Started with a $1/$2nl challenge, now we're here.

Started with a $1/$2nl challenge, now we're here.


The Goal is Simple - $40k in One Year (starting Jan.1st 2013) playing only $1-$2NLHE, and $1-$3 NLHE cash games. Most of my play will be @HSIPoker (90% of play), @HollywoodPoker (5% of play) in southern Indiana, and other (5% of play). I will make the occasional trips Vegas, Chicago, etc. My buy-ins will be least $300 and no more than $800 in all daily sessions. If I lose a $800 bullet in the first hour of play, then I leave. Therefore a losing session will never exceed $800. I am committed to play an average of 30-35 hours a week. All statistics (running total $, $/hr., #of hrs. win/loss ratio, etc.) will be tracked through my Poker Journal App. The max buy-ins on both of these games @HSIPoker is $300 up to half the big stack at the table (i.e. big stack has $1400, then new player can buy-in for $700, or other players at table can add up to $700 to their chips). Also @HSIPoker players can straddle from any position, so $1-$2 plays like a $1-$3 or even $2-$5 w/deep stacks. Side note: Just yesterday a maniac player at $1-$2 nlhe straddled for $350!! I will also play no more than $5k worth of tournaments for the year ranging from $300-$1700 buy-ins. The tournaments will be recorded separately, and will be added or deducted from cash game total profits at the end of the year (ending Dec. 31st 2013). I will stay committed to this all year and I will not stray from my rules. I can guarantee I will post at least twice a week, and would even like to link a monthly video segments throughout the year. If you stay with me on this journey, I can promise you I will stay with you throughout the whole year. You can count on total transparency in my poker grind. I will share honestly the ups and downs, the brutal swings, and sprinkle in some spice and substance. All while trying to spare you the bad beat stories. I rather do naked snow angels in freezing temps than listening to someone’s bad beat story. For future reference if you share one with me, I will act like I care, but I will really be thinking of when will this bad beat story end!! You can also follow -

Background – Starting playing seriously at age 25 during the Chris Moneymaker boom. Duh! It was around the same time I was teaching middle school math. I left teaching to create my own destiny. I started out playing low limits and have played as high as $25-$50 NLHE online. I am like most of you that have $ tied up on Full-Tilt. I am mostly a cash game player, and have played very few tournaments with very little success. I bricked the WSOP Main Event twice (I bought in once, and the other seat was a won through PokerStars). I seem to come up short on the big buy-in tourneys. My biggest score in tournaments are a couple of $20k cashes, and biggest score in cash games are a few $10k sessions. Sometimes poker was my full-time job, and sometimes it was supplement income. Right now it is my full-time job. I own a few rental properties, so that helps take the pressure off the grind. My girlfriend (15yr. relationship) and I have 2 girls (2yrs and 9yrs) that are joys of my life. My biggest challenge is explaining to them along with everyone else that I play poker for a living. I struggle with the fact that I am basically chasing money, and not doing anything productive. On the flip side, I do like the higher levels of thinking, the competition, and the pressure that poker offers me. Furthermore, I am not a gambler! I go straight to the poker room and straight out, nothing in between (no dice, no colors, no slots, no blackjack, etc.). Don’t get me wrong though I will bet anything I have an edge on. Most of all, I am a man devoted to my faith. Side note: I don’t see playing poker as sinful behavior, or gambling. I define gambling as anything where I’m not a favorite to win long term. More about me . . . thrive on competition, unique, introvert, outside the box thinker, gym fitness member, a bit anti-social, well mannered, authored my memoir at age 30, every other weekend drinker, love my church, entrepreneurial thinker, tennis junkie, green thumb, and I think cats are skittish.

Reason for Goal – The challenge itself is the ultimate reason for this goal. I was recently in a conversation with a friend of mine, and he was stating that $30k/yr. was a realistic earning for a $1-2, $1-3 nlhe grinder. I discussed that an “A” player putting in 40hrs/wk. can possibly make $40k/yr. He said, “no way”, and I said “I’m going to do it.” And that’s how this goal started. Reason 2) Simple – the goal will keep me staying determined to play flawlessly, and it will keep me focused at the task at hand. This goal allows me to stay “hungry” the whole year. I enjoy the pressure of striving to achieve something that is challenging. This challenge will keep me waking up each day and grinding. The satisfaction of achieving this goal will be half the fun, and the journey getting there is the other half. My subscribers, followers, and my post will keep accountable; and keeps me determined to play my “A” game. Thank you in advance for subscribing/following! Reason 3) it keeps the pressure off me playing the bigger games. I always told people the “poker lows” hurt more than the “highs” feel good. If that makes any sense to you! There were times when I was playing bigger limits where I would lose $5k in a sesh. Trust me those days sting! When I lost that amount of cheddar I would always think of what I could have done with that money; i.e. remodel the kitchen, go on shopping spree, buy a used car, get a golf membership at the country club, etc. When I win it’s like “cool”, but when I lose big it affects my whole psyche! With this goal I am managing my losses where worst case scenario is an $800 losing day. Reason 4) the $1-$2 NLHE is the most popular poker game around. There are more $1-$2 players than any other game. This will give a good idea of what’s a realistic earning from a solid $1-$2nlhe player. I want to do this for all the grinders. There is not a truer grinder than a $1-$2 grinder. Big Ups to all the 1-2ers!

Cliff Notes – Can I? Or can’t I? Make $40k in 2013 playing only $1-$2 and $1-$3 NLHE. Playing at least 30hrs/wk. and buying in for no more than $800 a session! I will also invest no more than $5k in tournaments in 2013 that will be factored into the $40k/year goal. I will post often with full transparency. I thrive on competition. My motto is look good, feel good, play good. I like puzzles. I have a degree in Mathematics. This is my very first post on 2 + 2 forum. All feedback welcome.


) 10 Views 10
30 December 2012 at 03:57 PM

796 Replies


by ButterflySymmetry k

Still contemplating if I wanna put those lines in.
The cut joint is used for service lines. It sets perfectly 10’ from the side line right down the middle.
Which u think wd look best? More lines or less, aesthetically?

@Squidface ty. They been out there all weekend!!! Made me smile

You have to have the center line to know if a serve close to the middle is good or not. I would bag the idea of flowers around the court - if you want flowers put them by the pool. Retrieving a ball under a rose bush is no laughing matter.

You need service lines, it's not negotiable!

K u all swayed me.
No more using the saw line cut for the service lines on both sides. Yes it worked, but if we want a truer pickleball court then we need a 2” wide line.

Coming soon. Next pic will have the new lines and more colorful flowers. Thanks for the recommendations.

First loss of May today.
One of the best 1/3 games in a long while this morning. Many high vpip and many straddles. Was completely card dead all day. Unfair lol. Maybe card distribution will b better tomorrow.

by ButterflySymmetry k

What’s ironic is I play w retired folks all the time. The whole irony is them dumping their retirement to me. Irony irony irony that they choose to play poker as entertainment when they retire. The irony of when u retire u will prob play more poker.
Come to think of it. I may hv just proved that I may b retired now. #fullyretired.

do you think any of those folks have 17k liquid to their name? those retired folks could just stop playing for a year and be fine. can you?

by MastaAces k

yet another pertinent question that's being glossed over. maybe you were too busy studying poker solver outputs to answer! #selectivetransparency

this is why i stopped trying to help long ago and instead now mostly troll. each time i've asked for more information in a HH or otherwise tried to be helpful i've been ignored (as have many others).

in the end Rayz is going to do whatever he feels like and doesn't actually give a **** about advice you all are giving him. he knows better than our collect

fwiw, winning at 1/3 doesn't require a lot of studing for some to beat handily. it's not that hard of a game. players play very face up and it would be fairly obvious to anyone who puts in enough volume at the stake, which i would say BS has actually done over the years.

do i think he can win at a descent 2/5 game? probably not from the livestream play and the hands posted, but anyone can run hot in any game and win...

by ButterflySymmetry k

Still working on it. Here’s what we got so far.

I think we still need more flower colors around the court. Mayb some rose bushes???

this looks pretty solid. did you ever think about running electric for lighting?

Yard looks amazing
Service lines are a must bro

by johnny_on_the_spot k

do you think any of those folks have 17k liquid to their name? those retired folks could just stop playing for a year and be fine. can you?

Nah. But those fixed incomes prob can’t afford to play everyday.
I get ya tho. Just feeding u guys

by johnny_on_the_spot k

this looks pretty solid. did you ever think about running electric for lighting?

Overhead gorilla light coming eventually.

by Starks Pizzeria k

Yard looks amazing
Service lines are a must bro

Ty and the service lines will b done in a couple days.
Still on a mission to make it look more and more spectacular.
Ty guys.

+1 to great looking yard. Your kids are very fortunate.

Every time it’s looking doom and gloom on the $40k challenge we hit a decent score.
+$892 on a gd action table.
Plenty of button straddles, and I followed suit.
Side note: I usually straddle when I see 4 or 5 straddling. It’s advantageous to do everything possible to play higher when ur the best at the table. Def want to do my part to keep the straddles going.

Sitting at $9802 in 1/3 $40k. If can close May and June strong; then don’t count us out.
I’ll take $16k by end of June and wd feel gd about it.

Got lucky in the big hand of the day

Hero $450 w JJ from utg
$6 straddle from button, and I make it $40 after 1 caller. Thought bout $25 or $30 but action table so sized up. Tilt Morocco guy ($350) on my left (stuck $500) calls. Another guy ($400) who is also heading towards Tilt road from middle position calls. Wd anyone else like to cold call? ???

4 to the flop. Pot $160

I lead $45 w overpair gut shot.
Tilt Morocco guy calls, and his road buddy decides to ship his stack of $350.
This steaming guy #2 is at least a ‘thinking player’. Therefore, I feel the raise wd b smaller if he is super strong. It’s draw heavy flop, and I’m blocking straights. Also I hold the Jd w a gut shot. I’m basically putting this guy’s top range of pair+draw, and bottom something like a A9suited. F his draw, I call.
Tilt Moroccan Guy #1 snaps and rolls over what I’m blocking lol. The straight. 😵

Pot is $1200
Turn is Jh

River 777777777777777777777
🍰 blow out the fn candles!!!

After the hand never saw tilt #2 holdings, but he was a little down after both calls of his all-in. Which made me think a 9X or diamonds.

Behind the $40k pace but we have a pulse. We ain’t dead

Well, that settles it. You're definitely the best there ever was! Very well played.

by MastaAces k

Well, that settles it. You're definitely the best there ever was! Very well played.

"It's better to be lucky than good"

Hard to deny that he could very possibly be the 3rd greatest to ever grace the felt

by johnny_on_the_spot k

fwiw, winning at 1/3 doesn't require a lot of studing for some to beat handily. it's not that hard of a game. players play very face up and it would be fairly obvious to anyone who puts in enough volume at the stake, which i would say BS has actually done over the years.

do i think he can win at a descent 2/5 game? probably not from the livestream play and the hands posted, but anyone can run hot in any game and win...

i wasn't insinuating that the game is tough by any means. it clearly isn't since Rayz is seemingly beating it (real talk). my point was that if he studied a few hours per week he would up his hourly significantly, allowing him to raise the stakes, and subsequently live half-retired like he dreams about all day. he claims to study, but he definitely doesn't do much more studying than confirming stuff by independently thinking about it. #toogoodtostudy #hugeFRAGILEego #nodiscipline

Rayz is the greatest poker player of all time and a fairly large fish at the same time. the duality of man is fascinating!

really sick backyard though, that i cannot deny! obviously not a wise decision or investment with your life/bankroll (they're one and the same, like a true poker pro that's basically retired) though.

I straddle $6. Mp ($225)) recreation player with high vpip/little knowledge raises to $10.
$10 is legal here off a $6 straddle.
Another high vpip’r calls.

Pot $25
Flop 1074r
Mp 2x pot $50 w $175 behind.
Other guy folds.
Back on me w 108o
I cover. What’s the play?

You have top pair and a monster kicker facing a huge overbet.

Why do you think MP has little knowledge? Do you think he would do this with draws and air?

DidnÂ’t mean he has little knowledge.
I meant I hv little knowledge of him.
My bad

So @masq what is ur play here ?

Fold pre-flop. Fold flop.

I'm a nit.

by ButterflySymmetry k

DidnÂ’t mean he has little knowledge.
I meant I hv little knowledge of him.
My bad

So @masq what is ur play here ?

I'm gonna have to call your bluff here. You can't answer Masq's questions so you're revising your statement. It's the same reason you've chosen to ignore a lot of other followup questions when asked about hand details. You are clicking buttons but trying to sound knowledgeable. Pay more attention at the tables and do some studying. Why don't you want to improve your game?


by Masq k

Fold pre-flop. Fold flop.

I'm a nit.

You wouldn't call $4 into $30 to see a flop with T8o? I am super nitty but that seems like a leak.

Hero made a mistake saying the flop pot size was $25 - after his call it is $31-$34 (3 callers of $10 + $1 & $3; depends if 2nd guy was in a blind).

@mastaAces u are a piece of work.
I hv little knowledge of the player. Not that he has little knowledge. But, believe what u want.

I wdnt even respond to correct @masq if I meant the opposite. What’s the big deal?

U care to chime in on what u wd do facing 2x pot bet w top pair?

by bahbahmickey k

Hero made a mistake saying the flop pot size was $25 - after his call it is $31-$34 (3 callers of $10 + $1 & $3; depends if 2nd guy was in a blind).

Dead sb $0 + bb $3 + 3 callers of $10 -$2 promo drop - 10% rake $3.
Pot = $28
