Donald J. Trump (For everyone else)

Donald J. Trump (For everyone else)

I assume it's still acceptable to have a Trump thread in a Politics forum?

So this is an obvious lie - basically aimed at

) 25 Views 25
28 April 2019 at 04:18 AM

14454 Replies


then backup your accusations, apologize, or leave

or just be whatever kind of feckless coward you're acting as now but that's probably the worst of the 4 options

by bahbahmickey k

You do realize that covid happened under trump and dems fought hard to pass as many policies as possible to raise the deficit, right?

Trump fought dems to keep schools open, to keep business open, to re-open school and businesses as soon as possible and to minimize the incentives for people to not work.

Dems complaining that trump raised the deficit is like a murderer complaining that their uber driver got them in a wreck after they shot and killed the uber driver while he was driving because he

Wrong !
Trump had 4 years in power and did as much deficit in the first 3 years as in the covid crisis.

Here is a fair comparaison .
Take obama , rounding the numbers , he did around 9 trillions in 8 years while trump did 8 trillions in 4 years !
Both had major crisis (gfc for Obama and covid for trump) so it’s equivalent .
what is not equivalent is trump did as much in 4 years then Obama in 8 years in deficit !

Get this through your head baham , conservative always made more debts then democrats due to tax cut , military investment , tax cuts etc ….
U want graphs again ?

Btw yes democrats in general rather give more money to the people Instead of rich and corporations because they believe government are there to help the people .
The poorest states aren’t blue !

Republican believe government are there to help the economy and the rich/corporations.
The economy profit for like 10% of the population .
Results all the poorest states are red !

I know facts and empirical evidences for you means nothing .

by washoe k

Mike Tyson is bff with Trump just had dinner at mara lago with him.
but hes clearly racist, right? liars..

Clearly rapists*

crossnerd you've been crushing these threads lately 😀

Thanks, fren 😀

by Montrealcorp k

Wrong !
Trump had 4 years in power and did as much deficit in the first 3 years as in the covid crisis.

Here is a fair comparaison .
Take obama , rounding the numbers , he did around 9 trillions in 8 years while trump did 8 trillions in 4 years !
Both had major crisis (gfc for Obama and covid for trump) so it’s equivalent .
what is not equivalent is trump did as much in 4 years then Obama in 8 years in deficit !

Get this through your head baham , conservative always made more debts then democrats due

your posts are unreadable. i'd imagine everyone skips them like Steamraise's

by natediggity k

your posts are unreadable. i'd imagine everyone skips them like Steamraise's

Kinda sad that he can write better in his second language than you can apparently read in your first.

by Bobo Fett k

Kinda sad that he can write better in his second language than you can apparently read in your first.


I'm waiting on the rest of your crew to attack. Where is JJbou. This is his spot.

LOL @ "attack". Pretty sure I was replying to your lame "you don't speak so good" attack.

by rickroll k

then backup your accusations, apologize, or leave

or just be whatever kind of feckless coward you're acting as now but that's probably the worst of the 4 options

Option 5, you could ask that he be banned for pointing out your bad posting, ideas and theories.

it wasn't that hard to read.

by natediggity k

your posts are unreadable. i'd imagine everyone skips them like Steamraise's

Just follow the numbers , u will get it .

by Montrealcorp k

Just follow the numbers , u will get it .

by Bobo Fett k

LOL @ "attack". Pretty sure I was replying to your lame "you don't speak so good" attack.

I thought it was a "what's up with the random hard returns" attack. I always gloss over posts that look like they are formatted as poetry.

Id be curious about all the Trump Haters here . I have a few people I know in Canada here who said I wish Trump would die . I asked them I hope you mean of natural causes .
There reply that would be great but id be ok if someone took him out for the good of the country

Do the Trump haters here feel this way?

by lozen k

Id be curious about all the Trump Haters here . I have a few people I know in Canada here who said I wish Trump would die . I asked them I hope you mean of natural causes .
There reply that would be great but id be ok if someone took him out for the good of the country

Do the Trump haters here feel this way?

would the world be a better place without him in it? absolutely, no question. will i crack a smile while reading the obituary? absolutely. do i want someone to shoot him tomorrow? nah.

i do think that politicians particularly those on the right that are taking away people's rights like it's some game they are playing have become FAR too comfortable. i believe they should be shunned from normal society. i fully applaud those that protest them in restaurants or out on the street.

Where have you been the last 8 years lozen?

It isn't just nuts on the internet like slighted who are ok/support others in their ventures of political violence. Dem politician have joined these nuts and encouraged their supporters to harass repub politicians in restaurants and the streets and even encouraged them to threaten the supreme court justices at their homes in an attempt to make political changes.

This isn't trump encouraging a few hundred people to go to the outside of capital and peacefully protest.

This isn't a group of a few hundred walking into a capital without weapons who were later judged to be attempting to overthrow the most powerful country in the history of the world without weapons for millions of people.

These politicians are calling for real political violence. Look at the violence they encouraged during the BLM riots - so many people hurt and dead and it ruined so many people's lives.

by lozen k

Id be curious about all the Trump Haters here . I have a few people I know in Canada here who said I wish Trump would die . I asked them I hope you mean of natural causes .
There reply that would be great but id be ok if someone took him out for the good of the country

Do the Trump haters here feel this way?

If Trump died of natural causes tomorrow, >50% of his base would believe that something nefarious had happened.

I personally would like to see Trump live in disgrace and be widely regarded as a politically radioactive loser who was the most unfit president in modern U.S. history. If he accomplishes the near impossible and loses twice to Joe Biden, I'll probably get my wish.

Even so, I wish he wasn't the GOP nominee. It's too great a risk.

by Rococo k

I personally would like to see Trump live in disgrace and be widely regarded as a politically radioactive loser who was the most unfit president in modern U.S. history.

That's already happening right now, though. I'd prefer it if he just ****ed off and died.

by Trolly McTrollson k

That's already happening right now, though. I'd prefer it if he just ****ed off and died.

If he continues staring directly into the sun and catering huge buffets of McDonald’s hamberders then it probably won’t take much longer

by Trolly McTrollson k

That's already happening right now, though.

It isn't happening within the Republican party yet, but I suspect it will if he loses again.

The real *******s and bullies of the political world -- people like Trump and Andrew Cuomo -- are never more than a few steps away from a precipitous fall from grace because they have no real friends or allies. They rely on people who capitulate to them out of fear, spinelessness, or self-interest. Those people will turn on you in an instant if circumstances change because they never really respected you or liked you.

Lindsey Graham is a perfect example. Does anyone expect that guy to stand by Trump if the ship starts sinking? Of course not. To save his own hide, he'll revert back to being a critic of Trump and he will pretend like his last decade of licking Trump's boots never happened.

by lozen k

Id be curious about all the Trump Haters here . I have a few people I know in Canada here who said I wish Trump would die . I asked them I hope you mean of natural causes .
There reply that would be great but id be ok if someone took him out for the good of the country

Do the Trump haters here feel this way?

First of all, I think the term "Trump hater" is overly simplistic. There's a lot of horrible humans in the world like him and I don't care for any of them. But what really gets me is that I live in a society where a significant portion of the population adore and look up to someone that literally has no positive human characteristics. He's bad in every possible way and yet so many people put someone like that on a pedestal. It's a stain on our country that we even entertain the thought of making someone like that our leader. Don't even start with the "whatabout biden" nonsense either. It ain't even close.

I don't wish anyone dead, things take their course. But I won't shed a tear when he's gone.

by biggerboat k

First of all, I think the term "Trump hater" is overly simplistic.

What's complicated about it? He's a serial rapist and people hate him.

Pay her. Pay that woman her money.
