Free, open source poker tracking software: FPDB - (Version 0.40.5) - Nov 14, 2013
(Note: This post has been heavily modified since the original release in August 2008)
Link to the latest stable release:
Hi everyone,
I am proud to announce my new poker tracking software fpdb (freepokerdb, very imaginative I know ). You may wonder why I bothered when now with HM and PT3 there are at least two excellent packages to choose from.
Four main reasons:
1. Fpdb is free/libre open source software.
2. HM and PT3 only support holdem. Fpdb supports Holdem, Omaha, Stud and Razz, and Draw games
3. HM and PT3 run on Windows only, not even in wine. Fpdb runs on any platform that has the required software, which will cover roundabout 99.9% of PCs. I am currently testing it on Windows XP and Gentoo, Ubuntu, Fedora
4. Fpdb won't irritate you with copy prevention measures.
Installation instructions are available from:
This is functional alpha software, and we are looking for people to contribute, but the project has quite a few users that are happy with the software now, and generally getting happier with the project as time goes by.
If anyone wishes to help with development that would be very very welcome. We have a mailing list and an IRC channel set up for discussion.
If you're not a programmer and you're not interested in learning it you can still help simply by trying it out and sending bug reports and feature requests. To avoid unrealistic expectations I'd like to state that it'll be a long time until fpdb reaches feature parity to established paid-for closed source trackers like HEM or PT.
Backend, Distribution, Libraries
- Choice of MySQL/InnoDB, PostgreSQL, or SQLite (default)
- It is possible to run the database on one PC, the importer on another, and then access the database with the HUD from a third PC.
- The project uses Python, PyGTK, the Python numerical libraries NumPy, and Matplotlib for graphing.
Site/Game Support
- Full or fairly solid support for 22 different sites/networks/formats including (888Poker, Absolute, BetOnline/Chico, Betfair (legacy), Boss, Bovada, Cake/Revolution, Enet, Entraction/IGT, Everest, Everleaf, Full Tilt Poker, iPoker, Merge, Microgaming, OnGame, PartyPoker, PKR, PokerStars, PokerTracker/HEM Exported, Seals with Clubs, Winamax)
- Supports Hold'em, 4/5/6-Card Omaha (Hi, Hi/Lo), 5/7-Card Stud (Hi, Hi/Lo), Razz, Courchevel (Hi, Hi/Lo), Double Hold'em, Irish, 2-7 Single/Triple Draw, 5-Card Draw, A-5 Triple Draw, Badugi
- Supports No Limit, Pot Limit, Fixed Limit NL, Cap NL and Cap PL
- Supports ring/cash games, SnG/MTT, and play money games
- Imports tournament summary information for 7 sites (PokerStars, Full Tilt Poker, Merge, iPoker, 888Poker, Bovada, Winamax)
The HUD is configurable, but mostly through the config file at the moment. It has most of the usual array of stats available.
- Graphs: Profit, Showdown/non-Showdown, EV graphs + Export to file
- Session Viewer: Candlestick representation of your cash game sessions.
- Hand Viewer: List hands from a session and analyse/filter the hands to look more closely at your recent results.
- Filters: Most of the review pages support multiple filters such as player, game type, limits, date range and other filters specific to the current view.
- Hand Replayer: A way to play hand and watch the action unfold with stack sizes etc.
Final Notes
IMPORTANT: The database format WILL undergo more changes and at this point I am not planning to write a converter so please keep your history files so you can re-import when necessary. Independent of this you should always keep the original raw files in a safe place with any tracking software. Should you however end up losing your files somehow let me know and I'll try to help.
Please send any feedback, feature requests/suggestions, bug reports and animal names to this thread, the mailing list, or the bug tracker.
Steffen (and the Fpdb team)
hello Airkeukeu
you're talking about Phil Roberts' version...I doubt it works ... the last update was in 2018
use my version 😉
Could you help? I tried to run your version and i get the following error.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 279, in set_logfile
logging.config.fileConfig(conf_file, {"logFile":log_file})
File "logging\", line 71, in fileConfig
File "logging\", line 104, in _create_formatters
File "", line 978, in __getitem__
KeyError: 'formatters'
During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "fpdb.pyw", line 78, in
File "
File "
File "
File "PyInstaller\loader\", line 352, in exec_module
File "", line 64, in
import GuiHandViewer
File "
File "
File "
File "PyInstaller\loader\", line 352, in exec_module
File "", line 28, in
import Hand
File "
File "
File "
File "PyInstaller\loader\", line 352, in exec_module
File "", line 42, in
File "", line 281, in set_logfile
sys.stderr.write(f"Could not setup log file {file_name}")
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'write'
can you give more context?
os? windows, linux or macos
execute from sources or from executable?
did you follow instructions:
first alpha version
FPDB is a poker tools - HUD - Replayer installment bugs -> copy logging.conf,HUD_config.xml ... on C:\Users\your_user_name\AppData\Roaming\fpdb
not included fpdb web
hello all,
I'd like to take this opportunity to give you some news about the project and the libraries I'm using:
- poker-eval library: tech: restructured the project, added CI/CD, redesigned the build with cmake, poker: added a short deck, and the ShortDeck NL game)
- binding c/python pypokereval: tech: restructured project, added CI/CD, reworked build with cmake
-FPDB3: project restructuring, some bugs fixed, add new ui with pyside6(WIP), poker: web interface and webreplayer
plus other projects in parallel: Rust rewrite of the poker-eval lib
hello all,
I'd like to take this opportunity to give you some news about the project and the libraries I'm using:
- poker-eval library: tech: restructured the project, added CI/CD, redesigned the build with cmake, poker: added a short deck, and the ShortDeck NL game)
- binding c/python pypokereval: tech: restructured project, added CI/CD, reworked build with cmake
-FPDB3: project restructuring, some bugs fixed, add new ui with pyside6(WIP), poker: web interface and webreplayer
plus other projects in
Very nice that you are working on this. When is estimated time for new version?
hello PetQQ,
tx, i hope to have time soon
I'm using fedora 40 and attempted to follow the instructions in the fpdb wiki but when I run "./" I get a syntax error. Same if I try it with the fpdb.pyw file. Is there an updated installation that I am unaware of?
Update: I have switched to test the jejellyroll version. I am using fedora 40 and following the steps on the github for install.
While installing requirements.txt I run into an error installing numpy: AttributeError: module 'pkgutil' has no attribute 'ImpImporter'. Did you mean: 'zipimporter'?
I believe this is coming from either setuptools or numpy itself.
Hello chadpilled
i never used this distro ...i will try on a vm ...and make some feedbacks
hello chadpilled,
ok ... i see .. some conflit with python 3.11...i need probably use newer libs
here is how i proceed:
open terminal
1-update system:
sudo dnf update
2-install git
sudo dnf install git
3.clone my repo:
git clone
4. install vscode
sudo rpm --import
sudo sh -c 'echo -e "[code]\nname=Visual Studio Code\nbaseurl=\nenabled=1\ngpgcheck=1\ngpgkey=" > /etc/yum.repos.d/vscode.repo'
sudo dnf check-update
sudo dnf install code
4-install python (i like to use conda) and update it
conda update conda
5- open code with command line
6-open the folder fpdb-3 on vscode
7-open terminal in vscode
8- create conda env:
conda create --name fpdb3.8 python=3.8
conda activate fpdb3.8
10- install some needed package
sudo dnf install -y gcc gcc-c++ kernel-devel
sudo dnf install -y python3-devel
sudo dnf install -y redhat-rpm-config
11- install requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt
12- create at your home directory .fpdb and copy config
mkdir ~/.fpdb/
cp logging.conf ~/.fpdb/logging.conf
cp logging.conf~/.fpdb/logging.conf
cp HUD_config.xml ~/.fpdb/HUD_config.xml
cp HUD_config.xml.exemple ~/.fpdb/HUD_config.xml.exemple
and finally:
python fpdb.pyw
you can also switch to newui-mini
pip install qt_material
you can also try web interface:
pip install -r requirement_fpdb_web.txt
Thanks for the quick response! I will try this out when I get a chance and report back
Is it available for winamax in France, Spain, Italy region? Thanks a lot, will give it a try
hello chadpilled,
ok ... i see .. some conflit with python 3.11...i need probably use newer libs
here is how i proceed:
open terminal
1-update system:
sudo dnf update
2-install git
sudo dnf install git
3.clone my repo:
git clone
4. install vscode
sudo rpm --import
sudo sh -c 'echo -e "[code]\nname=Visual Studio Code\nbaseurl=\nenabled=1\ngpgcheck=1\ngpgkey=https://pack
This worked perfectly! Thank you
Just ran into an issue when checking hand histories. Importation was successful but when checking hand histories the loader stops at 47% and the log file reads as follows: parser - ERROR - Hand - end - Pot.end(): '0': Major failure while calculating pot: 'list index out of range' Pot.end(): '%s': Major failure while calculating pot: '%s' 0 list index out of range
don't hesitate to open an issue on my github:
can you share your hand causing the issue (you can anonymize it with script)
uncoment this line:
anonymize_hand_history("here_put_the_path_of your_file", "your_hero_name")
and add all need info like: OS, logs and so on
hello all swc players,
i updated the parser on branch mini-newui:
i added short deck NL
freerol holdem NL, omaha, shortdeck are supported
for improving compatibility, i need more hands shared (i recommend to anonymize them)
feel free to send me by mp or on my mail
known bug: wrong detection of table
ACR, Bovada, Pokerstars mixed games 8 game?
Does it works on Windows 11
hello stumbras,
ACR and pokerstars for sur ...working
Bovada ...i don't know ... don't have access
for 8 games ... i don't know
yes works on win11
hello stumbras,
ACR and pokerstars for sur ...working
Bovada ...i don't know ... don't have access
for 8 games ... i don't know
yes works on win11
Hi jeje, I've used FPDB 0.40.5 since yesterday because it still worked well for me, but I noticed that can't import PKO hands from so I gave a try to your version 3 alpha because the original have *.pyc and I can't change the code.
I corrected your with the line needed for italian's version (in case you want to update it):
and it imported everything very well. It's also very fast at importing hands while playing, so good job on you!
The problem I have is that the hud seems to work only if I play one table, the moment I started multitabling it literally freeze once detected the second table (but the importer still works).
I'm a C# developer so I'm not sure where to watch in the code... The log doesn't show errors, the hud_main.exe freeze and I have to kill it.
- Windows 10
- Multitabling Sit&Go+MTT
If you need something I will provide you the info.
After further use I noticed that the hud freezes even with a single table. Don't know if has something to do with requirements or others things... I also found unpleasant that hud's windows stay on top of everything on desktop instead that on the table they belong like the old version.
hello sf87,
i 'm sure sure to understand if you are using my alpha version or clone my project, and run from sources ... if you want to have the last version, i'm working on, it is on the newui-mini branch 😉
if you want, i can add support for pokerstars.It and PKO , just share some hands by email or by mp here in private.
i can't play on pokerstars italy, but on my side, multi tabling works with pokerstars 😉
any help is always welcome 😉 2 years ago I had never coded in python, it's no more complicated than coding in c#, c or rust 😉
hello sf87,
i 'm sure sure to understand if you are using my alpha version or clone my project, and run from sources ... if you want to have the last version, i'm working on, it is on the newui-mini branch 😉
if you want, i can add support for pokerstars.It and PKO , just share some hands by email or by mp here in private.
i can't play on pokerstars italy, but on my side, multi tabling works with pokerstars 😉
any help is always welcome 😉 2 years ago I had never coded in python, it's no more comp
Hi jeje,
I'll try to explain myself better:
I used the original FPDB 0.40.5 version (exe) from sourceforge for a decade, and it was good enough for me. I started to play PKO tournaments and it import them, so I looked various githubs to find some other version and I chose your 3-alpha (again the exe 'cause I'm a bit lazy and liked the ready now).
Aside from the codeline I easy pasted for the specific .it room, the imported works very well even for PKO.
I'm having trouble with the hud, which literally freeze after some time (and the process is not responding even in the process manager). The other thing I noticed is that the hud's stats stay literally in "top-most" (or top z-order or whatever phyton named it) instead ot staying only over the table, so if I open something else (the lobby, the browser, anyting) hud's stats are still visible.
I understand that is indeed an alpha version, and maybe you didn't receive feedback or whatsoever, or maybe I didn't have some requirements since I took the exe version and just run it.
Now, if you would be kind enough to instruct me on how to run it from source I'll gladly try the newui-mini branch (which I admit I searched before posting here yesterday for clues 😀)
hello sf87,
for install instructions for windows, allready answer on the thread:
for testing, use git or vscode to switch to the branch newui-mini, install lib:
pip install qt_material
start app:
(fpdb311) C:\your_path_to\fpdb-3>python pyfpdb\fpdb.pyw
hello sf87,
for install instructions for windows, allready answer on the thread:
for testing, use git or vscode to switch to the branch newui-mini, install lib:
pip install qt_material
start app:
(fpdb311) C:\your_path_to\fpdb-3>python pyfpdb\fpdb.pyw
Hi jeje,
I had some hard times configuring it but should have done it. Had troubles with requirements (seems pip install doesn't need "python" keyword) as at some points the process stopped. I managed to go with requirements_win.txt file and start the app (without pyfpdb\ as there's no folder in the repo). I already found the flag that left the hud on topmost so I should be on trails.
Couple of questions if you don't mind:
- are you on windows environment? If so, do you rebuild the .exe files after changes or just run it from source when playing?
- in the first case, how can I rebuild it?
- in the second case, how can I disable the console log?