Donald J. Trump (For everyone else except Victor)
I assume it's still acceptable to have a Trump thread in a Politics forum?
So this is an obvious lie - basically aimed at
Leon literally showed up to a cabinet meeting (lol) wearing that stupid black hat and a t-shirt that said tech support like some super cool edgelord 17 year old
His comment was about what america was going to feel when it will be invaded. It was a very stupid comment. He was supposed to be deferential and subsmissive, not argumentative, he is the beggar victim of an act of violence asking for help from completle strangers, people who owe him absolutely nothing.
You would think a person whose career was made by performing live piano exhibitions where he played with his dick wouldn't be ashamed to just beg and be humble and submissive.
No.. he wasn't. But doesn't matter honestly.
And yes, he was a comedian. I'm told Trump never really laughs, just gives wry smiles occasionally, and can't take jokes about himself. You know what they say about people who can't laugh at themselves.... ... ...
Trump and Vance were ass clowns for sure, but the fact is Zelensky did a poor job of handling himself there.
Hes in there alone with a room full of people actively antagonizing him and then listening to the president and VP get facts wrong (at best. they are probably just lying)
Enlish is what, his 5th language? He doesn't even pretend to speak it well. His interview with Lex Fridman had a translator.
Hes just trying to say that Putin has broken all the ceasefires and agreements that have been made with Ukraine and that Putin will betray America given the chance.
Not sure how he should have handled that better other than not being in a situation that was basically impossible to win
It wasn't JD Vance, it was Marjory Taylor Greenes boyfriend who got to be there instead of Associated Press
I want to make a comment about DEI and merit and how pathetic it is that ghoul was even allowed to speak but I am fully aware it would fall on deaf ears
Trump and Vance were ass clowns for sure, but the fact is Zelensky did a poor job of handling himself there.
I think he remained quite calm considering how often and bluntly they interrupted him to play retorical games, but what does it matter? He doesn't have a choice and is basically begging for help to defend his country which is honestly the frontline of a large part of the western world.
I cannot imagine anyone is proud of those two smug clowns, yet here are once again guys who consider themselves smart, defending them and shifting focus and goalposts.
for people who want to know what actually happened, here is the 50 min unabridged video.
Check the opening statement by Trump for example, where he says Zelensky fougtht very hard and that's the only reason they are still in it 3 years later.
Kinda disgusting after seeing that, how the narrative about this meeting is being construed
thanks, all i saw was that brief clip
will watch the entire thing when i have a chance
Zelensky showed very little tact.
Vance was awful.
lil z looked disgusting--nipples protruding--in his black shirt before the oval office. very very disrespectful
Lil Z and Trump both actors. Could make a run for best actor/best supporting actor award.
Vance in the running for key grip.
the rest of the free world needs to move on the from the US.
ignore them and cut them out the G7, add Ukraine to NATO.
nation of cowards and total fukcwits.
Slava Ukraini
Trump EO declares English the official language of America (see: racist bullshit for the sake of racist bullshit)
Meanwhile: Puerto Rico
You really don't need to. It's just a right-wing talking points to try and save face for these azz clowns. In the first 2 mins, Trump lies several times, and claims the same nonsense that the war would have never started if he was in office. Then Trump insulting media outlets he doesn't like, and praising propaganda ones that he does. And then trying to pump himself up, and talk about how amazing he is, and what a great dealmaker.
And once Zelensky was making the most important points in that meeting, and the fact that Putin has never honored his deals, is when they started dressing Zelensky down, and insulting him while trying to act like tough guys. Then they just began raising their voices and trying to bully Zelensky because they don't like the fact he (and a few other people in the media) are pointing out that w/o a safety agreement to pillage the minerals, Putin likely won't honor this agreement.
The whole meeting on video is worse than the clips they pulled out. It's typical behavior from bullies and narcissist. Just raise your voice... blame the victim. Just gross ****.
Zelensky kept interrupting and talking over Trump and Vance. He's the one that tried the bully tactics. And it backfired bigtime.
The guy is a clown.
You really don't need to. It's just a right-wing talking points to try and save face for these azz clowns. In the first 2 mins, Trump lies several times, and claims the same nonsense that the war would have never started if he was in office. Then Trump insulting media outlets he doesn't like, and praising propaganda ones that he does. And then trying to pump himself up, and talk about how amazing he is, and what a great dealmaker.
And once Zelensky was making the most important points in that mee
oh to be clear, it's still an unforgivably unprofessional bout of political theater regardless of how well the other 48 minutes go
Rock on?
idk what i just witnessed, but fact it was done on camera and not behind closed doors is beyond absurd - absolute clown show administration we have
and fwiw, i think zelensky did terribly there and was his greatest enemy in that situation regularly interrupting and not letting them speak and say what piece they had planned to say in front of the cameras - i didn't know much about him previously, but i lost of ton of confidence in him seeing him handle that in the absolute worst possible manner
I wonder how Degaul and Churchill would have taken to a bullshitter like Trump. I’m sure they would have been much ruder. When your country is being invaded you don’t have the luxury of stroking someone’s ego.
This is a sad day for America and freedom loving people will look back on us with disgust.
I wonder how Degaul and Churchill would have taken to a bullshitter like Trump. I’m sure they would have been much ruder. When your country is being invaded you don’t have the luxury of stroking someone’s ego.
This is a sad day for America and freedom loving people will look back on us with disgust.
you're confused
churchill was leading our historic ally and the closest thing to an equal partner as we've ever had
de gaulle on the other hand was in charge of a 300k sized army which was wholly american funded and supplied and he had no control over france unless we liberated it for him
if we had such a crass and boorish man as trump in office then and trump were to spank him, this is how it would have gone down
and mind you de gaulle still represented someone who was our major ally in a previous war where they did the heavy lifting and someone who we went into this war as a major ally - they just happened to be down on their luck at the moment but historically were just a single peg below GB as a near equal partner
ukraine on the other hand has never been an ally for us, most americans don't even know where it is on a map, most people who think of ukrainians think of mail order brides
we've historically had zero relationship with them, zero cultural ties, zero economic ties - they are one of several dozen random countries that we have a basic relationship with and exert some influence but more so to deter russia than anything to do with them
ukraine exists now solely because of american generosity
while the way we treated him was absolutely reprehensible today, he was his biggest enemy and probably responded to it in the worst possible way