Donald J. Trump (For everyone else)
I assume it's still acceptable to have a Trump thread in a Politics forum?
So this is an obvious lie - basically aimed at
It's not a bit. I hated Trump during the pandemic and after not conceding. I just call things as I see them. I was actually happy Biden won. That being said, I forgot how horrible liberals are for this country. I didn't think Biden would make it through his first term.
The RNC crashed grindr, but alright
I'm sure there are plenty of gay Republicans. I was referring to "MAGA cultists".
Homeslice, I got a newsflash for you. You are a "MAGA cultist," and you've been deep throating that orange chode here for at least this whole week.
I'm not. I just don't like the direction this country is going in under liberal leadership. I'm happy this nonsense is about to come to an end. I'm actually excited for my child to start going to school. This country has turned third world under Biden.
I'm not. I just don't like the direction this country is going in under liberal leadership. I'm happy this nonsense is about to come to an end. I'm actually excited for my child to start going to school. This country has turned third world under Biden.
You expect your child will start going to school if Trump is elected but not if Biden is elected?
It's not a bit. I hated Trump during the pandemic and after not conceding. I just call things as I see them. I was actually happy Biden won. That being said, I forgot how horrible liberals are for this country. I didn't think Biden would make it through his first term.
So, this time around he'll be so much better.
"The country has gone to such crap that I could barely afford to paint my house and make a 30' cut out figure of my orange god...."
can anyone here de-stupid the Hannibal lector thing for me? he keeps going back to this bit about the "late great Hannibal lector". and online the right keeps going "it's a joke ffs." but what part is the joke? neither the character nor anthony hopkins are deceased. is the great part about how he was a talented insane person? is the great in reference to the Carthaginian but brainwormed because it was "alexander the great" not hannibal. and just the lector related to the character? is it like some 4d move where the character is imaginary much like the criminal immigrant boogeyman is imaginary?
Trump picks the best person. He doesn't participate in the DEI nonsense. It's foolish to limit your choices like Biden did.
And this is where we are today. The same talking points are repeated so often, that people learn to repeat them reflexively without any thought whatsoever. There are few jobs, if any, for which there is less often an obvious "best person", than a vice presidential nominee. There are few jobs, if any, for which the successful candidate is more often chosen based on diversity (in many ways). VP candidates are almost always spoken about in terms of what they will add to the ticket in terms of broader appeal far more than how "qualified" they are. Obviously gender and race have been more recent additions to the list of reasons a VP candidate might be chosen, but they are no less related to actual qualifications for the job than other "ticket diversity" reasons commonly used in the past like what state they're from, whether they have appeal to the rural or urban voters, or the centrist or extreme voters, young or old, or whether they fill the need for a gentler or tougher component the ticket is missing. Obviously only two people can never be a complete package and provide appeal to every demographic, but an attempt to do so as much as possible is pretty standard.
But here we are, in a place where when someone points out an area in which a candidate is an obvious miss, the reaction from some is basically 'Derp derp, Trump doesn't do that DEI bullshit'. LO****ingL. That's where the right wing derposphere has brought a significant portion of the population - they hear anything that smacks of diversity, zero thought is given as to whether that makes sense given the position, it's just a reflexive response of 'best person for the job', having no idea what that even means. A company makes a mistake, it's blamed on 'woke DEI' hires that people don't even know are real. SAD.
can anyone here de-stupid the Hannibal lector thing for me? he keeps going back to this bit about the "late great Hannibal lector". and online the right keeps going "it's a joke ffs." but what part is the joke? neither the character nor anthony hopkins are deceased. is the great part about how he was a talented insane person? is the great in reference to the Carthaginian but brainwormed because it was "alexander the great" not hannibal. and just the lector related to the character?
I suspect that whenever Trump says some demented/deranged **** nobody can explain, it's a "joke". A bit like taking him seriously but not literally or literally but not seriously or whatever that horseshit was.
I suspect that whenever Trump says some demented/deranged **** nobody can explain, it's a "joke". A bit like taking him seriously but not literally or literally but not seriously or whatever that horseshit was.
Christ knows what on earth Trump meant, but Anthony Hopkins (who Trump is really talking about, since he is the actor who gave the line, 'I'm having an old friend for dinner,' with cannibalistic implications in the movie) doesn't like it.
On the other hand, Trump, after a conversation with Polish prime minister Donald Tusk, told Congressional Republicans to stop opposing the aid bill for Ukraine. All Trump cares about is what's good for Trump, and he apparently feels it wouldn't be good to be 'the guy who let Putin win in Ukraine.' It would make him look weak, which he can't stand. So he does budge his position sometimes. But whether a second Trump term will be total chaos and disaster, or a bit less than that (because he talks big and mad and then trims), it's hard to say.