The costs of trans visibility
Yesterday, Dylan Mulvaney broke her silence:
For context, this is a trans influencer who built a 10 million strong following on TikTok. She took a brand deal with budweiser to post an ad on an instagram, and the anti-trans right went absolutely ballistic, calling for a boycott, condemning the company, and to some perhaps unknowable degree it influenced that Budweiser sales dropped by a 1/4 and
. Dylan speaks more personally about the effect of the hatred on her.What strikes me about this story is that it is just about visibility. This isn't inclusion in sports or gender-affirming care for minors, it was just that a trans person was visible. This wasn't even visibility in a TV commerical that a poor right-winger is forced to see, it was an ad on her own instagram page. We're all in our own social media algorithm influenced bubbles, but from my vantage point it really has seemed that in the last year or so things have just gotten worse for trans people and the backlash to even minor visibility is growing.
We need to do better.
I'm pretty sure lol is just trolling you guys or is unwell in some way.
It's almost impossible to believe we should have fully coed prisons. A well person who somehow did believe that would understand that it is an extremely fringe view.
well when microbet discussed these things, his solution to the problem of where to put trans people in prison was abolishing prisons
Would it work given the way prisons are structured today? Not really. There would be an increase in violence. Women wouldn't be safe in maximum security prisons. This is true.
I'm curious what you all think is so objectionable about the concept of coed prisons? You aren't very imaginative or trolling for lolz.
Let's play pretend.
It's 2030. In 2024 **** hit the fan after the election and we had to rebuild some things from scratch.
The justice system is now more focused on rehabilitation than punishment. Death penalty is gone, life sentence is the new maximum. Non violent criminals are mainly rehabilitated in various job creating facilities and no longer occupy the most space in our empty prisons.
Prisons exist to help reintegrate Americans back into society by helping to correct their behavior so they can get back to a healthy lifestyle. How do they achieve this? Focus on health, family / community building, and education.
In prisons there are various security levels: work release, minimum, general, maximum, and isolation. Work release and minimum security have coed dorms. Each room, hall and coed space have cameras (there's a privacy current for the toilet). If citizens in work release or min sec do commit crimes they (are tried and sentenced if severe enough) go back to segregation where we work to improve communication skills and develop better behavior.
What's so objectionable? People are raped in jail now and they get in trouble for it. People are assaulted and murdered in jail now. We're protecting small people from big people? Should we sort out the tiny guys? Should bulky women go to men's?
It's kind of funny you all won't even entertain the hypothetical. I'm digging it.
why do allow serial rapists to post freely on 2p2?
I don't find the thought experiment about coed prisons particularly interesting, but if you believe others would you might want to start a thread specifically about that.
approx half of the people in prison in America are in for violent crimes.
people get raped in jail but at least they can't get pregnant when raped with segregation, and women are raped far less.
I would give house arrest or parole to the non violent felons with rare exceptions that even if technically non violent are a serious threat to society (like the bankman fried and Madoff of society).
anyway you do agree to segregate a rapist who claims he is a woman from actual women, in prison, so why did you pretend otherwise for many posts lolwat?
I tried.
The exact same problems exist without the potential pregnancies.
I'll continue believing it's discriminatory to tell trans people they're incorrect/not real/whatever word salad you contrive. Especially when those discriminatory beliefs are put into law.
go back further in the thread chief and look at the entire context - applying his logic that i'm a racist he is clearly a rapist
also incredibly ff'd up you ignore his insults which are genuine but only go to my response which are clearly joking to prove a point
you need to step back and look at things more objectively, otherwise it's probably best you cease modding if you're going to go with extreme bias where you pick winners like this
I tried.
The exact same problems exist without the potential pregnancies.
I'll continue believing it's discriminatory to tell trans people they're incorrect/not real/whatever word salad you contrive. Especially when those discriminatory beliefs are put into law.
It's more discriminatory to put men in women's prisons, and we already know that the results of doing this are invariably and unsurprisingly disastrous.
It's more discriminatory to put men in women's prisons, and we already know that the results of doing this are invariably and unsurprisingly disastrous.
I don't know who thinks it's a good idea to do that, or would do it IRL. My point with the whole, "let's end segregation" thing was to prove the hate mongers don't want to protect anyone. They're just afraid of TRANS.
I don't know who thinks it's a good idea to do that, or would do it IRL. My point with the whole, "let's end segregation" thing was to prove the hate mongers don't want to protect anyone. They're just afraid of TRANS.
We actually want to protect women. From violent men.
But i agree that non violent criminals should be incarcerated far less, men and women alike.
House arrest should be the norm for anyone who isn't a threat to others and is found guilty.
So to be clear, a man who thinks he is a woman and is guilty of falsifying a signature to try a bank check fraud, or tax evasion, shouldn't go to prison. But the same is true for a normal man and a normal woman. Sex is irrelevant here. It's a crime, we have to punish and deter it, but the people doing that aren't necessarily lost for society.
Then there are armed robbers, rapists and so on who we should just get rid of en masse with widespread use of the death penalty. But if you disagree, hard prison, segregated by biological sex.
go back further in the thread chief and look at the entire context - applying his logic that i'm a racist he is clearly a rapist
also incredibly ff'd up you ignore his insults which are genuine but only go to my response which are clearly joking to prove a point
you need to step back and look at things more objectively, otherwise it's probably best you cease modding if you're going to go with extreme bias where you pick winners like this
you have been openly racist multiple times on this site
New Research Finds Huge Differences Between Male and Female Brains
A new study shows huge differences, with no overlap between women and men.
--In other breaking news, the sky is still blue
--I mean, it is completely appropriate to let adults live the lives they want to live, as long as they aren't infringing on anyone else doing the same. Live and let live. But we shouldn't lose sight of reality either.
I don't know who thinks it's a good idea to do that, or would do it IRL. My point with the whole, "let's end segregation" thing was to prove the hate mongers don't want to protect anyone. They're just afraid of TRANS.
What is the selling point for socially perpetuating the trans identity? Sell me on it.
I’ve gone through most of the trans activist claims in this thread already — the idea of “true” gender, the idea that affirming a gender identity prevents suicidal ideation, etc — and called BS.
Of course, adults who are not harming others should be given the freedom to live how they choose, but why is the trans identity good for the individual and good for society?
What is the selling point for socially perpetuating the trans identity? Sell me on it.
I’ve gone through most of the trans activist claims in this thread already — the idea of “true” gender, the idea that affirming a gender identity prevents suicidal ideation, etc — and called BS.
Of course, adults who are not harming others should be given the freedom to live how they choose, but why is the trans identity good for the individual and good for society?
It isn't. It's probably bad tbh
I'm pretty sure lol is just trolling you guys or is unwell in some way.
It's almost impossible to believe we should have fully coed prisons. A well person who somehow did believe that would understand that it is an extremely fringe view.
I'm not really in the mood to fully address the absurdly ignorant minimizing of changing the meaning of words but like this is direct consequence of changing the definition of a woman to some nonsensical, ill-defined, contradictory nonsense. And of course when I asked this thread to define a woman the danced around the question a dozen times before attempting and failing to give a definition. Hopefully gangstaman's next history lesson includes that
So is the 6'4 womens swimming champ with a penis
If you don't believe gender exists, then your question, "What is a woman?" seems like it would always lead to precisely this post by you. That is, you'd respond to any definition of the gender 'woman' with a rant about how gender isn't a thing so the definition doesn't make sense. But it's not like I just made up a definition on my own -- you can find this definition yourself in many sources, some maybe even with fewer fancy words so you'll have an easier time reading them.
So what do you think i
What happened to the I asked you first game? Didn't I already ask you twice? Is this going to be like when I ask someone prescribing to gender ideology to define a woman and they pretend it's not like pulling teeth to get answers to the most obvious questions?