Donald J. Trump (For everyone else)

Donald J. Trump (For everyone else)

I assume it's still acceptable to have a Trump thread in a Politics forum?

So this is an obvious lie - basically aimed at

) 26 Views 26
28 April 2019 at 04:18 AM

14491 Replies


Trump is a dog and will be all the way till November so these debates imo are more important for him then biden.

I say that because there, as always, a few who are undecided and if he can sway those it might edge the gap so hes just a slight underdog.

biggest thing i noticed for him is maybe in the last 4 years he made a really hard stance saying he does not approve of a federal abortion ban and wanted to make that clear but he echoed the states rights, he knew if he went up there and said it was federal then it would have been game over. without question.

One thing I hope they really dive into is immigration and border policy, biden has done a far better job according to pollers in the last 6 months then his previous 2 even though it was a hot button issue, we shoudl want to see what their plan is or if that is still something that both have on their mind, it was clear that even liberals felt it should be discussed ad handled by washington as of a few months ago.

while important I hope they don't spend 90+ mins on just foreign policy ukraine and middle east, let them state clear cut vision and goals and END GAME. dont let trump or even biden keep crossing lines and swerving. want htem to be succinct in these topics.

I honestly do think trump has a lot to lose even tho he is and will be the dog for the next 4 months, idk how polling had it even at some points

insane people think Bernie clears the presidential nom. not only do moderates insta vote trump but they do so because trumps against bernie or any red candidate vs bernie is so easy to fixate and pull the mass votes. its super easy strat wise()can literally pick apart benire with what moderates think and swing heavily into other red and blue topics to your favor) to just win so many votes since bernie is in a niche area wrt voters and opinions compared to the masses. so easy to formulate strat against him since bernire cant ever cross between the moderate line but a red candidate easily could with how wide open they can either say about their politics or lie. just a huge market reach

by lozen k

Funny how the same DA that prosecuted Trump refused to prosecute the Hamas supporters that stormed and occupied a University

Can I safely assume since lozen posted this that it's not true?

by the pleasure k

Trump is a dog and will be all the way till November so these debates imo are more important for him then biden.

I say that because there, as always, a few who are undecided and if he can sway those it might edge the gap so hes just a slight underdog.

biggest thing i noticed for him is maybe in the last 4 years he made a really hard stance saying he does not approve of a federal abortion ban and wanted to make that clear but he echoed the states rights, he knew if he went up there and said it was

BOL has Trump as the favorite

by pokerfan655 k

BOL has Trump as the favorite

Polymarket 3 weeks ago had Trump as 65% which was insane

I don't see how he is polling % so well. Despite what the casual or usual Biden consensus has been

by d2_e4 k

Can I safely assume since lozen posted this that it's not true?

by lozen k


by the pleasure k

I don't see how he is polling % so well.

because most people hate genocide joe brandon:

The four-day poll, which closed on Monday, showed just 36% of Americans approve of Biden's job performance as president, down from 38% in April. It was a return to the lowest approval rating of his presidency, last seen in July 2022.

Just 42 percent of Democrats in Gallup poll pleased with Biden as nominee

by lozen k

Funny how the same DA that prosecuted Trump refused to prosecute the Hamas supporters that stormed and occupied a University

Why do you relate these two decisions to each other? Did you actually read the article about the evidence problems with the Hamas protestors? How and why it it funny?

genocide joe brandon?

so the debate is actually happening?

by jjjou812 k

Why do you relate these two decisions to each other? Did you actually read the article about the evidence problems with the Hamas protestors? How and why it it funny?

it's funny if you think there was any moral mandate to prosecute heinous, monstrous crimes.

if you don't it's just what it is: a pure display of political preferences for parties.

which is ok, just I don't think it can be optimal for a country. but if this is the game the left wants to play I can assure you the right can play it better. because we actually have NO morals except winning as the imperative. all of us. you still dabble in moral complexities, we stopped a long ago.

we solved morals with selfish rationality.

what benefits us is, definitionally, what is moral.

wonna play that game, be sure you are ready.

even if the Hamas cases weren't a lock, they should all still be prosecuted to the full extent of the law to create a problem for Hamas supporters to feel free to ... support Hamas. even facing a hefty prolonged allin litigation can be a cost, even if they have decent chances of saving their Hamas asses. they should suffer as much as possible under the law, because it matters for deterrence of future monstrous behavior.

or not, if it's your voter base. I get it. just stop pretending there is anything other than that consideration in every single choice, and we can play that game, and you will lose

Sometimes I’m curious but I honestly never click ‘view post’ on you and come away thinking ‘man, I’m glad I read that’

Edit: in before you report this post

many such cases

by Luciom k

it's funny if you think there was any moral mandate to prosecute heinous, monstrous crimes.

if you don't it's just what it is: a pure display of political preferences for parties.

which is ok, just I don't think it can be optimal for a country. but if this is the game the left wants to play I can assure you the right can play it better. because we actually have NO morals except winning as the imperative. all of us. you still dabble in moral complexities, we stopped a long ago.

we solved morals wit

Is Lozen your hand puppet or can he speak for himself?

I'm sure you are just excited to share more of your heinous thoughts with us after being denied your daily ritual during the short ban but your babbling was completely unresponsive to the questioned asked of someone else.

I don't think it is worthwhile interacting with you because everything falls into the left/right good/evil support/murder dichotomy.

Wow Trump been studying up for 4 years evidently ... and looking more presidential than expected. Of course he has a few landslide losing points against him, but so much of the electorate is not so hip to it, or acts like they aren't.

Let's wait for polls that incorporate the debate. It might not change things much

by the pleasure k

insane people think Bernie clears the presidential nom. not only do moderates insta vote trump but they do so because trumps against bernie or any red candidate vs bernie is so easy to fixate and pull the mass votes. its super easy strat wise()can literally pick apart benire with what moderates think and swing heavily into other red and blue topics to your favor) to just win so many votes since bernie is in a niche area wrt voters and opinions compared to the masses. so easy to formulate strat a

No facts, no data. All polls and recent election results say you're wrong. But this is a view pushed hard by propaganda.

Many of Bernie's positions actually are pretty moderate compared to both what exists in other countries and polls. And also, arguably common sense/reality.

8 countries on earth don't have family leave. Over 80% of Americans favor it. There are a dozen obvious reasons it's a good policy. It just makes life nicer. It helps with childhood development, ultimately reducing crime and all kinds of stuff. It helps stabalize familes. Blah blah.

No family leave, no vacation, no hc, perpetual war, etc are only "moderate" positions among wall street and the media and politicians they own.

Defying 80% of voters to be one of 8 countries is the epitome of an extremist position.

It takes a lot of spin to convince people that passing policies favored by 70 or 80% of the GP and even more by people who might vote for you loses elections. But propaganda works.

Yeah, if 28 million people went from having no vacation and no holidays to having a week of "Bidencation" and 3-4 holidays, im sure they'd be furious and all swing hard Republican to get rid of it.

These kinds of "centrist" beliefs really can rival qanon for "up is down" thinking.

by ES2 k

No facts, no data. All polls and recent election results say you're wrong. But this is a view pushed hard by propaganda.

Many of Bernie's positions actually are pretty moderate compared to both what exists in other countries and polls. And also, arguably common sense/reality.

8 countries on earth don't have family leave. Over 80% of Americans favor it. There are a dozen obvious reasons it's a good policy. It just makes life nicer. It helps with childhood development, ultimately reducing crime

Why are you so sure it would be constitutional to federally mandate 2-3 weeks of vacation to labor contracts???

Democrats can mandate that in the states they govern and if people like it they can move there, you aren't France you are a federation of states.

Why do you hate your constitution so much?

by FellaGaga-52 k

Wow Trump been studying up for 4 years evidently ... and looking more presidential than expected. Of course he has a few landslide losing points against him, but so much of the electorate is not so hip to it, or acts like they aren't.

Who cares how studied up he appears. **** I could study my cat to go toe to toe with how Biden has been this debate.

A vote for Trump is still a welcome call to a dictatorship. Call me out in this but he has shown you exactly what he wants before and you know his voter base would welcome a coup/ cult rule already

A vote for Trump is a vote for a dictatorship because the house and the Senate are very probably going to be red.

And a trifecta (of any colour).is always the worst result for the People, as the bastards can pass what they want with ease, and it's always to **** the People.

So vote Biden to create balance in power.

Even if he has clearly lost his marbles and even if Harris is deeply disgusting as a politician

by ES2 k

No facts, no data. All polls and recent election results say you're wrong. But this is a view pushed hard by propaganda.

Many of Bernie's positions actually are pretty moderate compared to both what exists in other countries and polls. And also, arguably common sense/reality.

8 countries on earth don't have family leave. Over 80% of Americans favor it. There are a dozen obvious reasons it's a good policy. It just makes life nicer. It helps with childhood development, ultimately reducing crime

American can't seen beyond their own bubble.

Bernie would be considered a slight lefty in most countries in Europe. His ideas aren't that radical

by J.E.C k

American can't seen beyond their own bubble.

Bernie would be considered a slight lefty in most countries in Europe. His ideas aren't that radical

France just removed it's wealth tax and almost no country in Europe has one anymore so no, I disagree. That proposal is extremely radical for European standards, and fully unconstitutional in the USA , IE extremely radical.

And abortion policies in Europe are far to the right of the democratic party, our "roe equivalent" is 12-14 weeks, not the insane 24

by Luciom k

France just removed it's wealth tax and almost no country in Europe has one anymore so no, I disagree. That proposal is extremely radical for European standards, and fully unconstitutional in the USA , IE extremely radical.

And abortion policies in Europe are far to the right of the democratic party, our "roe equivalent" is 12-14 weeks, not the insane 24

Yes the wealth tax removal is somthing I disagree with but you have only stated that France has did this. Within context this is like stating a single state, though be it a large and influential state has followed, so I don't see why this has relevance to me post.

With the abortion debate I can only really argue with my laws within the UK which allows 24 week abortion, I'm good with that personally, but can you single out a country in the EU that is using the same draconian laws that multiple US states are?

by Luciom k

Why are you so sure it would be constitutional to federally mandate 2-3 weeks of vacation to labor contracts???

Democrats can mandate that in the states they govern and if people like it they can move there, you aren't France you are a federation of states.

Why do you hate your constitution so much?


1) it gives way more power to some voters than others - in swing states for presidential elections and to low population states in the senate.

2) it gives us a permanent two party system where it's nearly impossible to get rid of either party, even when hardly anyone is happy with either.

I would be happy to swap out with France.
