Donald J. Trump (For everyone else)

Donald J. Trump (For everyone else)

I assume it's still acceptable to have a Trump thread in a Politics forum?

So this is an obvious lie - basically aimed at

) 26 Views 26
28 April 2019 at 04:18 AM

14517 Replies


by pocket_zeros k

Actually no. Starr already knew about Jones before he was even appointed:

Of course. More Republicans with conflicts of interest they think are just fine.

by pocket_zeros k

Actually no. Starr already knew about Jones before he was even appointed:

Allegedly?? Didn’t he pay her like $850,000?

by d2_e4 k

To his Gran, no less.

It's "grand jury", bro, as contrasted with "petit jury", not with "grandpa jury". Think piano, not turismo.

ye ok sorry in italian it's "gran giurì"

Love that the whataboutists have to go back 25 years. Can we talk about teapot dome?

Hannity’s eagerness to use their interviews to steer Trump in specific directions.

The trouble is, the presumptive GOP presidential nominee routinely misses the cues.

The former president explicitly acknowledged, out loud and on camera,
that he was aware of Hannity’s efforts — though Trump wasn’t interested

“Look, when this election is over, based on what they have done,
I would have every right to go after them,” Trump replied.

by biggerboat k

Love that the whataboutists have to go back 25 years. Can we talk about teapot dome?

wait a sec lol, it started with thinman saying "let Bill have a blowjob, you started this", to which i countered actually the serious matter was the perjury.

Trump try to gain full immunity for what ?
Trump can’t even testify in any cases ?
Trump many time pleaded the 5th amendment?

Trump sounds innocent of course …

His own words ->

enjoy - don't miss the 2 pics below the first one -




Posted within a different political internet forum; When to announce the NY criminal case sentencing of Donald Trump? Respectfully, Supposn
Stealers Wheel & Mambo Dervish, you both share my opinion, (not a fact) that Trump is the apparent Republican presidential candidate and his again being elected would likely be disastrous to our nation?

I read and hear of many predicting the 2024 general elections, similar to many of USA's previous years' elections, will be decided in many of USA's states by “extremely thin” plurality of the winner's votes. Do any of you share my concern that those predictions may reflect valid probabilities?

I strongly believe the NY criminal conviction did not reduce the net numbers of Trump supporters. Due to the accusation of selective political prosecution, it may have increased his support among those who were less decided.

You both question my opinion (unsupported or refuted by facts), if the NY State criminal trial's sentence of Trump is announced prior to the 2024 general elections, it will martyr him among many if not most Trump supporters, and many of those who are not yet opposed to his election or are undecided. Thus, the earlier announcement of sentence may be the actual cause of Trump winning the 2024 election.

Do you both believe Trump's winning the 2024 elections is not conceivable, or highly probable, or do you agree it's a real possibility?
I prefer that the NY judge hold off announcing Trump's sentence or doing anything to further hinder his campaign travels in the USA, until at least a week after the 2024 elections. What do you both believe is the 'downside of such a calendar delay in comparison to the probability of announcing sentence in July of 2024 may tilt the 2024 election to Trump's favor?
Even if Trump's jailed, he will be a presidential candidate that can win, be sworn in on January of 2025, and again become president of the United States. Respectfully, Supposn

sometime mid-morning

After lunch, so the judge isn’t “hangry” and Playbigs generals have a chance to arrest the judge and jury for treason.

by lozen k

From the actual article

If you want to criticize SCOTUS justices for accepting gifts (even if disclosed), that's fine, but it's absurd to characterize this as evidence that RBG took a bribe.

by Luciom k

They just have to convice the jury under probable cause that there was either intent or some crime covered even without proving either intent or the crime.

"Probable cause" isn't a standard of proof. I have explained this exact point to you previously.

The Trump verdict should remind everyone that Trump usually fares very poorly in highly controlled environments where lying, gaslighting, distraction, and whataboutism are difficult o impossible to pull off.

Everyone can make their arguments about the jury pool and the jury instructions, but in all likelihood, Trump was convicted because the evidence was not on his side, and he was trapped in a highly controlled environment where he couldn't rely on his typical tactics for eliding that evidence.

No crime was committed.

Trump lackey Bill Barr has spoken, that settles the matter.

Lying about money and trying to cover up payments is illegal. Bill barr is lying

good interview. sad for America

Strange, I find the verdict to be joyful. Criminals deserve punishment.

by jjjou812 k

Strange, I find the verdict to be joyful. Criminals deserve punishment.

I agree that it's strange

It's fun watching a life long conman go down for his continued breaking of the law. Like most cons, he thinks he is smart enough to talk his way out of it...yet he is too chickenshit to take the stand.

Should presidents be held to a higher or lower standard than everyone else?

by jjjou812 k

It's fun watching a life long conman go down for his continued breaking of the law. Like most cons, he thinks he is smart enough to talk his way out of it...yet he is too chickenshit to take the stand.

He didn't break any laws and he's the farthest thing from a con but yes he's walking away and will win the Presidency. I just don't want you to get too upset when it happens but I'll be here to help get you and others through a rough and scary time for you just don't worry you'll be ok I can assure you.

by Playbig2000 k

He didn't break any laws and he's the farthest thing from a con but yes he's walking away and will win the Presidency. I just don't want you to get too upset when it happens but I'll be here to help get you and others through that rough time for you all so don't worry you'll be ok I can assure you.

And if it doesn’t happen ?
Ha yes the election will be rigged .
Man U just can’t escape that conspiracy world u live huh ?
It’s like a religion .
I feel for you .

by Playbig2000 k

He didn't break any laws and he's the farthest thing from a con but yes he's walking away and will win the Presidency. I just don't want you to get too upset when it happens but I'll be here to help get you and others through a rough and scary time for you just don't worry you'll be ok I can assure you.

You’re allowed to lie about where your campaign money comes from and goes, and then you’re allowed to pay people to cover that up?

Sounds illegal to me.
