Donald J. Trump (For everyone else)
I assume it's still acceptable to have a Trump thread in a Politics forum?
So this is an obvious lie - basically aimed at
being registered to one party and not voting based on policy is degenerate. Deciding at the age of 17 your a republican and can only be a republican is even more degenerate. Assassinating's your party's leader would have been the most degenerate of all.
but saying he is a republican and couldn't have changed his political views especially since hes so young without proof after he shot the leading republican might be the most degenerate of all
Of course he could have changed his political views. Unless he changed his registration, he was definitely not a Democrat, per definition. No one will likely ever have "proof" of why he did it.
What is "degenerate" is trying to turn this into a political thing, even assuming it had anything to do with the political views of the shooter, and particularly with campaign rhetoric.
I will be interested to find out where and when the rifle was purchased.
I'm going to go out on a limb and speculate that the guy considered himself a Republican when he bought it.
get ready
this is fresh meat for the Conspiracists
the Conspiracy theories are coming - thousands and thousands of them
State voter records show that Crooks was a registered Republican, US media report. He is also reported to have donated $15 to a liberal campaign group in 2021.
People will make whatever they want of it. Probably just as well he doesn't have a name that sounds a bit foreign.
People will make whatever they want of it. Probably just as well he doesn't have a name that sounds a bit foreign.
His last name sounds like he should be a fan of Trump.
****ing republicans. All that bitching about guns and they can't even shoot straight.
get ready
this is fresh meat for the Conspiracists
the Conspiracy theories are coming - thousands and thousands of them
Crooks actually hit his target, the spectator who he believed was sent to assassinate Mr. Trump. Unfortunately, he hit Trump as well and the security weren't aware of the covert plot.
Yes those polls are wrong. Hilary Clinton had a 66% favorability rating in 2013. Biden's were in a similar range in 2016. Michelle Obama's have been high the whole time Being popular when you're not actually running for president isn't that hard. We have every reason to think Sanders would crash like everyone else if he actually got the nomination.
That doesn't follow. Some Xs Y --> all Xs Y.
Obama was not well known, became popular and remained popular. So could go either way.
Hillary is openly corrupt. Her summer home costs more than most make in 32 lifetimes. She is a war monger who always sides with WS. About everyone I know hates her, usually for factual and reasonable reasons.
None of this is true of Bernie. I know Republicans who think he's basically a good guy, just wrong. This is how I feel about, say, Justin Amash.
I think you need some reason to make this claim beyond, sometimes people's popularity goes down. What would cause people to change their minds?
I'm saying to you people again, when 70-80% of people say the want fam leave, drug law reform, better hc, better working conditions etc. Perhaps there is a chance that they actually do want those things and would like politicians who pursued them, instead of mock them for wanting ponies.
Es2, I think the reason people mock those who want all of those bring up the free ponies is to bring up the larger point which is to say who ultimately pays for things like family leave, better healthcare and working conditions.
To take family leave as an example if every company had to offer family leave how can businesses absorb the cost of having less employees through out the year but still have the same employee payroll. The answer is corporations either become less profitable, prices for the goods and services they sell goes up or they cut employee pay. Our current system allows for each individual to choose a company that pays less but offers family leave or a company that pays more but has no family leave and I don’t really see a problem with that. The same thing that occurs when minimum wage goes up will occur in the situation of forcing all companies to offer paid family leave - which are those 3 actions I listed above that a company can do to recoup this extra cost paid on them.
Es2, I think the reason people mock those who want all of those bring up the free ponies is to bring up the larger point which is to say who ultimately pays for things like family leave, better healthcare and working conditions.
To take family leave as an example if every company had to offer family leave how can businesses absorb the cost of having less employees through out the year but still have the same employee payroll. The answer is corporations either become less profitable, prices for
the govt pays for it. We can afford war, so we can afford to not have war and pay citizens instead
Es2, I think the reason people mock those who want all of those bring up the free ponies is to bring up the larger point which is to say who ultimately pays for things like family leave, better healthcare and working conditions.
Generally it is paid for with tax dollars, don't mean to blow your mind or anything.
Not every problem can be solved with cash. For a lot of jobs, there is no one available who has the expertise necessary to do the job and would be willing to do it for just 6 weeks.
Money is fungible, but manpower isn't.
I seems his mother was a registered democrat and his father a registered rep. Him being registered 3 years ago really means nothing to me he also donated 15$ to a liberal donation thing. At that age with two parents with different views he could have easily been going back and forth as you would expect any young person to do. However he did shoot at a repulican so if you want to make it political (shooting a president is political lol) then he apears to be left leaning 😀
I think there is a good chance he just was suicidal and wanted to be famous tho but suggesting hes some hard republican because he signed a piece of paper or w/e you crazy Americans do is pretty cope.
Im pretty curious what would have happened if he succeeded
all you snowflakes bow down to President Trump
if you want to make it political (shooting a president is political lol) then he apears to be left leaning 😀
You are the one insisting on harping on his politics, so don't pretend like it's someone else that wants to make it political. It's you.
And no, being anti-Trump is hardly only a liberal stance. A group of Republicans tried to remove him from the ballot in Colorado. It was pretty exclusively Republicans testifying against him in front of the J6 committee. A lot of republicans are mad for what he has done to the party.
And he was wearing the t-shirt of a pro-gun group when he shot at Trump.
There is nothing at all suggesting he is left-leaning.
Except you and other desperate conservatives.
You are the one insisting on harping on his politics, so don't pretend like it's someone else that wants to make it political. It's you.
And no, being anti-Trump is hardly only a liberal stance. A group of Republicans tried to remove him from the ballot in Colorado. It was pretty exclusively Republicans testifying against him in front of the J6 committee. A lot of republicans are mad for what he has done to the party.
And he was wearing the t-shirt of a pro-gun group when he shot at Trump.
There is
Is there a photo of this? If so, it should be shown everywhere.
im not even American. of course its political even if his intentions were not (they were) of course im interested in his politics I just don't think we should jump to early conclusions. If he shoots the repulican leader hes probably not a current republican tho I just thought chillrob was mad copeing
The article I read on Newsweek's site says there is on Instagram. The guy that runs the Youtube Channel, Matt Carriker posted the image. I haven't seen it as I don't use Instagram. Here's the Newsweek article:
Actually I did find this on instagram just now. Not sure if this is the only one or the one in question, but it doesn't look easy to tell what the shirt says here:
Anyone else notice that posters who write like 5 year olds and say things like this are always Trump supporters? Show me one liberal ITF who acts like this.
Man, if he hadn't tilted his head, that image with the "You're Fired" placard would have been pretty iconic.