Donald J. Trump (For everyone else)

Donald J. Trump (For everyone else)

I assume it's still acceptable to have a Trump thread in a Politics forum?

So this is an obvious lie - basically aimed at

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28 April 2019 at 04:18 AM

14479 Replies


by Gorgonian k

Man, I have to say I'm really enjoying watching Trump fall apart as he inches closer and closer to his first felony convictions. Incredibly entertaining.

He is melting down because no one will do what he wants. It is comical.

by Luciom k

Anyway we moved from "the government never mandated masks to 2y old" and "the government never mandated vaccination for 7y old to have a ice cream indoor " to "well yes it actually happened and it was good" again.

****ing Liars doing this every time.

Umm, no, they still didn't force anyone to wear masks.

No one but you used the word "mandate". Honestly I'm not sure of the legal definition of that, but I never claimed anything about mandates.

Obviously no one made any claims about anyone eating ice cream indoors, you're also the only one who mentioned that.

Let me repeat what I said earlier.

No one that I know of was forced to get a vaccine in the US. I will now clarify that I meant no adults. Some children were obviously forced to be vaccinated by their parents.

If you have any actual examples of US citizens being forced to get a covid vaccine, I would still love to hear about it.

Damn this thread is on one today

by King_of_NYC k

lol mussolini getting worked up

There are no citizens to govern in Luciomtopia. They all left because the fascists won't let them get ice cream.

by Luciom k

Not you, gorgon.

He denied it was because of legal mandates. He said it was businesses deciding that for themselves. That was a lie.

And yes I understand you are alone in the world not considering it forcing to threaten you with massive damage if you don't do x, but it is forcing.

I wonder if you would call it "forcing" if I said that you have to give your car to me or I cut your hand.

I would call that grand theft auto, not forcing.

by jjjou812 k

He is melting down because no one will do what he wants. It is comical.

Truly one of the greatest things I've ever witnessed. I thought this indictment was the least likely one to succeed (ignoring the Aileen Cannon effect), and it's already looking like I way underestimated it.

by chillrob k

I would call that grand theft auto, not forcing.

I hate that I accidentally read his drivel in quote boxes now, but lol at thinking revoking a privilege is remotely the same as threatening physical violence.

And all this hub aloo to avoid doing the bare minimum to contribute to public health. It boggles the mind. Just get vaccinated, idiots. You're acting stupid.

That's carjacking not GTA. Threats of physical harm are considered forcing.

Wait until he tries his monkey business in a federal courtroom. He will need to bring a toothbrush and a change of clothes.

Former, failed president donald trump was in court and a soup-filled diaper today.

by jjjou812 k

Wait until he tries his monkey business in a federal courtroom. He will need to bring a toothbrush and a change of clothes.

I think it'll just result in fines. So far the judges that have dealt with him seem afraid to impart any real consequences for his behavior.

by jjjou812 k

Wait until he tries his monkey business in a federal courtroom. He will need to bring a toothbrush and a change of clothes.

Need to be careful, if they put him in an orange jumpsuit it will be like an invisibility cloak.

by d2_e4 k

That's carjacking not GTA. Threats of physical harm are considered forcing.

I stand corrected. I am certain you know more about the definitions of felonies than I do. 🙂

Lot of TDS in the thread today.

by Gorgonian k

What specifically did "the govt" attempt to do during covid that is insanely scary?

by Gorgonian k

Is the local government the US government, potato? Do you just not understand what "US GOVERNMENT" means? Good lord.

US govt eliminated the individuals right to gather and protest during the Covid lockdowns. Surprised nobody told you that.

by Brian James k

Lot of TDS in the thread today.

All the more now that you've graced us with your presence.

by PointlessWords k

US govt eliminated the individuals right to gather and protest during the Covid lockdowns. Surprised nobody told you that.

Unless you were BLM. Then it was OK.

by Brian James k

Unless you were BLM. Then it was OK.

Even Luciom doesn't want to hang out with you. Sad.

by Luciom k

Forcing a 2y old to wear a mask for 6 to 8 hours is torture.

Which is why not even fascist Spain, Italy and France did mandate masks ever under 6

woah woah woah woah

are you telling me that franco, Mussolini, and inspector clouseau are all still in power?

by Brian James k

Unless you were BLM. Then it was OK.

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by rickroll k

woah woah woah woah

are you telling me that franco, Mussolini, and inspector clouseau are all still in power?

No but their heirs used the militaries against non violent civilians which is simply something you should never do unless you are a fascist

by Brian James k

Lot of TDS in the thread today.

Blowie looks the most rational of the three until you add in his bjoesixpack's posts. He is so concerned when someone insults his daddy.

But like daddy, Blowie shits in public spaces.

by PointlessWords k

US govt eliminated the individuals right to gather and protest during the Covid lockdowns. Surprised nobody told you that.

Not sure if serious

Luciom, is comrade Blowie one of those leftist MAGA chuds? Enquiring minds need to know.

by Gorgonian k

Not sure if serious

Lockdowns are illegal. Not sure if you’re serious. We have the right to travel and the right to gather for protests.

The govt took that right away under the guise of a medical emergency.

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