Donald J. Trump (For everyone else)
I assume it's still acceptable to have a Trump thread in a Politics forum?
So this is an obvious lie - basically aimed at
Compared the documented history of violence after WW2 in first world democracies which is what I did.
There is no comparison, basically all group violence was and is leftist.
And what you call rightwing pre WW2 like fascism and Nazism was leftist as well. Rightwing: supremacy of the individual, a deep hatred of the state and the collective at most, a deep distrust normally, individual freedom is the most important value you die for.
Leftist: the collective is more important than the individual, ind
The things we do to twist facts, history and logic, to justify our world view.
Yeah, I've been down this route w/ other right-wingers over the years, and had many people try and do much of the same. Nazi's were leftist, etc...
There's nowhere to go from here if you can't even recognize that people who fly don't tread on me flags today are the same as Nazi's of the past.
He tries to make the argument that authoritarianism and state control vs personal freedom IS the axis of left vs right. Ok, maybe that can be accepted for the purposes of discussion rather than arguing semantics, but he's also a huge authoritarian bootlicker so you can't even do that.
It's like the Milea dude in Argentina. Supposed to be a libertarian, but the first thing he does is suppress freedoms of speech and assembly, fill the streets with military style police, and push for draconian religious fundamentalism.
There's a simple reason we do this too... we don't want to believe we might have bad world views. We all see ourselves as good to one degree or another. It's just a natural ego defense. There's no chance that the things I hold as true, other people did as well and did really bad things. No way... because I'm good!
There's some comedian that says everyone is racist to some degree. And of course people who are racist don't see themselves as racists, because they see racist as bad people... and after all, they are good!
I shouldn't waste time with someone deranged enough not to count burning police cars for political reasons as political violence, it's on me.
Right wingers really love to imagine one of the greatest political writers of all time as one of their own and this reminds me of this quote:

Not for collectivist riots, anti collectivist won't organize collectivist riots.
And anyway, even under "normal" identification of right and left, again, really rococo, tell me a democratic first world country where since 1946 more political violence came from the right.
USA is like 99% leftwing, only Jan 6 was right-wing. Italy was like 90-10.
Just unions + students violence is more than everything the right ever did in the streets since 1946 in all democratic first world countries.
You repeatedly suggest that political violence is inherently and exclusively left-wing, which is absurd.
Your assertion that the U.S. is 99% left-wing is also absurd and completely reliant on idiosyncratic definitions of your own invention.

Right wingers really love to imagine one of the greatest political writers of all time as one of their own and this reminds me of this quote:
Too true.
We all know all of our leftist friends that run to join the military, police, and law enforcement. All of those really peaceful, harmonious non-violent jobs. As well as all of my friends on the right, crowding in to get their jobs as librarians and teachers.
This is the Trump thread.
Remember that it's projection. It's ALWAYS projection.
Because this is the face of non-violence:
And compare that to left wing political ads, where they are violently talking about universal healthcare, comprehensive child care, paid sick leave, free school lunches, tuition-free college, housing the homeless, etc...
The "extreme left" in America:
So if you're confused about whether your party is the party of violence or fascism... just look at the political ads for what is deemed "extreme" on both sides. Then make a logical conclusion not based on your biases, but based on what your eyes are seeing.
Some people are more moral that others: italian-american potential juror self excluded himself from jury by admitting he couldn't be impartial because "trump is too much like Berlusconi"

] (source in italian)
We had a Trumper candidate, a businessman with no prior political office, running a primary ad that said he supports going into Mexico and killing all the cartel members with our military.
Some people are more moral that others: italian-american potential juror self excluded himself from jury by admitting he couldn't be impartial because "trump is too much like Berlusconi"
] (source in italian)
Good for him, but I don't know that this is some triumph of morality. You are going to see lots of jurors excluded from Trump's various criminal trials because they acknowledge that they cannot be impartial.
It's like the Milea dude in Argentina. Supposed to be a libertarian, but the first thing he does is suppress freedoms of speech and assembly, fill the streets with military style police, and push for draconian religious fundamentalism.
Luciom has identified Milei several times as one of his favorite contemporary political leaders.
You have to be able to judge the evidence impartially. It isn't necessary for you to have lived under a rock and have no opinions about Trump.
But sure, it's always harder to empanel a jury in this sort of situation.
That's the difference between cultural conservatives and regular people. I'm perfectly capable of doing a job like being on jury and applying a set of rules based on facts that will be explained to me. I also completely get why Trumpers can't do that.
That's the difference between cultural conservatives and regular people. I'm perfectly capable of doing a job like being on jury and applying a set of rules based on facts that will be explained to me. I also completely get why Trumpers can't do that.
Yeah we know, you would be a veritable paragon of impartiality. lol
Trump supporter, like athletic supporter
Dude. You seem confused.