Donald J. Trump (For everyone else)
I assume it's still acceptable to have a Trump thread in a Politics forum?
So this is an obvious lie - basically aimed at
Will or Wil or something like that.
I have to hand it to Wil (or Will) as he was the first I heard predict that right wingers would completely take over the US govt and start hunting liberals down like vermin.
I wonder if narcissist and sensibility go hand to hand together .
Only the best people...
[URL=""]Gateway megachurch founder, former Trump spiritual adviser, indicted on charges of lewd acts with Oklahoma girl
I wish we could all agree to just put this POS on ignore and never respond to him again.
Never too late to join the band wagon.
I gave him an honest chance when I first stumbled across these threads - to find out what americans (lol) think about the geriatric elections. Quickly blocked him due to his eternal quest to derail literally every potentially interesting discussion into, admittedly very honest, sociopathic levels of libertarianism, well before he posted increasingly erratic fallacies like this childish hatred against health care workers from apparently unprocessed trauma.