Donald J. Trump (For everyone else)
I assume it's still acceptable to have a Trump thread in a Politics forum?
So this is an obvious lie - basically aimed at
Way back machine
the tax on tips thing is hilarious because it's so obviously something Trump would never do. it's another example of him just saying stuff to say stuff. just like how his camp has already walked back the greencard for graduates thing.
Obviously that person meant to add a tip of 6.00 but had a brain fart and put 62 in all three numbers instead of two.
I don't know, if someone is dumb enough to a) support Trump and b) try to recruit strangers to do the same by writing anonymous notes on a restaurant receipt, I'm veering towards dumb enough to fail at basic arithmetic.
I don't know, if someone is dumb enough to a) support Trump and b) try to recruit strangers to do the same by writing anonymous notes on a restaurant receipt, I'm veering towards dumb enough to fail at basic arithmetic.
I hold the same opinions as you regarding Trump supporters, but I don't think that anyone did arithmetic and thought that 2+2=0. I get the irony attempt with the note about taxes on tips, but I think that is a bit of a stretch.
Boy, it's a good thing you're here, nobody else here had thought of that and posted the results already.
I must have missed that as well.
I did see some link recently on the thread which gave an error when I clicked it.
Now I see that Luciom posted a look at the Wayback machine not finding anything, which I may have interpreted as an error, or possibly my phone connection temporarily crapped out.
Does anyone have any evidence that Snopes covered the claim prior to this month?
I must have missed that as well.
I did see some link recently on the thread which gave an error when I clicked it.
Now I see that Luciom posted a look at the Wayback machine not finding anything, which I may have interpreted as an error, or possibly my phone connection temporarily crapped out.
Does anyone have any evidence that Snopes covered the claim prior to this month?
I do have a very vague recollection of seeing it on Snopes close to the time, but I could well be misremembering, it could have been a different fact checking site etc.
So, I'm now basically that guy that "replies all" to the office email saying "anyone need access this weekend?" with "not me".
the tax on tips thing is hilarious because it's so obviously something Trump would never do. it's another example of him just saying stuff to say stuff. just like how his camp has already walked back the greencard for graduates thing.
why so obvious? the only hilarious part is that's not something POTUS can do, rather congress. but all candidates run with policy platforms that need congress in general so that's just how american politics work.
a bill is ready in the house
a bill is ready in the Senate as well
unlike immigration where republicans don't have a good track record, cutting taxes is what they promise and deliver, why is this specific proposal not credible?
I don't know, if someone is dumb enough to a) support Trump and b) try to recruit strangers to do the same by writing anonymous notes on a restaurant receipt, I'm veering towards dumb enough to fail at basic arithmetic.
it's a meme with thousands of similar examples on social media.
Conservatives hijack meal receipts to push servers to vote for Trump
They want their wait staff to know Trump proposed ‘no tax on tips.’
SNOPE ITSELFS claims it lol : Specifically, Trump's critics claimed he called the neo-Nazis and white supremacists at the rally "very fine people." This claim spread like wildfire, with then-presidential candidate Joe Biden making Trump's comments on Charlottesville a cornerstone of his campaign.
This is such a narrow characterization of what happened that it runs right up to the line of being false.
it's a meme with thousands of similar examples on social media.
Conservatives hijack meal receipts to push servers to vote for Trump
They want their wait staff to know Trump proposed ‘no tax on tips.’
**** me. If I owned an establishment where a customer did that, next time they came back I'd refund their bill and tell them they were no longer welcome.
Regardless of what you think their purported political biases, their work on apolitical subjects is top notch. I first went on that site almost 25 years ago and ended up reading every article they had at the time (plenty of time to kill in the office in those days, and not quite the variety of reading material we have online now).
You guys clearly don't understand conservative math - each instance of a media outlet mischaracterizing a Trump comment is equal to 1,000 lies by Trump. In other words, both sides are equal.
because i live in the real world and this does nothing for their donors.
members can introduce crazy bills all the time, they have zero intention of passing this. your second article even alludes to the fact that it can't even generate support from more republicans than the maga cheerleaders. it's all a performance. which is fine, politicians perform all the time, but it's silly to think it's remotely serious. republicans are not in the business of helping working people.
why would a targeted, pretty cheap (for the gvmnt) tax cut be a "crazy bill"?
this btw would do a lot for donors on the hospitality sector.
It would be a lot easier to hire in the sector (which recently has a lot of problems filling positions) if take home pay for workers in the sector was higher
why would a targeted, pretty cheap (for the gvmnt) tax cut be a "crazy bill"?
this btw would do a lot for donors on the hospitality sector.
It would be a lot easier to hire in the sector (which recently has a lot of problems filling positions) if take home pay for workers in the sector was higher
idk the numbers. that article says 150billion to 250billion loss over 10, but i have no idea what they are basing that on.
a lot of servers already generally only claim 10% of sales as tipped income as is. at least that's what i was told to do when i was a server in college for a short time. restaurants don't start to come onto the IRS radar until they fall below 8% tips to sales. so the program will have less impact than most people are thinking.
that obviously doesn't help people when they apply for a loan or something like that, but that's what is happening in the real world. if this program allows you to claim all of it all the time AND use that income for loans/mortgages/rental applications then it does have some upside, and republicans are even less likely to pass it.
it obviously would be significantly MORE helpful to real people to just push restaurants pay servers a living wage rather than 2 dollars an hour.
if the dems were better at playing the game, they would write up a bill themselves right now and rally behind it to show the hypocrisy as republicans(even the current sponsors) will obviously vote against it. but alas, they aren't as good at playing the game.
because i live in the real world and this does nothing for their donors.
members can introduce crazy bills all the time, they have zero intention of passing this. your second article even alludes to the fact that it can't even generate support from more republicans than the maga cheerleaders. it's all a performance. which is fine, politicians perform all the time, but it's silly to think it's remotely serious. republicans are not in the business of helping working people.
What’s always kind of mind boggling is the Trump administration wasn’t even competent enough to pass an infrastructure bill. That should be one the easiest things to pass. It would have been bipartisan and you can put in whatever donor handouts you want. Instead they went for Obamacare repeal which was polled as the least popular piece of legislation in the history of polling bills and they were lucky it didn’t pass. Anything outside what’s already been done before seems way to hard for them.
And in terms of fake bills, Obamacare repeal is a good example. They passed dozens when Obama was president because they knew they would be vetoed. Once it became possible the bill would actually pass after Trump was president, they could no longer pass it because the previous ones that got support of 100% of house snd senate republicans were just performative theater.
afaik democrat controlled states can just raise the sector minwage as much as they want and in some sense outlaw tips (or at least, make them not so common anymore).
Why don't they all do it?
I'm not sure how the government can stop me from leaving a $20 on the table if I want to.