2nl to 200nl or die trying...
Hi all. Thought I would start recording my progress as I attempt to grind a roll from 2nl to 200nl and even further if p
I'm also planning on starting in 2NL and climbing my way up. My problem is I always play with my roll on the table. So the goal is to play with a bankroll over an extended period of time.
I think I can follow your 30 buy-in rule when it comes to taking shots. I'm starting off with 100 buy-ins in 2NL though. So I'll get a little head start. Problem is it goes from 2NL to the next stake which is 10NL on the site I play. There is not 5NL unfortunately. That's okay. I'm used to playing 10NL on Global... so stake is a lot softer than that.
Best of luck to you, and subbed.
I'm also planning on starting in 2NL and climbing my way up. My problem is I always play with my roll on the table. So the goal is to play with a bankroll over an extended period of time.
I think I can follow your 30 buy-in rule when it comes to taking shots. I'm starting off with 100 buy-ins in 2NL though. So I'll get a little head start. Problem is it goes from 2NL to the next stake which is 10NL on the site I play. There is not 5NL unfortunately. That's okay. I'm used to playing 10NL on Global
Indeed mate it's the only way when poker is so volatile. I'm still waiting for my first 10+ buy in downswing. It hasn't happened yet, but it's in the post.
GL with your challenge I'll be checkin it out too 😀
Played meh in parts today but mostly ok. There is one particular reg who plays very aggro preflop but much nittier/closer to correct postflop that I always seem to play a bit spewy against, need to reign this in. I'm also embarking on a pretty intense theory course so my volume might suffer a little as this is going to take up 1-2 hours per day and I don't want to get burnt out.
Day 11 results:

Current BR: $275.08
good luck andy!
Pretty boring session today. Not too much happening tables full of nits and regs. I was a bit over a buy in up until right at the end when this hand happened...
Hand History driven straight to this forum with DriveHUD 2
and Database SoftwareNL Holdem 0.05(BB)
BTN ($4.90) [VPIP: 18.1% | PFR: 11.2% | AGG: 45% | Hands: 120]
SB ($2.22) [VPIP: 50% | PFR: 0% | AGG: 9.1% | Hands: 8]
HERO ($5.99) [VPIP: 24.8% | PFR: 20.4% | AGG: 35.9% | Flop Agg: 38.8% | Turn Agg: 37% | River Agg: 33% | 3Bet: 7.9% | 4Bet: 9% | Cold Call: 11.2% | Hands: 31585]
HJ ($3.52) [VPIP: 29.4% | PFR: 24.6% | AGG: 28.6% | Hands: 131]
CO ($6) [VPIP: 22.4% | PFR: 12.5% | AGG: 18.8% | Flop Agg: 23.3% | Turn Agg: 15.6% | River Agg: 20% | 3Bet: 4.6% | 4Bet: 0% | Hands: 240]
Dealt to Hero: K♥ Q♦
HJ Folds, CO Raises To $0.15, BTN Folds, SB Folds, HERO Calls $0.10
Hero SPR on Flop: [18.25 effective]
Flop ($0.32): K♠ 5♣ Q♣
HERO Checks, CO Bets $0.20 (Rem. Stack: $5.65), HERO Raises To $0.60 (Rem. Stack: $5.24), CO Calls $0.40 (Rem. Stack: $5.25)
Turn ($1.52): K♠ 5♣ Q♣ 5♦
HERO Bets $1.10 (Rem. Stack: $4.14), CO Raises To $5.25 (allin), HERO Calls $4.14 (allin)
River ($12.01): K♠ 5♣ Q♣ 5♦ 4♠
CO shows: A♥ A♣
CO cashes out: $10.15
I said in chat before I called "AA?" I guess the nit always has it. That kind of took the sails out of me so called it a day.
Day 13 results:

Weekly graph of whole challenge:

BR: $267.69
Started off session losing a couple of big pots when recs were getting there on the river after calling big flop and turn bets and then some other usual variance stuff. Not flustered in the slightest. Our walls are strong, I wouldn't say made of iron, but close, some hard rock maybe 😀 Understanding and accepting variance at a deep level is very +EV. This is much easier off the back of a long streak of good variance though obviously. When the doom switch gets flipped, that will be the real test.
Day 17 results:

BR: $294.76
Started off session losing a couple of big pots when recs were getting there on the river after calling big flop and turn bets and then some other usual variance stuff. Not flustered in the slightest. Our walls are strong, I wouldn't say made of iron, but close, some hard rock maybe 😀 Understanding and accepting variance at a deep level is very +EV. This is much easier off the back of a long streak of good variance though obviously. When the doom switch gets flipped, that will be the real test.
Looking really good man, stopped by to check up, happy to see the results! I do agree those preflop ranges are a LITTLE bit too wide, I sent you over something to try out, if you wanted to. Looks like you have found a style you are comfortable with that works for you though, so just keep killing it man! I think you'll get there before you know it! Looking forward to more updates! Ill stay tuned!
Looking really good man, stopped by to check up, happy to see the results! I do agree those preflop ranges are a LITTLE bit too wide, I sent you over something to try out, if you wanted to. Looks like you have found a style you are comfortable with that works for you though, so just keep killing it man! I think you'll get there before you know it! Looking forward to more updates! Ill stay tuned!
awesome thanks. Those ranges are really close to what I'm doing, so that's a good sign 😃 The default 3betting charts are of much interest because I've been really close to making my own, but haven't got round to it yet because, that's a lot of charts lol, and there are so many other variables to consider when making a 3bet I don't want to become a chart bot :P
Thanks for these though I'll definitely make use of them 😀
Ran kings into aces pre for 100bb and some other all ins we were fav we lost. and rec called 3rd of his stack with KQ when I had QQ and got the KK5 flop with SPR 1. Played ok, kind of tough spot on one table with aggro donk on my right and huge calling station whale on my left, but we can't leave that right?! card dead and missing every flop but then the whale left and we stacked the donk not long after.
Day 18 results:

BR: $295.24
Rough day. Lost AKs vs AA BvB all in pre vs aggro reg for 100bb at start of session. Opponents being extremely aggro = they keep making good hands against us :'( Opponent flopped quads in huge squeezed pot while we turn top boat so lost over 100 bb there. Ran in to top of ranges on most our bluffs. This limit does not want us to leave it seems... 5nl's last gasp.
Day 19 results:

BR: $290.73
Beginning of session was quite brutal. Always seemed to have 2nd best hand or no hand at all. Our walls were feeling the tremors of variance, we did make a couple of small deviations from our A game because of them, but nothing too major. Things perked up in the last 1/3 though and we ended positive, which was nice. 😀
Day 20 results:

BR: $293.00
Ran JJ into AA sb vs button at start of session and had a bunch of all ins we were fav and lost all of them lol... 5nl hanging on hard, but we will defeat her. Had to quit session a bit early because the cat is crying for food and I need to go out and get some 😀
Day 21 results:

BR: $292.43
Good luck at 10nl!
Shorter session today as I was running late, woke during the night around 3am and took over an hour to get back to sleep so woke up a bit later. First session at 10nl! Went ok, definitely feel like the regs are better here than 5nl, though still far too early to say for sure. More overbetting, raising flops etc.. not many fishies.
Day 23 results:

BR: $307.68
Good Luck at 10NL Andy.
I love the way you post your hand histories.