Donald J. Trump (For everyone else)
I assume it's still acceptable to have a Trump thread in a Politics forum?
So this is an obvious lie - basically aimed at
Trump's spiritual advisor admits to sexually abusing 12-year-old girl
One of the 25 ppl who were part of a campaign advisory board to get religious votes in 2016 becomes "trump spiritual advisor" lol what a trash source MSNBC is
One of the 25 ppl who were part of a campaign advisory board to get religious votes in 2016 becomes "trump spiritual advisor" lol what a trash source MSNBC is
Like the article said, Trump's spiritual advisor. Trump literally asked the man to lead him in prayer in that video, right after he said he's great people with a great reputation.
I prefer presidential candidates who don't believe men who sexually-abuse 12-year olds are great people.
Like the article said, Trump's spiritual advisor. Trump literally asked the man to lead him in prayer in that video, right after he said he's great people with a great reputation.
I prefer presidential candidates who don't believe men who sexually-abuse 12-year olds are great people.
a spiritual advisor is someone you confide your innermost soul with, not someone you are using for help into how to convince religious people that you, a divorced person who has sex with pornstars, are the best candidate for them.
you know that and msn is trash
He's running on revenge, election denial, racism, privilege, insurrection, naked self-interest, anti-justice and anti-justice department, for the wealthy ... as a felon, as a rapist, as a fraudster, as an idiot, as a fake Christian.
I can almost feel his devotees looking over that list to see which ones are deniable, liable, Trumpable. A vote for him is a vote for all that and a continuing assault on anything decent and non-sociopathic.
Trump has boldly claimed to be in favor of Crypto and I think that is pretty cool!
He's running on revenge, election denial, racism, privilege, insurrection, naked self-interest, anti-justice and anti-justice department, for the wealthy ... as a felon, as a rapist, as a fraudster, as an idiot, as a fake Christian.
I can almost feel his devotees looking over that list to see which ones are deniable, liable, Trumpable. A vote for him is a vote for all that and a continuing assault on anything decent and non-sociopathic.
yes which required associating with people who are good at stealing money from gullible religious people, to learn the trick.
that doesn't make those people his "spiritual advisors" lol
He sure did (some of them).
He did not.
but on the other hand Resident byden when he was VP did not have any legal authority to possess them
Yes, he did.
but the "independent council" ended up being bribed to ultimately say "yeah, he was wrong, but he's just a forgetful old man, so he's fine".
Quite incorrect.
(they have the phone calls and money trail of the bribe he received and I believe he was already taken down to the spa but there's been so many lately I mighta lost track)
Why do you simply believe made up crap like this?
Trump FREAKS OUT about Fox News Poll.
Judge Cannon is like a bad movie character.
The Mob owned Judge that's under strict orders to save their Godfather.
"Robert K. Hur, the special counsel who investigated President Biden, on Tuesday fiercely defended the disparaging assessment of the president’s mental state included in his final report — and his decision not to charge Mr. Biden with a crime.
Mr. Hur, appearing before the House Judiciary Committee to answer questions about his polarizing 345-page report, cast himself as an impartial arbiter. He said he had expressed concerns about Mr. Biden’s memory because he needed to justify not bringing a case against Mr. Biden after some evidence showed that the president had willfully retained sensitive material from his vice presidency."
Just like Hillary, being a part of the Deep State players club means they're unjustly cleared of any crimes committed.
Roger Stone laying out the plan for the ex-president to contest the election results.
They have so far succeeded with judge CANNON and SUPREME COURT.
Important it is for everyone to vote for Democracy, not a Dictator.
Vote for Biden even if you are not happy about his agenda,
as the country is much more important than any party or person running.
If trump wins we lose our democracy and let the dictators win across the world,
a complete change of our life and liberty...
If you don't vote for Biden consider a move to North Korea for more freedom...
"Robert K. Hur, the special counsel who investigated President Biden, on Tuesday fiercely defended the disparaging assessment of the president’s mental state included in his final report — and his decision not to charge Mr. Biden with a crime.
Mr. Hur, appearing before the House Judiciary Committee to answer questions about his polarizing 345-page report, cast himself as an impartial arbiter. He said he had expressed concerns about Mr. Biden’s memory because he needed to justify not bringing a ca
Now quote the parts of the report that called his memory "photographic" and the parts that said there wasn't enough evidence to prove he willfully retained the documents (which is a requirement to have broken the relevant statute).
Then show us evidence the bribes you say happened.
As with all topics, he clearly has a a solid grasp on how it works...🙄
VOTE FOR TRUMP! Bitcoin mining may be our last line of defense against a CBDC. Biden’s hatred of Bitcoin only helps China, Russia, and the Radical Communist Left. We want all the remaining Bitcoin to be MADE IN THE USA!!! It will help us be ENERGY DOMINANT!!!
Biden (as far as we know) didn't resist efforts to get the documents back for years though, and (as far as we know) didn't keep them in a place accessible to hundreds of unvetted people
That’s exactly what Maga and lozen don’t get .
But that issue been talked before .
Lozen doesn’t differentiate that concept with context .
It’s a binary issue for him .
Biden (as far as we know) didn't resist efforts to get the documents back for years though, and (as far as we know) didn't keep them in a place accessible to hundreds of unvetted people
They were in his garage that may have had more Traffic than Mara Lago with all of Hunters hookers and drug dealers passing through
Hahaha lozen.... that's a stretch, even for you. Funny optics tho
They were in his garage that may have had more Traffic than Mara Lago with all of Hunters hookers and drug dealers passing through
Man Trump kept some of the stuff in an unattended bathroom in a villa where he routinely organizes events with hundreds of people.
If you saw that in a tv show you would think "this is Hollywood again making fun of the right" except it happened for real not on Amazon prime
Man Trump kept some of the stuff in an unattended bathroom in a villa where he routinely organizes events with hundreds of people.
If you saw that in a tv show you would think "this is Hollywood again making fun of the right" except it happened for real not on Amazon prime
omg... i did a spit take when i saw you posted something that conceded that perhaps something bad happened that wasn't done by a leftist
congrats bro, this is real growth
omg... i did a spit take when i saw you posted something that conceded that perhaps something bad happened that wasn't done by a leftist
congrats bro, this is real growth
? I have been critical of Trump when it's correct to be critical of him every time.
Starting with tariffs, then Ukraine.
I also wrote dunno like 7 times that the best electoral outcome is a Biden presidency with a GOP senate committed to never pass anything , including any nomination of a democrat for ANY position.
I want to see what happens when no secretary gets approved by the Senate.