Donald J. Trump (For everyone else)
I assume it's still acceptable to have a Trump thread in a Politics forum?
So this is an obvious lie - basically aimed at
I agree the jurors identification needs to be protected. In the last 5 years we’ve seen political violence take off in the country between dems showing up at the door steps of Supreme Court justices, dem politicians saying dem voters should confront repub politicians if they see them in public, dem politicians openly supporting the BLM riots which killed and hurt so many people & Jan 6th.
I would be scared if I was juror tasked with deciding if democracy should be on the ballot in Nov. It’s not really the MO of repubs to try to attack/intimidate dem civilians, but you can’t discount the possibility that some right wing nut would tear a page out of the dem playbook and try to intimidate people for political reasons.
Yeah, doxxing people is straight out of the liberal playbook. But liberals always accuse others of doing what they do themselves so no surprises there.
I agree the jurors identification needs to be protected. In the last 5 years we’ve seen political violence take off in the country between dems showing up at the door steps of Supreme Court justices, dem politicians saying dem voters should confront repub politicians if they see them in public, dem politicians openly supporting the BLM riots which killed and hurt so many people & Jan 6th.
I would be scared if I was juror tasked with deciding if democracy should be on the ballot in
I agree , like trump ?
« Trump went on to repeat those claims in his Jan. 6 speech at the Ellipse.
Despite the evidence to the contrary, Trump repeated claims of widespread voter fraud in Georgia during his public address on Jan. 6, putting Raffensperger and his family in even more danger. »
And then the menace on VP Pence head ?
I’m glad u finally see the light baham .
I'm not just throwing it around. And I know very well what it means. Israel is committing actual genocide in Gaza fully supported by the Biden regime. The regime you support.
Seems supported by Trump as well. I haven't heard him railing against Israel anyway.
I also never heard anything about any violence perpetrated against Supreme Court justices or Republican politicians. Where can I find that?
I would be scared if I was juror tasked with deciding if democracy should be on the ballot in Nov.
l would be pretty scared if you were tasked with the position of village idiot in some backwoods Alabama town, population 100, let alone with any activity that requires actual comprehension and cognitive function on your part.
underseas 2nd amendment
l would be pretty scared if you were tasked with the position of village idiot in some backwoods Alabama town, population 100, let alone with any activity that requires actual comprehension and cognitive function on your part.
Seems supported by Trump as well. I haven't heard him railing against Israel anyway.
I also never heard anything about any violence perpetrated against Supreme Court justices or Republican politicians. Where can I find that?
Lotta resources on political violence. It happens in perpetuity everywhere on earth.
bahbah is an effin imbecile for believing the left-wing in America more active. I'd like to see the left more active, something covert and smart. But the left are a collection of impotents right now.
Like Roger Stone should be disappeared, quite frankly.
I agree , like trump ?
And then the menace on VP Pence head ?
I’m glad u finally see the light baham .
My post is about politicians encouraging political violence and I don’t see anything in your quote of that post that pertains to a politician encouraging political violence.
I also never heard anything about any violence perpetrated against Supreme Court justices or Republican politicians. Where can I find that?
A few dem politicians encouraging the intimidation of the SC justices.
There was a man who was arrested because the FBI thought they had credible info he was looking to hurt/kill a SC justice - he had a gun, knife and rope on him when he was on the way to one of their homes.
“Let’s make sure we show up wherever we have to show up. And if you see anybody from that Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd. And you push back on them. And you tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere. We’ve got to get the children connected to their parents,” Waters said at the Wilshire Federal Building.
New Jersey’s Booker was also recorded in 2018 urging activists at the National Conference on Ending Homelessness to “get up in the face of some congresspeople.”
“Before I end, that’s my call to action here. Please don’t just come here today and then go home,” he said. “Go to the Hill today. Get up, and please get up in the face of some congresspeople.”
Also in 2019, Tester said on MSNBC that the way to beat Trump in the election was to “punch him in the face.”
Another example of left leaning people being more politically violent is how many anti-Israel protests turn violent and how so few (if any) anti-Palestine protests turn violent. As we all know dems tend to support Palestine and repubs tend to support Israel.
I’m not all political violence is by dems but I think it is fair to say it is far too common by dems and an extreme rarity for repubs.
Democrats also started the "elections are stolen" trope against all evidence, albeit at the state level (georgia governor race of 2018).
But ofc the very serious people accept claims that Kemp "stole the election" because he "disinfranchised voters", or at the very least they don't consider them analogous to Trump claims that the election has ... been stolen, because reasons (main reason: claims coming from a democrat).
Do you see any qualitative difference between these two statements:
Statement A: Party A stole the election by implementing measures that made it more difficult for legal voters to vote.
Statement B: The election was stolen because millions of fraudulent votes were cast and voting machines were rigged.
I will say in advance that I personally would not use the word "stolen" in the way it is used in Statement A. But that isn't my question.
My post is about politicians encouraging political violence and I don’t see anything in your quote of that post that pertains to a politician encouraging political violence.
A few dem politicians encouraging the intimidation of the SC justices.
There was a man who was arrested because the FBI thought they had credible info he was looking to hurt/kill a SC justice - he had a gun, knife and rope on him when he was on the way to one of their homes.
Lets not forget recent Democrat members of congress that refused to denounce " Death to America"
My post is about politicians encouraging political violence and I don’t see anything in your quote of that post that pertains to a politician encouraging political violence.
A few dem politicians encouraging the intimidation of the SC justices.
There was a man who was arrested because the FBI thought they had credible info he was looking to hurt/kill a SC justice - he had a gun, knife and rope on him when he was on the way to one of their homes.
All silly here... No violence has been done against SC justices, and confronting or getting in the face of someone would not be violent, although that didn't happen either.
Anti-Israel protests have not been done by democrats. And here you're saying democrats mostly support Palestine, while Biden was just criticized for supporting genocide against Palestine.
Do you see any qualitative difference between these two statements:
Statement A: Party A stole the election by implementing measures that made it more difficult for legal voters to vote.
Statement B: The election was stolen because millions of fraudulent votes were cast and voting machines were rigged.
I will say in advance that I personally would not use the word "stolen" in the way it is used in Statement A. But that isn't my question.
STEALING implies illegality, criminal activity, which didn't happen in either scenario. You understand that so you wouldn't have used it.
Claim A was later amended to move it to "republicans legally applied procedures in a way that could have cost democrats the election (by making it harder to vote for demographics that lean democrat, among other things)". Which might be true or not, but it's not the same as claims of election being stolen. At all.
The plausibility of the criminal activity supposed by the claim is different (republican claims in some cases were much more implausible, not in all though, not in Georgia specifically given the small margin of loss for Trump), but you are still saying the other party criminally violated the integrity of the elections, so no qualitative difference sorry
Yeah, doxxing people is straight out of the liberal playbook. But liberals always accuse others of doing what they do themselves so no surprises there.
I think Trump’s doxxing of Ruby Freeman was particularly egregious. I’m even willing to grant some of the arguments on the right wing side. Ruby Freeman and her daughter are black as a statement of fact , Trump was correct about that. And the notion of blacks not only voting but being in charge of counting votes is highly controversial in culturally conservative circles. But doxxing them and forcing them into hiding was not right even granting that they are black and involved in elections.
All silly here... No violence has been done against SC justices, and confronting or getting in the face of someone would not be violent, although that didn't happen either.
So you are ok with political violence and calls for political violence from politicians as long as people don't actually follow through and become violent? Examples of this would be people protesting outside of the SC justices homes (dem politicians supported this), dem politicians encouraging people to physically confront repub politicians and trump telling people to go to the capital on jan 6th.
So the only political violence I mentioned (that started this convo) that you disagree with was the BLM riots and the dem politicians who supported them?
My post is about politicians encouraging political violence and I don’t see anything in your quote of that post that pertains to a politician encouraging political violence.
I’m not all political violence is by dems but I think it is fair to say it is far too common by dems and an extreme rarity for repubs.
Intimidation of justices for any reason should be condemned. Do you find it all interesting that one group of people are intimidating justices for people's rights, the planet's health, stopping war, basically moral positions where desperate people are doing desperate acts (again not acceptable).
And that's being compared and equated to judge intimidation for one man, who is about as amoral as they come. One man intimidating jurors as well.. Not justices alone.
Is there any significant difference between these things, or are they the same?
I used to have this saying when conservatives would try to falsely equate liberal violence in the world with conservative violence. All violence is bad, but the violence on the right would be a white man shooting up a theater w/ an AR-15. And violence on the left would be hippies tying themselves to trees to try and save a forest.
We had a recent example of right wing media trying to compare Black Lives Matter protest w/ Jan 6th insurrection. Yes... any violence is bad, and shouldn't be acceptable. But beyond that, the cause and reason for the violence matter and make the two events massively different. Yet the right wing media intentionally obfuscates this, and creates false equivalencies to make their base feel OK about their violence because hey, people on the left do it too... right? ? ! ?
My post is about politicians encouraging political violence and I don’t see anything in your quote of that post that pertains to a politician encouraging political violence.
A few dem politicians encouraging the intimidation of the SC justices.
There was a man who was arrested because the FBI thought they had credible info he was looking to hurt/kill a SC justice - he had a gun, knife and rope on him when he was on the way to one of their homes.
Yeah , ending a speech with “fight like hell if u want to still have a country”
isn’t enflaming a crowd to do violence .
That is why many politicians , including trump VP had to hide for hours,
Because no violence was occurring …
How much they pay you out really to blog nonsense like this , I’m curious ?
20-50$ a week ?
Intimidation of justices for any reason should be condemned. Do you find it all interesting that one group of people are intimidating justices for people's rights, the planet's health, stopping war, basically moral positions where desperate people are doing desperate acts (again not acceptable).
And that's being compared and equated to judge intimidation for one man, who is about as amoral as they come. One man intimidating jurors as well.. Not justices alone.
Is there any significant difference
Yup that too !
Intimidation of justices for any reason should be condemned. Do you find it all interesting that one group of people are intimidating justices for people's rights, the planet's health, stopping war, basically moral positions where desperate people are doing desperate acts (again not acceptable).
And that's being compared and equated to judge intimidation for one man, who is about as amoral as they come. One man intimidating jurors as well.. Not justices alone.
Is there any significant difference
"They threatened judges violently for reasons I agree with so they are excused" is the reason why being on the left is morally worse than being on the right.
We do not excuse violent threat even when we agree on the reasons. We don't excuse violent protests even if we agree on the reasons.
We don't say desperate people are doing it so they are exculpated. The qanon shaman is clearly a desperate human being yet he should have been killed in the capitol building by police or if captured, rot in jail for life.
The "comrades who did a mistake" like we in Italy heard calling actual red terrorists by the communist party.
If you ever think using violence to accomplish political goals in a democracy is ever justified you are a problem and a threat to society the same as the people actually doing it.
Liberal violence btw is usually exceptionally more frequent and disruptive in democracies like it's not even close exactly because a lot of people like you consider at the end it not so bad because you agree on the motivations.
And the latest mass shooting in the USA are by radical leftists , and mass riots animated by rightwinn sentiment basically never happened post WW2 in any western country lol.
It was all leftist unions, leftist students, leftists workers lamenting pension reforms and whatnot, leftist environmentalists, or leftist race based riots. For decades. You stir the pot, push people toward violence, pillage our cities, and then claim we are the violent guys.
"They threatened judges violently for reasons I agree with so they are excused" is the reason why being on the left is morally worse than being on the right.
We do not excuse violent threat even when we agree on the reasons. We don't excuse violent protests even if we agree on the reasons.
We don't say desperate people are doing it so they are exculpated. The qanon shaman is clearly a desperate human being yet he should have been killed in the capitol building by police or if captured, rot in jail
Because it's a stupid false equivalency, and everyone knows it.
Whether you're on the left or the right, everybody is capable of violence.
When you decide to use violence is important. If someone breaks into your home... do you say, "hey, I'm not a violent person, go ahead and kill me and my family." No.
Just compare the entire documented history of right-wing violence, and compare it to left wing violence. Convince me they are the same.
Convince me throwing people in ovens because you don't like their race, is the same as leftist unions fighting and dying on the docs for living wages so their families don't die.
Go ahead... I'm listening.
Now that's what I call a protest:
Btw, all the violence I've read and understood about on the left, has always started by peaceful means. Democratic processes were exhausted, typically courts were exhausted, basically all realms of peaceful negations were exhausted before desperate people took desperate actions. It's not as if they LEAD w/ violence.
And this is again why this false equivalency matters, because it's used as another suppressive technique, and it's intentional. But in reality, one side leads w/ violence, and the other side tends to use it as a last resort. And imho, that difference matters A LOT.
There's a philosophical paradox, and it's escaping me who said this.. but basically, if you're facing a man who will step on your neck and kill you, do you lay down under their boot in protest?
Someone please correct me if I'm wrong. If there's a left wing movement you're aware of, that their first modus operands was violence, I'd like to know. I know there's the weather underground movement. I'm sure there's been a few outliers here and there over the history of man.
I don't think the Weather Underground killed or even injured anyone outside of themselves.
Ya, it's been awhile since I've read their history, but I think you're correct. I know even in the bombings they did, they did evacuation notices ahead of time.
Is there one left wing movement that lead w/ violence? I can name hundreds of right wing ones that lead w/ violence off the top of my head. Did the Nazi movement start w/ peaceful negations w/ people they disagreed with at any point?
And what was the purpose and intention of these movements on both the left and the right?