Started with a $1/$2nl challenge, now we're here.

Started with a $1/$2nl challenge, now we're here.


The Goal is Simple - $40k in One Year (starting Jan.1st 2013) playing only $1-$2NLHE, and $1-$3 NLHE cash games. Most of my play will be @HSIPoker (90% of play), @HollywoodPoker (5% of play) in southern Indiana, and other (5% of play). I will make the occasional trips Vegas, Chicago, etc. My buy-ins will be least $300 and no more than $800 in all daily sessions. If I lose a $800 bullet in the first hour of play, then I leave. Therefore a losing session will never exceed $800. I am committed to play an average of 30-35 hours a week. All statistics (running total $, $/hr., #of hrs. win/loss ratio, etc.) will be tracked through my Poker Journal App. The max buy-ins on both of these games @HSIPoker is $300 up to half the big stack at the table (i.e. big stack has $1400, then new player can buy-in for $700, or other players at table can add up to $700 to their chips). Also @HSIPoker players can straddle from any position, so $1-$2 plays like a $1-$3 or even $2-$5 w/deep stacks. Side note: Just yesterday a maniac player at $1-$2 nlhe straddled for $350!! I will also play no more than $5k worth of tournaments for the year ranging from $300-$1700 buy-ins. The tournaments will be recorded separately, and will be added or deducted from cash game total profits at the end of the year (ending Dec. 31st 2013). I will stay committed to this all year and I will not stray from my rules. I can guarantee I will post at least twice a week, and would even like to link a monthly video segments throughout the year. If you stay with me on this journey, I can promise you I will stay with you throughout the whole year. You can count on total transparency in my poker grind. I will share honestly the ups and downs, the brutal swings, and sprinkle in some spice and substance. All while trying to spare you the bad beat stories. I rather do naked snow angels in freezing temps than listening to someone’s bad beat story. For future reference if you share one with me, I will act like I care, but I will really be thinking of when will this bad beat story end!! You can also follow -

Background – Starting playing seriously at age 25 during the Chris Moneymaker boom. Duh! It was around the same time I was teaching middle school math. I left teaching to create my own destiny. I started out playing low limits and have played as high as $25-$50 NLHE online. I am like most of you that have $ tied up on Full-Tilt. I am mostly a cash game player, and have played very few tournaments with very little success. I bricked the WSOP Main Event twice (I bought in once, and the other seat was a won through PokerStars). I seem to come up short on the big buy-in tourneys. My biggest score in tournaments are a couple of $20k cashes, and biggest score in cash games are a few $10k sessions. Sometimes poker was my full-time job, and sometimes it was supplement income. Right now it is my full-time job. I own a few rental properties, so that helps take the pressure off the grind. My girlfriend (15yr. relationship) and I have 2 girls (2yrs and 9yrs) that are joys of my life. My biggest challenge is explaining to them along with everyone else that I play poker for a living. I struggle with the fact that I am basically chasing money, and not doing anything productive. On the flip side, I do like the higher levels of thinking, the competition, and the pressure that poker offers me. Furthermore, I am not a gambler! I go straight to the poker room and straight out, nothing in between (no dice, no colors, no slots, no blackjack, etc.). Don’t get me wrong though I will bet anything I have an edge on. Most of all, I am a man devoted to my faith. Side note: I don’t see playing poker as sinful behavior, or gambling. I define gambling as anything where I’m not a favorite to win long term. More about me . . . thrive on competition, unique, introvert, outside the box thinker, gym fitness member, a bit anti-social, well mannered, authored my memoir at age 30, every other weekend drinker, love my church, entrepreneurial thinker, tennis junkie, green thumb, and I think cats are skittish.

Reason for Goal – The challenge itself is the ultimate reason for this goal. I was recently in a conversation with a friend of mine, and he was stating that $30k/yr. was a realistic earning for a $1-2, $1-3 nlhe grinder. I discussed that an “A” player putting in 40hrs/wk. can possibly make $40k/yr. He said, “no way”, and I said “I’m going to do it.” And that’s how this goal started. Reason 2) Simple – the goal will keep me staying determined to play flawlessly, and it will keep me focused at the task at hand. This goal allows me to stay “hungry” the whole year. I enjoy the pressure of striving to achieve something that is challenging. This challenge will keep me waking up each day and grinding. The satisfaction of achieving this goal will be half the fun, and the journey getting there is the other half. My subscribers, followers, and my post will keep accountable; and keeps me determined to play my “A” game. Thank you in advance for subscribing/following! Reason 3) it keeps the pressure off me playing the bigger games. I always told people the “poker lows” hurt more than the “highs” feel good. If that makes any sense to you! There were times when I was playing bigger limits where I would lose $5k in a sesh. Trust me those days sting! When I lost that amount of cheddar I would always think of what I could have done with that money; i.e. remodel the kitchen, go on shopping spree, buy a used car, get a golf membership at the country club, etc. When I win it’s like “cool”, but when I lose big it affects my whole psyche! With this goal I am managing my losses where worst case scenario is an $800 losing day. Reason 4) the $1-$2 NLHE is the most popular poker game around. There are more $1-$2 players than any other game. This will give a good idea of what’s a realistic earning from a solid $1-$2nlhe player. I want to do this for all the grinders. There is not a truer grinder than a $1-$2 grinder. Big Ups to all the 1-2ers!

Cliff Notes – Can I? Or can’t I? Make $40k in 2013 playing only $1-$2 and $1-$3 NLHE. Playing at least 30hrs/wk. and buying in for no more than $800 a session! I will also invest no more than $5k in tournaments in 2013 that will be factored into the $40k/year goal. I will post often with full transparency. I thrive on competition. My motto is look good, feel good, play good. I like puzzles. I have a degree in Mathematics. This is my very first post on 2 + 2 forum. All feedback welcome.


) 10 Views 10
30 December 2012 at 03:57 PM

797 Replies


by rickroll k

i've never played pickleball before, but wouldn't having a steep decline at the edge of the court covered in rip rap be considered quite a dangerous hazard for people running and focusing on the ball?

This is Extreme Pickleball.


by MastaAces k

Ever heard the Eminem song Stan? That's basically about me.

For ur brother.

by ButterflySymmetry k

For ur brother.


hope you are doing well.

Huckleberry here…
Remember the first time I said I cdnt dig into the ground anymore on one side???
WHEELY STYLE!!!! all force going forward, and blade at perfect angle. Tried every way possible and ground was like concrete. Therefore, extreme pickleball on one side. Even though we hv plenty of play behind the baseline. Most of the dubs is played up at net.
Now I remember why I took a few day break. Lol.
What bout the 2nd or 3rd time when I said wdnt budge so hv to raise up other end??

Working hard for some challenging goals. Just don’t wanna waste my time here on the ridiculousness.

Pickleball concrete will be done BEFORE END OF MARCH. Just gonna bite the bullet and go 30k-20k.

Look forward to seeing it. gl and hf

least surprising development

in before HELOC

by ButterflySymmetry k

Huckleberry here…
Remember the first time I said I cdnt dig into the ground anymore on one side???
WHEELY STYLE!!!! all force going forward, and blade at perfect angle. Tried every way possible and ground was like concrete. Therefore, extreme pickleball on one side. Even though we hv plenty of play behind the baseline. Most of the dubs is played up at net.
Now I remember why I took a few day break. Lol.
What bout the 2nd or 3rd time when I said wdnt budge so hv to raise up other end??


would someone please translate this for me? thanks!

by MastaAces k

would someone please translate this for me? thanks!

rayz doesn't realize that it was incredibly stupid to try to dig up the yard when the ground was frozen in winter

doesn't learn from his mistake and wait until the ground thaws and instead builds up instead of digging in, creating that monstrosity eye sore

proud of himself because he's working hard

using the copium of "being competitive and a hard worker" to shelve former plan of paying for this with poker proceeds and says he'll now dip into the rapidly dwindly savings in order to complete this arbitrary goal of having a pickleball court they'll use a few times this summer and then never touch again

yeah i mean when you do stuff like spend 1/3 of your alleged remaining money on the pickle ball court it makes it really difficult to take your histrionics about having to make poker / this last 30k work seriously. is odd to me that you want people to believe you're struggling and fighting to make it so hard when that clearly isn't the case. dunno if you think that makes a more compelling narrative or what the motivation is, but the way you describe yourself / financial situation / life just doesn't seem based in reality to me.

by johnny_on_the_spot k

how did you build this retaining wall?

Still curious how you built the retaining walls

by johnny_on_the_spot k

Still curious how you built the retaining walls

Stacked the blocks offset. Used a leveler. Landscape glue, threw some rebar rods in there for more support. Still hv some back-fill to do. Trying to decide still where the putting green is going. Ii fig cd get 200 sq ft done for less than 3k.

Been playing cards at Cincy lately. Just feel more comfortable there. Not gonna last tho. It is 2 hr drive and no free charging like home casino. *Home casino parking lot right now typing this.

Hitting a small wall in the weight loss. Man those first 10 were easy af! Now it’s getting hard to lose just one lb. I had to basically not eat anything last couple days to lose 1 lb. Scaled today @ 156.8 and 12 to go. Halfway!!!

Nose has been down on the grindstone and we on pace for everything.

by ButterflySymmetry k

Stacked the blocks offset. Used a leveler. Landscape glue, threw some rebar rods in there for more support. Still hv some back-fill to do. Trying to decide still where the putting green is going. Ii fig cd get 200 sq ft done for less than 3k.

Been playing cards at Cincy lately. Just feel more comfortable there. Not gonna last tho. It is 2 hr drive and no free charging like home casino. *Home casino parking lot right now typing this.

Hitting a small wall in the weight loss. Man those first

How’s the running progressing? Did the winter storm affect you getting out there?

by FL Pkrdlr k

How’s the running progressing? Did the winter storm affect you getting out there?

Been doing some indoor runs where my Strava app isn’t picking up. Looking forward to getting back hitting pavement. Did I say looking forward? Not sure if that’s true.
Dealing w a small stress fracture on right foot atm. Noticed more hurt in that area after last 2 runs. Been getting in cardio other ways.
Got a new pair of shoes hoping it wd cushion the run more.

Cushion was gd, but didnt care for the support. Did one indoor run w them, and now gonna return and go w something different soon. Maybe some oc.

The stress fracture is new or something you've had for a while?

I started running and had inflammation of knee joints + signs of stress fracture. Went too hard at the beginning and suffered for it.

If you're going to do running then you really need appropriate footwear. Go to a running store and get your gait analysed and some professional advice? Brooks is a good brand though.

@masq the stress fracture is new. That 5mile run did it. Although better, it hasn’t been right since.
I’ll get the gait checked.

Oh and we hit straight flush for a 1k promo.
A35. I’m holding 67 spades. Hit the river because I’m a gd dude.

Didn’t eat til 6p ish yesterday. Had tuna packet on bell peppers. Throughout the rest of night had a couple oranges and salsa n chips.
Today first meal 5p. Chicken n rice w chia seeds sprinkled. Chips n salsa at 7p.
Now we trying not to eat until 5p tomo.

Seems like the “not eating til 5p” has been the routine. Daily 20hr fasts. Body is really getting used to this. It’s crazy I’m not craving. Yeah I wanna eat a large pizza, but I’m not bothered by it. Made it thru the first phase i feel.

170-156 in 3 weeks.

by ButterflySymmetry k

Didn’t eat til 6p ish yesterday. Had tuna packet on bell peppers. Throughout the rest of night had a couple oranges and salsa n chips.
Today first meal 5p. Chicken n rice w chia seeds sprinkled. Chips n salsa at 7p.
Now we trying not to eat until 5p tomo.

Seems like the “not eating til 5p” has been the routine. Daily 20hr fasts. Body is really getting used to this. It’s crazy I’m not craving. Yeah I wanna eat a large pizza, but I’m not bothered by it. Mad

Are you drinking enough water if you are fasting?

by ButterflySymmetry k

@masq the stress fracture is new. That 5mile run did it. Although better, it hasn’t been right since.
I’ll get the gait checked.

Probably shouldn't run on it until it feels 100% better.

I wonder if your diet (a lack of protein / calcium) contributed towards it.

by Masq k

Probably shouldn't run on it until it feels 100% better.

I wonder if your diet (a lack of protein / calcium) contributed towards it.

deficiency like that don’t trigger this quickly usually

You sound locked in for 2024 nice life hitting straight flushes at the casino.

by swerbs22 k

Are you drinking enough water if you are fasting?

Been drinking close to a gallon of water a day.
Not today tho. Dehydrated and trying to drink water, but sick w 102.3 fever.
The poker Gods rewards me w a straight flush yesterday and to stay balanced they gave me death today.

Only gd thing bout today. Had small soup of chicken noodle. Almost thru it up, but didn’t. Another lb shd come off from this sickness

life is a competition. as long you're not dead you are winning at life!

All my sessions this year.

Had an Apple today. No appetite w this sickness

8 more to go. Sorry I’m gonna hit the 146 mark eventually. Can’t believe no one wanted action on 130 even money!! I take that as a compliment. ��
Keep quiet ��
