread happens more on-the-clock because the bakery is dormant in evenings. fresh is much more random. empty shelves at 6:15 are an indicator that it's coming.
i feel a bit weird when I'm early and have to hang around looking at ingredient lists awkwardly. it's the right thing to do - i wouldn't want to make anyone feel uncomfortable with me lurching over their shoulder. i worked retail and it was awful having the opportunistic zombies crowd round you - that's why people do it in the back of the store now.
i see what i do to be different for those people. i want to be as discreet as possible, cause no problems for the staff, and I'm in-and-out as quickly as possible. I'm calculated.
Hands: 2203
Result: +188.16BB
Just chugging along at the minute until I get a graph that makes me confident to move up.
Spoke to some people further down the line today and they know so much more than me - I have so far to go.
Beating 50NL feels like a pointless victory when the road ahead is so long and winding. I have more to do.
down in london for a friends birthday tomorrow. getting there early on Saturday and leaving late Sunday to squeeze in some poker while I'm down there. games are always easy, but never standout.
30-40k hand month looking unlikely, although been working pretty hard on improving my game this month which has taken away from it. the volume isn't too important as I'm not trying to pay my bills at NL50, I'm just killing time and improving until the next deposit becomes possible. 500/month limit really hurts your ability to move up