Donald J. Trump (For everyone else)
I assume it's still acceptable to have a Trump thread in a Politics forum?
So this is an obvious lie - basically aimed at
Anyway we moved from "the government never mandated masks to 2y old" and "the government never mandated vaccination for 7y old to have a ice cream indoor " to "well yes it actually happened and it was good" again.
****ing Liars doing this every time.
Umm, no, they still didn't force anyone to wear masks.
No one but you used the word "mandate". Honestly I'm not sure of the legal definition of that, but I never claimed anything about mandates.
Obviously no one made any claims about anyone eating ice cream indoors, you're also the only one who mentioned that.
Let me repeat what I said earlier.
No one that I know of was forced to get a vaccine in the US. I will now clarify that I meant no adults. Some children were obviously forced to be vaccinated by their parents.
If you have any actual examples of US citizens being forced to get a covid vaccine, I would still love to hear about it.
Damn this thread is on one today
Not you, gorgon.
He denied it was because of legal mandates. He said it was businesses deciding that for themselves. That was a lie.
And yes I understand you are alone in the world not considering it forcing to threaten you with massive damage if you don't do x, but it is forcing.
I wonder if you would call it "forcing" if I said that you have to give your car to me or I cut your hand.
I would call that grand theft auto, not forcing.
I hate that I accidentally read his drivel in quote boxes now, but lol at thinking revoking a privilege is remotely the same as threatening physical violence.
And all this hub aloo to avoid doing the bare minimum to contribute to public health. It boggles the mind. Just get vaccinated, idiots. You're acting stupid.
That's carjacking not GTA. Threats of physical harm are considered forcing.
Wait until he tries his monkey business in a federal courtroom. He will need to bring a toothbrush and a change of clothes.
Former, failed president donald trump was in court and a soup-filled diaper today.
Lot of TDS in the thread today.
Is the local government the US government, potato? Do you just not understand what "US GOVERNMENT" means? Good lord.
US govt eliminated the individuals right to gather and protest during the Covid lockdowns. Surprised nobody told you that.
Luciom, is comrade Blowie one of those leftist MAGA chuds? Enquiring minds need to know.