Donald J. Trump (For everyone else)
I assume it's still acceptable to have a Trump thread in a Politics forum?
So this is an obvious lie - basically aimed at
Remember when that dumbass bitch who played stupid games and got shot in the head for storming the Capitol was a rally cry by the mad whites and now is just a complete and total afterthought everyone has forgotten about?
Ya trump cares about you. Give him your paycheck
Remember that losers don't get respect in Trump world
Of all the amusing theories you make up, this is probably the dumbest. If we only had cite or ban. The constitution defines the powers of the branches of federal and state government and provides a list of personal rights that the government can’t infringe on, all of which has been further defined by case law for 200 years.
Yes and nothing inside it can be violated by individuals in a private capacity
Cite or ban for which claim lol? What's the penalty in the constitution if the FBI searches your house without a warrant?
What's the penalty if a racist legislature enacts a racist law? Nothing. The legislators don't risk jail. At most courts stop them from enacting their law.
It's not a criminal case. The court agreed the violation had likely happened and was likely to keep happening and ordered the government to stop any contact with social media companies related to the flagging or censorship of any content whose distribution didn't violate laws.
There is no conviction possible unfortunately as I mentioned, the best we can hope for is for courts to order the government to stop abusing the first amendment that way.
Which the court of appeal did.
Unfortunately SCOTUS st
I know it's not a criminal case - that was the point. And "likely" is not a judgement, even though you keep quoting it as if it were. And the appeals court didn't stop the government action - the lower court did, and the appeals court affirmed it but actually narrowed the focus of the injunction. You really should read the cases you keep quoting.
This exhaustingly lazy white wing trope of ‘if they can do this to trump they can do this to anyone’ is just comical. I mean ya, if you run for President and pay off a pornstar using illegal tactics and actually have a paper trail that proves that then ya i guess they can come for you too
The real “it could happen to anyone ” is the Georgia election workers case. Because Trump lost Georgia and the election 2 random citizens who randomly got caught on video doing their jobs honestly were falsely accused of crimes by Giuliani, the president and his campaign. Because of the high number of maga terrorists they were told by the FBI it was unsafe to stay at home. One had to leave her job. That’s REALLY something that could happen to anyone. Trump, because of his low moral character and propensity to lie might just randomly destroy your life if you get unlucky.
Define ‘a bunch’ cuz I can’t remember the last time her name was uttered by anyone of actual consequence
Also does that mean they defiled and destroyed her headstone? Cuz if so *chefs kiss*
a bunch is probably too many.. it was a dozen or so cars i think in a convoy carrying a headstone about how she tragically lost her life on jan 6 around DC. they then tried to get in to arlington national cemetery to install a headstone for her there on memorial day.
The man driving the truck believes Ashli Babbitt deserves to be buried at Arlington National Cemetery “right up there with Mr. Lee.”
“It’s so nice that her name’s right here where it should be. …They all deserve a ticker-tape parade.”
“But this right here is the reason that you have the freedom to say what you want to say.”
“How dare you disrespect American veterans that paid with their lives for you to have your freedom.”
I know it's not a criminal case - that was the point. And "likely" is not a judgement, even though you keep quoting it as if it were. And the appeals court didn't stop the government action - the lower court did, and the appeals court affirmed it but actually narrowed the focus of the injunction. You really should read the cases you keep quoting.
Carroll case wasn't criminal either, yet we can call Trump a sexual assaulter after it.
So we can call the Biden admin a violator of the fundamental principles of the constitution, that is the idea.
Do you agree that's correct and appropriate? That we can claim the Biden admin mass violated for years the constitutional rights of millions of Americans?
The real “it could happen to anyone ” is the Georgia election workers case. Because Trump lost Georgia and the election 2 random citizens who randomly got caught on video doing their jobs honestly were falsely accused of crimes by Giuliani, the president and his campaign. Because of the high number of maga terrorists they were told by the FBI it was unsafe to stay at home. One had to leave her job. That’s REALLY something that could happen to anyone. Trump, because of his low moral character
Convington Catholic high school students say hi
The real “it could happen to anyone ” is the Georgia election workers case. Because Trump lost Georgia and the election 2 random citizens who randomly got caught on video doing their jobs honestly were falsely accused of crimes by Giuliani, the president and his campaign. Because of the high number of maga terrorists they were told by the FBI it was unsafe to stay at home. One had to leave her job. That’s REALLY something that could happen to anyone. Trump, because of his low moral character
Can’t argue with this
If a single juror that convicted trump’s information becomes available their life is ****ing over and their only crime is that they got called for jury duty
OK. But that is different than a jury in one state acquitting while a jury in another state convicts when the law and the facts are the same. Your examples concern different states wanting different laws. That a difference in values. But if the trial in two different states go 12-0 one way in state x and 12-0 the other way in state y that is very problematical if the law and facts are the same. Basically anyone who is convicted of any crime by a unanimous jury verdict has a right to feel screwed
Is this what happened or just some hypothetical you are using to paint the situation as unfair?
He committed crimes in New York and was tried in New York. Typically when you commit crimes in New York you aren't tried in Texas
yeah, no. unless "everyone" is a smug shitty teenager incapable of disengaging. trying to eliminate his contribution to the situation is disingenuous.
Sure that's why various media companies settled out of court after they ruined their lives with the help of incessant propaganda by democrats (which unfortunately didn't have to pay up for it afaik)
yeah, no. unless "everyone" is a smug shitty teenager incapable of disengaging. trying to eliminate his contribution to the situation is disingenuous.
Of course rather than losing a job and going into hiding, the maga kid leaned into the publicity from his encounter and got an internship with a congressman that he would have had no chance of getting but for this incident.
Almost like the FBI had is correct on the dangers of Maga terror vs other groups.
Is this what happened or just some hypothetical you are using to paint the situation as unfair?
He committed crimes in New York and was tried in New York. Typically when you commit crimes in New York you aren't tried in Texas
Ya I really can’t understand what part of this is difficult for Mr. IQ test for rolllzzzz
Payoff was done in New York, he was tried in New York
The documents were taken from florida, he’s being tried in florida
He tried to subvert votes in Georgia, he’s being tried in Georgia
1/6 was in DC, he’s being tried in DC
Klansky knows this. Pandering is pretty ugly
Ya I really can’t understand what part of this is difficult for Mr. IQ test for rolllzzzz
Payoff was done in New York, he was tried in New York
The documents were taken from florida, he’s being tried in florida
He tried to subvert votes in Georgia, he’s being tried in Georgia
1/6 was in DC, he’s being tried in DC
Klansky knows this. Pandering is pretty ugly
Sklansky looks at everything through the lens of "what angle can I manufacture here to show everyone how much smarter I am than they are?" The irony of course being that pretty much 100% of the times he tries this, he manages to outdo himself with ever increasingly moronic takes.
Of course rather than losing a job and going into hiding, the maga kid leaned into the publicity from his encounter and got an internship with a congressman that he would have had no chance of getting but for this incident.
Almost like the FBI had is correct on the dangers of Maga terror vs other groups.
What exactly had the kid to do with MAGA terror?
Man we've got to stop these out of control democrats from weaponizing the justice system.