Donald J. Trump (For everyone else)

Donald J. Trump (For everyone else)

I assume it's still acceptable to have a Trump thread in a Politics forum?

So this is an obvious lie - basically aimed at

) 25 Views 25
28 April 2019 at 04:18 AM

14430 Replies


Imagine getting killed by a policy. You sure it was a policy and not a bill? Maybe this guy?

Did Biden have a fund raiser with Trump? Was it after the wake?

Trump is showing up at a fund raiser for Biden? I wouldn't have expected that one.

by chillrob k

Trump is showing up at a fund raiser for Biden? I wouldn't have expected that one.

Someone with a lot of money must have shown up (so maybe it wasn't Trump after all) since the fund-raiser pulled in a record setting 25 million, which is the most ever for a single political event.

Too bad there's no support for this guy in the form of Biden bumper stickers and flags, though.

I'm sure Trump fooled a few of his followers by pretending to care and politicizing the shooting death of a police officer who mistakenly pulled over the wrong...*checks notes*...."democratic policy" for a traffic stop.

by Luciom k

POTUS never locked down anything domestically because that's not a power POTUS had.

trump locked down the border aka the entire country 😀

by wet work k

trump locked down the border aka the entire country 😀

not for Americans actually, you could leave and re enter at any time so...

by lozen k

So today Trump attends the wake of a fallen NY Officer killed by democrats soft on crime policy while Joe Biden only 40 miles away has a fund raiser with a alleged rapist


And that's somehow worse than an alleged rapist running for POTUS?

What a country!

by Tom Ames k

And that's somehow worse than an alleged rapist running for POTUS?

What a country!

Oh it's more than alleged for Trump.

by Gorgonian k

Oh it's more than alleged for Trump.

Totally agree, but I didn't want that debate to pop up again and detract from this very conservative (see what I did there?) comparison.

You just have to laugh. Imagine being a Trumper and thinking you scored some imaginary points when bring up the President was with a rapist at some event. Trying so hard to justify the conduct of Mr. Grab em by the Pussy.

It is truly spectacular to behold.

This thread has been amazing recently. Keep up the good work!

For fun .


by Montrealcorp k

For fun .


copy and past the part after watch=

Nice that trump decided to share a picture of a trumper's pickup with a picture of biden hogtied. Classy.

by lozen k

So today Trump attends the wake of a fallen NY Officer killed by democrats soft on crime policy while Joe Biden only 40 miles away has a fund raiser with a alleged rapist


This is quite possibly the weakest attempt at a gotcha that I have ever seen

Dude is Chinese MAGA? MAGA attracts the absolute dregs of humanity.

by Luciom k

not for Americans actually, you could leave and re enter at any time so...

You can leave a holocaust? Who knew?

by jjjou812 k

You can leave a holocaust? Who knew?

Which part of "lockdowns with militaries in the streets were our generation holocaust in Europe" wasn't clear? And btw you could leave Italy during fascism and Germany during nazism as well, many did


Funny to equate holocaust so easily to anything and yet so hard to equate fascism with trump/MAGA for those on the far right ….

by Montrealcorp k

Funny to equate holocaust so easily to anything and yet so hard to equate fascism with trump/MAGA for those on the far right ….

because trump has shown less propensity to use violence than normal democratic leaders nevermind actual fascists, simple as that.

if trump was even 1% fascist he would have used unlimited violence against BLM rioters like many people on the right asked for, he had the opening and he didn't even do the minimum fully allowed by democratic norms.

there were thousands of criminal, thugs, all directly linked to the Democratic party, wreaking havoc across the nation justifying violence legally to put them at rest, and trump refused repeatedly to do anytning.

that tells you trump doesn't care at all about actual power, he is as far from fascism as you can be

if you read anything about trump you'll find he was the weakest, most ineffectual executive we've ever had in office ainec

his staffers would literally ignore his orders they disagreed with knowing that he'd forget he ordered them within a day and unless someone else mentioned it or it was in the news he'd forget about it

he had literally no clue how anyone got access to him, his staffers started preventing some of his favorite guys from visiting, the people would physically make efforts to go see him in the oval office and they'd be barred and later that day Trump would ask the person who barred that guy why that guy no longer comes by anymore and they would just shrug their shoulders and then Trump would just assume that person doesn't like Trump anymore and write them off instead of reaching out directly and asking what's up

he would watch hours of talking heads on fox/msnbc/cnn every single night religiously just to see what they said about him

I agree he was largely against military action, but a lot of that can simply be attributed to his inability to do anything more so than his reluctance to use force, again demonstrated about how he was adamantly against using force in Syria and then got talked into it and then after the media praised him for it he loved every minute of it

If Trump weren't rich he'd probably be spending his twilight years in a padded room decorating the walls with his own feces. The guy is basically an oversized baby.

by d2_e4 k

If Trump weren't rich he'd probably be spending his twilight years in a padded room decorating the walls with his own feces. The guy is basically an oversized baby.

Instead he's decorating the walls with fries and ketchup. Probably easier to get someone to wipe that off.

Love it how the righties get rekt repeatedly, then let any particular exchange sorta fade, and then their broke-brains inspire them to another moranic take over time
