Donald J. Trump (For everyone else)

Donald J. Trump (For everyone else)

I assume it's still acceptable to have a Trump thread in a Politics forum?

So this is an obvious lie - basically aimed at

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28 April 2019 at 04:18 AM

14880 Replies


Five Points Correctional Facility (FPCF) is a maximum security state prison for men located in Romulus, New York, and operated by the New York State Department of Corrections and Community Supervision. Five Points is known as a supermax prison. That is why I quickly took Five Points Correctional Facility as my bingo square.

ss certainly wasn't mandatory for mike pence on jan 6th hmm

by ladybruin k

Five Points Correctional Facility (FPCF) is a maximum security state prison for men located in Romulus, New York, and operated by the New York State Department of Corrections and Community Supervision. Five Points is known as a supermax prison. That is why I quickly took Five Points Correctional Facility as my bingo square.

Those places are for people who were already in max security prisons and they like, murdered a guard or are head of a prison gang, as well as terrorists and narco bosses.

I'm not sure you can put a white collar first offender there. I guess it would at least be something he could appeal.

Even if he was put there for his own protection, you'd have to create a whole set up for him to live as a minimum security prisoner. You can’t have a dude in 23 hour solitary over falsified business records.

At least, i suspect so.

by Steve00007 k

I never thought he would be thrown in jail for violating a gag order.

However, I think throwing someone behind bars after being convicted of 34 felonies is far more likely to happen.

Of course people are already complaining he will be thrown in prison 4 days before the convention. Well maybe they should have picked a different candidate.

He should have been put in jail for the gag orders not as punishment, but to prevent him from continuing to violate the orders.

I think that would have made a lot more sense than sending him to jail for these convictions.

by ES2 k

Those places are for people who were already in max security prisons and they like, murdered a guard or are head of a prison gang, as well as terrorists and narco bosses.

Would head of an insurrection count?

When we are talking Trump, we are talking cumulative crimes.

by jbouton k

And to be clear, if much of the world sees this as part of deep state subverting the US constitution to rig their own democracy you would disagree right?

The "Deep State" is a myth created by people who want to have an excuse for why they're too incompetent to get their agenda enacted.

The clearest example is people saying the FBI did things to try to prevent Trump's reelection, when the FBI is under the control of the president and headed by a person he appointed. I think those claims are BS, but if they were true that says something even worse about Trump - that people who appointed either wanted him to lose or were too incompetent to stop their underlings from running shenanigans to try to make him lose.

by chillrob k

The "Deep State" is a myth created by people who want to have an excuse for why they're too incompetent to get their agenda enacted.

The clearest example is people saying the FBI did things to try to prevent Trump's reelection, when the FBI is under the control of the president and headed by a person he appointed. I think those claims are BS, but if they were true that says something even worse about Trump - that people who appointed either wanted him to lose or were too incompetent to stop thei

Deep state here was meant to refer to US institution that subverts the constitutional framework. Its unclear if you believe that kind of thing exists or happens.

For example many people believe that the US gov was involved in assassinating JFK. That would be against the constitutional framework right?

In that sense if the FBI were working against trump in a similar fashion, that would be an evolution and extension of the same constitutional issue.

Would you have a problem with that?

by jbouton k

Do you believe in the NSA? Here is Chomsky, I'm deferring to this definition etc as deep state:

I think much of the world doesn't see your election as valid. I think for a lot of people that use the term 'trumper' validity isn't important.

Seems plausible unless **** gets really bad.

Chomsky is a looney who has no experience with actual politics or government who somehow got treated as an expert in exposing the evils of the government. He is the left wing version of conspiracy theorist roughly equivalent to people like PlayBig in this forum on the right.

The activities mentioned in the passage you quoted have nothing to do with the deep state. The CIA was doing exactly what the president wanted them to do, because Truman was a politician who knew what he was doing.

Catching up on this thread. It was A+ when BGnight was here raging and went to utter dog water when button showed up.

Fix this please.

by jbouton k

Deep state here was meant to refer to US institution that subverts the constitutional framework. Its unclear if you believe that kind of thing exists or happens.

For example many people believe that the US gov was involved in assassinating JFK. That would be against the constitutional framework right?

In that sense if the FBI were working against trump in a similar fashion, that would be an evolution and extension of the same constitutional issue.

Would you have a problem with that?

I don't think the constitution should be subverted. But that has nothing to do with what everyone using the term Deep State seems to mean, which is liberals in the federal government trying to prevent Trump from carrying out his agenda when it was really his inconvenience.

by jbouton k

Well for one I just got back from a very unfair banning and I'm accusing the moderation of having a political bias. So its not really talking if I'm back for one day right? And someone said "what you said is gibberish". Am I supposed to count that as talking? Another poster insta ignored me...we can't count that right?

I have certainly had some responses, and I'm happy about that. I haven't gotten a chance to hear answers to some of my questions otherwise. You see then the nuances?

I defin

Your ban had nothing to do with your political opinions, but because you are seen by most here as a terrible poster. You hammer on the same things over and over again, always try to bring your pet economic theory (which no one here cares enough about to argue with you), and because you continued to do these things after the mods repeatedly asked you to stop.

You have asked the same question (which no one else finds interesting) over and over again just today, and you don't respond when I or others answer you and ask you questions in return. I guess you think that if you say things enough times that at least some people will agree with you, but no one does. If you continue to do this, basically trying to use this forum as a place for you to push your ideas down everyone's throats instead of a place to have an actual discussion, I'm sure you will be banned again very soon.

by chillrob k

Your ban had nothing to do with your political opinions, but because you are seen by most here as a terrible poster. You hammer on the same things over and over again, always try to bring your pet economic theory (which no one here cares enough about to argue with you), and because you continued to do these things after the mods repeatedly asked you to stop.

You have asked the same question (which no one else finds interesting) over and over again just today, and you don't respond when I or othe

For anyone who hasn't seen Button's "post Tourette's" thread, where he asks to not get constantly banned for going apeshit due to some imagined condition, highly recommend, A+ reading.

by StoppedRainingMen k

I have a question….to people who are trump supporters or use terms like ‘cope’ or ‘TDS’ or ‘libtard’…

What does trump give you that some replacement level Republican candidate doesn’t? Feeling emboldened to be the worst version of yourself cuz who’s gonna stop you? Having your identity tied to culture war nonsense? Or you just wanna say the n word and feel like it should be ok?

pretty sure 95-99% of the people who support trump because it triggers leftist would support a Rubio, RDS, and the like as well.

but many of them think Trump has a higher chance of winning elections because they are convinced he can get voters who wouldn't otherwise vote for a normal republican to vote for him.

I talked with may such people when RDS had a chance and they basically all overestimate Trump chances with blue collar workers and retirees and underestimate women and suburban educated voter losses caused by Trump.

at the end they would vote for Satan if he had a 1% better chance to win than Jesus and while I appreciate that sentiment I think they are wrong in their assessment of the chances of winning

Trump found a lawyer even dumber than himself:

by jbouton k

Well it creates a philosophical quandary tho when you are trying to decide if someone is a criminal, without prejudging, and you know that it matters which state they are tried in. It gets worse of course if someone has the power to influence which state, and coordi won't acknowledge that would corrupt the justice system.

Its certainly true irl. I think time would tell here.

It happens all the time in the US I hear. That 'republicans do it to' I don't know how that would make the system not le

I don't understand your point.

someone is a criminal if he provenly violated criminal law. if criminal law is different in different places, the same conduct will make you a criminal somewhere but not necessarily elsewhere.

now what we need to prove that criminal action happened? is a trial the only way? reasonably, it isn't, but outside of rare cases where we actually know enough about events outside of what the trial adjudicated I think deferring to a trial outcome is the rational default option.

then there is the fact that some conduct is considered criminal that we wouldn't agree with. that doesn't change the criminal status of the offender but can change our consideration of the criminal status.

Nelson Mandela was indeed and objectively a serial criminal in his country. that doesn't necessarily translate into "a bad person" (opinions might vary). still a criminal.

by jbouton k

The nuance seems important to me at this time. For example my mom doesn't care if he's a criminal, she wants the conviction and people to see him as such because she believes that if he becomes president then he will destroy the democracy...

So she believes we must block trump at all costs. I claim she gets this from CNN...does no one here share that stance?

CNN is far far far far less partisan these days than in 2016-2020. no idea why. but MSNBC isn't

by coordi k

No, because we give States a lot of governing autonomy. Its illegal to get an abortion in one state and not another so people cross State lines to get an abortion. Marijuana is decriminalized some places, legal recreationally some, legal medically some, and illegal others, all while still being illegal federally. Wrap your brain around that one.

Welcome to the US justice system

OK. But that is different than a jury in one state acquitting while a jury in another state convicts when the law and the facts are the same. Your examples concern different states wanting different laws. That a difference in values. But if the trial in two different states go 12-0 one way in state x and 12-0 the other way in state y that is very problematical if the law and facts are the same. Basically anyone who is convicted of any crime by a unanimous jury verdict has a right to feel screwed if he somehow knew that a randomly picked jury of US citizens would have had a few unwilling to vote for a guilty verdict.

by FellaGaga-52 k

Probably been covered multiple times but I haven't spotted it ... how does the secret service protection work in jail or prison? I'm kind of thinking it doesn't, and therefore it could be argued as a violation of his rights.

The SS has to guarantee for his security in prison as well that's not controversial afaik.

by Montrealcorp k

Yes the best way to help the poor is cut to tax for the rich and creating more debts .
Don’t believe in empirical evidences the last 40 years , at some points it will work …
Republicans policies works so great all the poorest states are republicans .
Yes go elected a crooked , bankrupting his own business over 7 times , surrounding himself by other criminals and convicted people’s …..even better to make the life better lol ….

Seem some people don’t realize that the only way u will feel better by kn

You misunderstood my position. I won't vote Trump (either Biden or 3p). I don’t favor tax cuts for the rich. I'd like them to pay what they did under Nixon.

The quality of life for Americans outside the top 80% or so is total dog crap, by 1st world standards. And it's getting worse for each generation.

Both parties are in favor of this, so people are sick of figures like Biden or Romney, Clintons and Bushes. Those people created this situation with things like Iraq, NAFTA, the drug war, and our HC and higher education systems. So, if you are not well off, continuing to support them is indeed banging your head against the same wall. They've all made it crystal clear that they want your life to be worse.

Thus Trump on the R side, Bernie on the D side and even that clown RFK polling at 10%. People want anything but more of the same.

by David Sklansky k

OK. But that is different than a jury in one state acquitting while a jury in another state convicts when the law and the facts are the same. Your examples concern different states wanting different laws. That a difference in values. But if the trial in two different states go 12-0 one way in state x and 12-0 the other way in state y that is very problematical if the law and facts are the same. Basically anyone who is convicted of any crime by a unanimous jury verdict has a right to feel screwed

why? if someone is tried in a specific place it means that specific place has to judge him, unless you are questioning jurisdiction I don't see how the fact that one place explicitly embodies different values, preferences, and judgment calls could make you feel screwed.

if a county or state shares moral preferences you find horrific, and so a jury empaneled there will represent that, don't live there and don't conduct business there.

by David Sklansky k

OK. But that is different than a jury in one state acquitting while a jury in another state convicts when the law and the facts are the same. Your examples concern different states wanting different laws. That a difference in values. But if the trial in two different states go 12-0 one way in state x and 12-0 the other way in state y that is very problematical if the law and facts are the same. Basically anyone who is convicted of any crime by a unanimous jury verdict has a right to feel screwed

There is no right to jury nullification.

by Luciom k

I don't understand your point.

someone is a criminal if he provenly violated criminal law. if criminal law is different in different places, the same conduct will make you a criminal somewhere but not necessarily elsewhere.

now what we need to prove that criminal action happened? is a trial the only way? reasonably, it isn't, but outside of rare cases where we actually know enough about events outside of what the trial adjudicated I think deferring to a trial outcome is the rational default option

Well it seems that a lot of people feel he IS criminal by the definition of 'he needs to be stopped from being president' and a lot of those people believe that the only just charges are as such. And those same people for example seem to think that Hilary Clinton (or Biden) are not culpable because they haven't been convicted.

by David Sklansky k

OK. But that is different than a jury in one state acquitting while a jury in another state convicts when the law and the facts are the same. Your examples concern different states wanting different laws. That a difference in values. But if the trial in two different states go 12-0 one way in state x and 12-0 the other way in state y that is very problematical if the law and facts are the same. Basically anyone who is convicted of any crime by a unanimous jury verdict has a right to feel screwed

I'm also thinking of 'he who has controlled the meta data' for the last few decades. We have learned now that meta data means llm or pseudo ai.

So its more than an unfair advantage to be able to peel through the legal process, the legal definitions, compare states etc. but then also dig through the jury processes and the jurors lives and so forth.

You could define reliable probabilities etc.

Its not constitutional. So that really matters here.

by jbouton k

Well it seems that a lot of people feel he IS criminal by the definition of 'he needs to be stopped from being president' and a lot of those people believe that the only just charges are as such. And those same people for example seem to think that Hilary Clinton (or Biden) are not culpable because they haven't been convicted.

What crimes have Hilary Clinton and Joe Biden committed? Why weren't they tried for these crimes? Please be very specific in your response.

by ES2 k

You misunderstood my position. I won't vote Trump (either Biden or 3p). I don’t favor tax cuts for the rich. I'd like them to pay what they did under Nixon.

The quality of life for Americans outside the top 80% or so is total dog crap, by 1st world standards. And it's getting worse for each generation.

Both parties are in favor of this, so people are sick of figures like Biden or Romney, Clintons and Bushes. Those people created this situation with things like Iraq, NAFTA, the drug war,

I don't understand how people put up with the "health care" system. Vision, dental, and health are separate. Doctors have to do a weird dance with some oracles who fight against them to save every penny (and kill patients in the meantime). Every step is designed against the consumer and health care providers to milk as much money from them possible. Nothing makes sense unless you're in the insurance business, then you see who makes the law.
