Donald J. Trump (For everyone else)

Donald J. Trump (For everyone else)

I assume it's still acceptable to have a Trump thread in a Politics forum?

So this is an obvious lie - basically aimed at

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28 April 2019 at 04:18 AM

14430 Replies


by Luciom k

Oh this is big

WASHINGTON — Former President Donald Trump suggested in a podcast released Thursday that noncitizens in the U.S. should "automatically" get green cards when they graduate from college.

"What I want to do and what I will do is you graduate from a college, I think you should get automatically as part of your diploma, a green card to be able to stay in this country," Trump said. "And that includes junior colleges, too."

Especially for those who own pieces of junior colleges. (Do we presently ask foreign graduates of MIT to leave against their will? I would guess not.)

I have 4 direct reports and all foreign nationals that came to the US for grad school. All went from student visa to permanent resident based on publication record, recommendations etc. Our in house lawyer has done this dozens of times, so not sure if he just knows how to get these done or if you have a math/cs/physics PhD from a good school they'll let you stay. Not sure if Trump's junior college thing makes any sense. Are Junior colleges even allowed to give student visas?

by ecriture d'adulte k

I have 4 direct reports and all foreign nationals that came to the US for grad school. All went from student visa to permanent resident based on publication record, recommendations etc. Our in house lawyer has done this dozens of times, so not sure if he just knows how to get these done or if you have a math/cs/physics PhD from a good school they'll let you stay. Not sure if Trump's junior college thing makes any sense. Are Junior colleges even allowed to give student visas?

there is no automatism right now, so they need expensive and time consuming procedures done for them by employers.

and they concur with fixed quotas afaik, so they are taking someone else potential spot.

also that means they need to work immediately after graduation, can't take a sabbatical or anything.

not all who want to stay are allowed to stay.

before Trump said this it was common knowledge and decried by the left as something that needed fixing

You are talking about H1Bs I was talking to Sklansky about something else. They don’t have to be employment based and their is no lottery.

by PointlessWords k

many of my friends have said they are voting for trump. many of my friends are liberals.

none of my friends have said the majority of liberals are voting for trump

to show that more people than you think are going to vote for trump, especially in left leaning circles. Was that not clear?

Why would my black friends tell me about the white community when I ask them if them or any male they know is going to vote for biden

Is there a reason trump voters feel the need to say ‘many of my (X) friends are voting trump’?

Like, do you need to justify this to yourself somehow or something or are you just trying to put out some false narrative that trump is more mainstream than libtards want to admit?

i've never once irl come across someone who i either asked, or who told me, who they are voting for.

not one time.

by #Thinman k

i've never once irl come across someone who i either asked, or who told me, who they are voting for.

not one time.

That isn't how people usually talk about politics. I suspect that you have encountered people who said that they were concerned that Trump will win another term. You know how those people are going to vote, even if they don't tell you directly.

by Rococo k

That isn't how people usually talk about politics. I suspect that you have encountered people who said that they were concerned that Trump will win another term. You know how those people are going to vote, even if they don't tell you directly.

Many many many of my friends who are in the klan or who stormed the Capitol to stop biden from being elected are voting biden

by Rococo k

That isn't how people usually talk about politics. I suspect that you have encountered people who said that they were concerned that Trump will win another term. You know how those people are going to vote, even if they don't tell you directly.

not once. im in the bay area. not in passing, not over heard, not directly.

Anyway PW’s disingenuous bullshit is disingenuous bullshit and not dissimilar to what trump has been doing for the better part of 8 years

I mean even PB’s ‘Libs will vote for trump because something something JFK declassification’ is less comical cuz at least it’s not coming from a place of lies but is just coming from a place of complete delusion

‘I know a lot of liberals voting for trump’ is just a ****ing lie that won’t convince anyone but a trump supporter or someone leaning trump who wants validation it’s ok

by StoppedRainingMen k

Is there a reason trump voters feel the need to say ‘many of my (X) friends are voting trump’?

Like, do you need to justify this to yourself somehow or something or are you just trying to put out some false narrative that trump is more mainstream than libtards want to admit?

They read stuff online and then to them those are suddenly people they know or "friends." It's their online echo chamber, but they manifest it in their minds as people they know. It's just like all the conservatives who personally know 5 people that died from tHe jAb.

by #Thinman k

not once. im in the bay area. not in passing, not over heard, not directly.

Then I can only conclude that your friends and acquaintances are mostly apolitical. If you discuss politics with people, it isn't that hard to discern how they are likely to vote.

by Gorgonian k

They read stuff online and then to them those are suddenly people they know or "friends." It's their online echo chamber, but they manifest it in their minds as people they know. It's just like all the conservatives who personally know 5 people that died from tHe jAb.

you love that jab so much

pretty sure it is just you hating that jab. nobody once has come to a forum and professed how much they loved getting a vaccine, or needing one.

ewww needles!

by PointlessWords k

many of my friends have said they are voting for trump. many of my friends are liberals.

This is true in my world except the two Venn diagram circles are not touching.

Ban for Trumper friends.

by AquaSwing k

This is true in my world except the two Venn diagram circles are not touching.

while i don't doubt pw is spinning quite the yarn - i was very surprised to come back to america and discover a lot of my friends who were very liberal and did things like volunteer canvas for obama etc had voted for trump in 2016 and 2020 and will vote again in 2024 and 50/50 to back to dem in 2028

i highly doubt anyone who voted for hillary or biden is now going to vote for trump - but i personally know quite a few people who identified as liberals most of their lives and just fed up with it all and pivoted hard

by AquaSwing k

This is true in my world except the two Venn diagram circles are not touching.

I personally don’t think my brown and black friends that sell drugs and are in and out of jail are conservative.

by Luciom k

there is no automatism right now, so they need expensive and time consuming procedures done for them by employers.

His proposal is even less automatic.

“President Trump has outlined the most aggressive vetting process in U.S. history, to exclude all communists, radical Islamists, Hamas supporters, America haters and public charges," Leavitt said. "He believes, only after such vetting has taken place, we ought to keep the most skilled graduates who can make significant contributions to America. This would only apply to the most thoroughly vetted college graduates who would never undercut American wages or workers.”

And while it includes some of the people who will contribute more to the US than the US gives to them, it mainly applies to the type people who won't (eg able bodied people who rely more than they should on government assistance, Lebron James, Warren Buffet. Shaun Hannity.) Meanwhile it doesn't include millions who would contribute more than they take.

by StoppedRainingMen k

Many many many of my friends who are in the klan or who stormed the Capitol to stop biden from being elected are voting biden

You have many many many friends in the KKK?

by Rococo k

If you discuss politics with people, it isn't that hard to discern how they are likely to vote.

What circumstances are you in where people discuss politics?

by chillrob k

You have many many many friends in the KKK?

Many many many many many many. And they, along with all my trump loving friends and super Republican friends and super pro life friends who are threatening planned parenthood are all voting biden

by Didace k

What circumstances are you in where people discuss politics?

That’s the thing, any conversation I’ve ever had about politics was brought up by some news alert or conversation piece seen on tv that kinda dovetailed into a discussion but I’ve never been in a situation where out of the blue someone just asks ‘so who are you voting for’

Rococo is right that you can infer plenty without an explicit statement, but it’s definitely absurd to think that adults are sitting here having conversations with friends where they’re putting people on the spot to see who they’re voting for

by Didace k

What circumstances are you in where people discuss politics?

If you have friends over to your house, is it so unusual to occasionally talk about what is going on in the world? Is it so unusual for some of those discussions to veer into politics?

Most of my interactions with friends and acquaintances have nothing to do with politics. But politics is sometimes a topic of discussion, especially around election time.

by StoppedRainingMen k

Rococo is right that you can infer plenty without an explicit statement, but it’s definitely absurd to think that adults are sitting here having conversations with friends where they’re putting people on the spot to see who they’re voting for

Oh I agree. I don't recall ever asking friends who they were voting for.
