2nl to 200nl or die trying...
Hi all. Thought I would start recording my progress as I attempt to grind a roll from 2nl to 200nl and even further if p
I think its safe to assume HS crusher would have +20bb/100h winrate at micros (This is if played 100k hands)
I'm not sure it is safe to assume that though really. Do you have examples of someone crushing that much over a significant sample? 100k hands is not enough really. The Blackrain dude is probably better adjusted to micros than they would be and touts himself as the biggest micros winner of all time at just over 10bb/100 at 10nl. 2.7bb/100 at 25nl lol. Now I don't think he is but some of his sample sizes are quite significant. If you take 2nl away(cos 2nl is an outlier and possible winrates there are a lot higher than above I think) his winrate 5nl-50nl is around 10bb/100 I think. Do you really think someone could literally double that? I have my doubts.

EDIT: I just noticed he says biggest winner at 2nl/5nl, not micros in general... which I guess is possible over such a large sample.
Lately i was thinking Rake cap is big thing, HS crushers have rake cap so low on their stake like 0.75BB or even less while micros have 10BB+ this means if we shove pre with AK/QQ and get into coinflips we lose 10BB to rake per shove if gets called while its standard for HS crusher to get allin with such hands because he loses only 1.5BB or less per shove at his stake
Yeah that is a huge difference.
But don't worry boys I'm not done yet 😀 Die trying member?
10mil hands feels sickening esp 2,2mil at 2nl.... I will show my results when I reach 10mil hands.... 2039
Recently HS crusher Daniil Vasilev started streaming on twitch to try and move up from RnC NL50 on GG, it's on Russian but we can get a clue how HS crusher plays micros, can he really crush 20bb/100 or it's just a myth
Recently HS crusher Daniil Vasilev started streaming on twitch to try and move up from RnC NL50 on GG, it's on Russian but we can get a clue how HS crusher plays micros, can he really crush 20bb/100 or it's just a myth
Looks like I need to simplify my game even more. I notice that Danil Vasilev overfolds almost every time the opponent presses. I don't know what his went to show down percentage is, but it's probably pretty low. You hardly play like that at high levels, but apparently NL50 is such a scared pool that your winrate will increase with over folds.
Looks like I need to simplify my game even more. I notice that Danil Vasilev overfolds almost every time the opponent presses. I don't know what his went to show down percentage is, but it's probably pretty low. You hardly play like that at high levels, but apparently NL50 is such a scared pool that your winrate will increase with over folds.
03:41:00 with that KQ hand he calls river jam with K high
03:53:00 he jams with KK on A river
He has broadcasted total 3 times, if we combine all 3 videos total playtime is around 12h, if we count 500 hand per hour (2tabling zoom) he has played nearly 6k hand and from the graph when he ended last stream it was showing total -120$, that translates to negative -4BB per 100 hand, am i right?
I mean, it's early to say something but seems like GG's RnC micros aren't that piece of cake, i really want to see his results with more volume
No doubt about his skills but imo nowadays its so so hard to climb from micros to high stakes to compare times when they climbed, it's like very big difference, nowadays it's like mission impossible to reach high stakes dream, only very few can
There are many factors like, everyone can use now solvers and GTOwizard etc everyone plays more or less correct preflop ranges, there are less fish and fishes nowadays are different, overall player pool is harder, rake on GG is absurdly high etc etc
Somewhere i watched linus interview when he says hardest part is to get to high stakes, to stay there is easy ofc you need skills but high stake games have less rake and never plays without at least 1 fish present on the table unless you play reg wars
Just a quick update. This challenge is not over. I'm biding my time at the moment, recuperating. Feasting off all the putrid life of the swamp like Lestat while my ego slowly regenerates. I have been playing cash very sparingly and have made a couple of buy ins back from that and from freerolls. I will post a bankroll update soon. Plan to start playing regular sessions at 10nl again soon in the evenings.
Alright so here we are.

So the downswing was around 15 buy ins. No biggie, but still shakes the mentality/confidence when this is the first fairly significant one since i came back. I'm slowly picking up the volume again now. I may not post every day in future because I find it brings more stress when I'm constantly posting losing days. But not posting because of that is just a failure on my part really, no reason not to. Losing is a big part of poker after all I'm sure people would like to see the whole journey, warts and all, and also for me to look back on. I guess we'll see.
Current bankroll is at $323.06. Should be lower but I buffed it up by winning some freerolls while rebuilding mentality/confidence.