Donald J. Trump (For everyone else)

Donald J. Trump (For everyone else)

I assume it's still acceptable to have a Trump thread in a Politics forum?

So this is an obvious lie - basically aimed at

) 26 Views 26
28 April 2019 at 04:18 AM

14480 Replies


by Parasense k

You wont believe how often i get called a ***** nazi at the tables, when i limped small pairs in PLO and stack people's top2 or aces for huge pots.

when pokerstars made me switch country from usa to china i couldn't believe the sudden influx of extremely racist comments headed my way

Your influence and weapons caused thousands of dead ukrainian russians, which ended up in Putin starting a war.

Ofc the USA democrats love to see that, because our German (and european) governments fire hundreds and hundreds of billions into the Ukraine, further destabilizing the EU (and Russia, ofc)

You'd hate to see the EU and Russia working well together, because printing 40% more paper Dollars within two years would then bankcrupt your USofA in a heartbeat.

NATO going further and further into the east, with zero legitimation, after UdSSR was split.
The NATO was made to avoid Russia and the EU uniting, you uneducated fools.

USA didnt do a single good thing, after WW2 ended.

Im out, dont wanna get banned.

Enjoy yourself, and have a nice day.

This week’s debate is sparking concerns about Trump’s mental fitness,
given his dozens of rambling speeches and unhinged remarks over the past few months,
including just yesterday when he proposed setting up a “migrant league of fighters”

Barbara Res, former executive vice president at the Trump Organization,

"He used to listen to people, he used to take advice."

“I wish [Biden] would goad him and make him go nuts,
because when he goes nuts, he’s really crazy,” Res explains.

Lest we forget, he only ran for POTUS in the 1st place b/c Obama
made him the butt of some jokes at the Correspondents' Dinner in 2015.

by Parasense k

The American potatoes used to make McDonald's fries have to lay around for 6-8 weeks, just to let part of the heavy toxines gas out, before being called edible...
95% of nutrition-experts are linked/paid by the food industries that produce ultra-processed foods which kill way more people than opioides...

Sry for my bad english, but i guess you understand me, nevertheless.


I'm a conservative liberal from Germany. Surely these excist in the USA, too? But what are they voting for, with only these tw

Americans are too dumb to understand what a conservative liberal is. I apologize

by Gorgonian k

I would literally get banned if I told you what you sound like.

What does that have to do with you being immature? Just wondering why that was your response

by #Thinman k

so now we have people from two "reformed" nazi countries telling us how to do politics correctly?

you can't make this **** up

They're definitely not sending their best.

makes good points

by Luciom k

AFD isn't middle, it's just a normal European rightwing party (so conservative in the anglo sense but much more focused on cultural conservativeness than on economics).

Leftists call that " far right" because the previous normal right moved far to the left , as to end up governing with the left (which is something against the intimate values of people actually on the right, as the left is the literal enemy, and can never be a partner).

So you see the left in Europe is almost identical
To the commies under Stalin ?
What a joke ….

How come Europe don’t embrass Putin I wonder instead of waging war …

Lol even Bannon looks like "dude, you're not freestyling at one of your dumb rallies now, shut the **** up and go grift us some more money".

Had no idea Trump was such a big Hannibal Lecter fan. Is Hannibal helping to MAGA?

by PointlessWords k

Americans are too dumb to understand what a conservative liberal is. I apologize

Just a quick catch all for those who have not been following along with pointless words’ pointlessness:

1. ‘I have many liberal friends voting for a guy whose platform is **** liberals so you should be comfortable as a lib voting for him too’
2. Psyops are ruining this country
3. I apologize to the modern german nazi equivalent to MAGA being the modern klan equivalent that Americans who think you’re modern Nazis are calling you modern Nazis. Regardless of what the Germans who hate you for being intolerant POS’s are calling you

Anyway, no user name has ever matched a post as aggressively as PointlessWords

Edit: crossnerd you can’t ban me for that, he literally chose that name himself and I made no alteration no matter what l****m reports me for

by #Thinman k

so now we have people from two "reformed" nazi countries telling us how to do politics correctly?

you can't make this **** up

Exactly .
Their take on what is leftish is actually pretty hilarious .
Seem in their world center do not exist at all .
Everything not far right is far leftish communist ….
It’s obvious where they stand and we saw it very early despite what they were saying against it .

by StoppedRainingMen k

Just a quick catch all for those who have not been following along with pointless words’ pointlessness:

1. ‘I have many liberal friends voting for a guy whose platform is **** liberals so you should be comfortable as a lib voting for him too’
2. Psyops are ruining this country
3. I apologize to the modern german nazi equivalent to MAGA being the modern klan equivalent that Americans who think you’re modern Nazis are calling you modern Nazis. Regardless of what the Germans wh

You must be new round here. PointlessWords is a well known heavyweight intellectual in these here parts.

Note for chillrob: not really, yo.

by PointlessWords k

What does that have to do with you being immature? Just wondering why that was your response

It has nothing to do with my maturity level. The reason I told you that was the same reason you told me what you told me. I wanted to express how I felt even though not a )@#$* soul asked for the opinion.

Hope that helped!

by Luciom k

I am not sure why you think you can't come at a king from the right when it's a foreign king.

The federal government coming out of the rebellions against that king had very little power of taxation for 140y so yes it was also about taxes.

If taking literal inspiration from the Roman republic, slavery as one of the pillars of society included, is leftism, then words have no meaning.

The land was conquered through state sponsored and coordinated genocide of the previous occupants and was usually give

An English king in an English colony/colonies come on dude. How can you come at a king with democracy from the right? Are you just being obtuse on purpose? Would you call Payne a righty? (No 😀) Common Sense played a pretty key role in building support for the Revolution.

Nearly half the colonies/states had already outlawed/began ending slavery by the time of the Constitution fwiw. The north/south divide was pretty much in place pretty early on. Yes, the world&politics was different ~2000 and ~250yrs and even ~50yrs ago it is what it is.

by wet work k

An English king in an English colony/colonies come on dude. How can you come at a king with democracy from the right? Are you just being obtuse on purpose? Would you call Payne a righty? (No 😀) Common Sense played a pretty key role in building support for the Revolution.

Nearly half the colonies/states had already outlawed/began ending slavery by the time of the Constitution fwiw. The north/south divide was pretty much in place pretty early on. Yes, the world&politics was different ~2000 and ~2

The Roman republic came into being because Etruscans were kings.

The 2 Tarquinius and Servius Tullius were Etruscans. That's the only reason they kicked them away.


The rage, the disgust, the perversion, against the idea of being governed by someone from outside, considered a moral atrocity.

The Roman republic became the stereotype of a law and order, organized, rightwing polity. That which the french revolution denied to be clear.

The oligarchy substituting the king isn't leftism. The masses in control are.

And the federalist papers make it very clear that a deep mistrust and disgust for the horrid stupidity of the masses was at play in writing the federal constitution.

Which is the exemplary piece of rightwing fundamental legislation

Im surprise how Luciom is almost an expert in all subject and all the thing is wrong with it is because of some leftish policy in them , even in science ….

Let’s try something ?
Who represent the center in your opinion in the US ?

We had a front row seat for what was happening in places like France and what was happening in the here and now of the time played a bigger role than civs from ~2kyrs ago.

Believe it or not when the masses actually unify stuff ends up getting done. Ya it's usually not perfect and people are more easily divided but it's still the case.

Calling the fed papers like the Constitution one-sided politically is just silly. Since you like for them to apply to today with no context maybe breeze thru 69 for some thoughts on trump's immunity. You're basically arguing it's all rightwing--I'm just arguing there's plenty of left included a much easier argument--which is the case. Just take the L and let's move on 😀

by wet work k

We had a front row seat for what was happening in places like France and what was happening in the here and now of the time played a bigger role than civs from ~2kyrs ago.

Believe it or not when the masses actually unify stuff ends up getting done. Ya it's usually not perfect and people are more easily divided but it's still the case.

Calling the fed papers like the Constitution one-sided politically is just silly. Since you like for them to apply to today with no context maybe breeze thru 69 f

When the masses unify, horror happens.

They called it terror in France. The worst crome against humanity were all committed by countries where the masses "unified". Yes that includes fascist and Nazi regimes which had ample support for your loved masses.

Masses are the source of the worst that humanity can do.

Proper elites are the only reason we live lives better than animals.

And that's the founding principles of America as very clearly examined on detail by Madison. Masses are utter trash and kings are as well.

A polity works of the best people can organize and decide collectively, avoiding both populism and dictatorship. Oligarchy, the rule of the upper middle class, is the best system.

do you know what a paragraph is?

I think Trump will win

by wreckem713 k

I think Trump will win

Trump is currently a very slight favourite on predictit: 51 Trump to 46 for Biden (price to bet on the win in November, book side)

by wreckem713 k

I think


by Luciom k

When the masses unify, horror happens.

They called it terror in France. The worst crome against humanity were all committed by countries where the masses "unified". Yes that includes fascist and Nazi regimes which had ample support for your loved masses.

Masses are the source of the worst that humanity can do.

Proper elites are the only reason we live lives better than animals.

And that's the founding principles of America as very clearly examined on detail by Madison. Masses are utter trash and ki

The horror happens when the wealth/power disparity between top and bottom gets totally out of control. That was not the case in early America. I think you're thinking of extreme rich/poor situations that lead to revolutions etc--I'm talking more about stuff like the newdeal era. The difference between top and bottom was much more compressed. Someone like Washington had lots of cheap land etc he still had to borrow the cash to make the trip to DC to take office 😀

by wet work k

The horror happens when the wealth/power disparity between top and bottom gets totally out of control. That was not the case in early America. I think you're thinking of extreme rich/poor situations that lead to revolutions etc--I'm talking more about stuff like the newdeal era. The difference between top and bottom was much more compressed. Someone like Washington had lots of cheap land etc he still had to borrow the cash to make the trip to DC to take office 😀

People always "forget" this step.

I just read a big article with this liberal going on and on about populsm leading to facism. And it's like, ok, but what leads to populism pal?

Maybe it's your're in a super rich country. But your life sucks and your Senator from the the left wing party, who has made $40 million in office, thinks you should have no vacation time and go back to work the day after you have a kid to pay for your $1800/mo 1 bedroom and 80k student debt so you don't wind up in one of the homeless camps you see every day.

