Donald J. Trump (For everyone else)

Donald J. Trump (For everyone else)

I assume it's still acceptable to have a Trump thread in a Politics forum?

So this is an obvious lie - basically aimed at

) 25 Views 25
28 April 2019 at 04:18 AM

14430 Replies


by pocket_zeros k

A person near the rally with a self-trained bomb-detecting dog falsely reported the threat, according to the department.

Playbig, this you?

I don't understand how a dog can train itself to detect bombs

by Playbig2000 k

At least I'm not a libtard! (Thank God).

Well, you're definitely not a lib.

I feel anyone who's trained their dog to detect bombs should be on some sort of list.

by thethethe k

I feel anyone who's trained their dog to detect bombs should be on some sort of list.

I think PB is already - the qanon "conspiracy of the day" mailing list and the worst posters in P&S list.

by pocket_zeros k

A person near the rally with a self-trained bomb-detecting dog falsely reported the threat, according to the department.

This is easily the best thing I've read in a month. So many questions!

Off topic question - I haven't gone into the IQ thread but is it mostly some prolific poster(s) talking about how white people are smarter than all other races?

Oh my god there's no way that just happened. hahahahaha

by AquaSwing k

Off topic question - I haven't gone into the IQ thread but is it mostly some prolific poster(s) talking about how white people are smarter than all other races?


by d2_e4 k


That's good. Cliffs before I think about diving in?

by Luciom k

I don't understand how a dog can train itself to detect bombs

Pulled himself up by his own leash. It's called work ethic.

by Luciom k

Lol Trump is now pushing for early voting

Donald J. Trump
Early Voting in Pennsylvania. GO VOTE. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!!! DJT
7:56 PM · Sep 17, 2024

Surely you understood that Trump's historical objections to early voting were not principled.

by AquaSwing k

That's good. Cliffs before I think about diving in?

Discussion on the value of IQ testing, whether IQ = intelligence, that sort of thing. Some very good posts there IMO. And some people other than me posted too.

by ecriture d'adulte k

Pulled himself up by his own leash. It's called work ethic.

Nice. Very nice.

by d2_e4 k

Discussion on the value of IQ testing, whether IQ = intelligence, that sort of thing. Some very good posts there IMO. And some people other than me posted too.

That's nice. Were there good posts in there by people other than you? :p

Usually it devolves into "White people score higher so they're inherently smarter." "It was written by and for white people which is why white people score higher" Lozen: "both sides!!"

by AquaSwing k

That's nice. Were there good posts in there by people other than you? :p

by Playbig2000 k

If anyone's gonna be attending the Trump Rally at Nasau Coliseum, use extreme caution. They found a car with explosives in it, there now targeting us Patriots.

Be Safe tn!!!!!!!!!

And probably some very fine people also.

Huge rally tonight at Nasau Coliseum

There's already over 60,000 people there

Broken YouTube Link

if trump can fit 60k people in a 16k capacity stadium then perhaps he can also fix the national debt!

They'll have floor seating opened, and with the standees they can probably jam about 25K on the inside, and the other 75K will watch from the outside. Not a bad problem to have for someone running for office.

by Playbig2000 k

Huge rally tonight at Nasau Coliseum

There's already over 60,000 people there

a total of 60,000 people have already signed up for
the rally but that only 14,800 people will be allowed inside

Looks like a fire drill at a high school

Looks a little deserted. When Kamala came to
Charlotte, you couldn't find parking 6 hours before

Hundreds of Trump supporters outside Nassau Coliseum before 7 p.m. rally

Looks like 100,000 to me. But then, I've always had trouble estimating the size of things. At least that's what my wife tells me.

That's almost as many people as show up for the pig judging at our county fair.

“The Vance campaign provided the Wall Street Journal with a police report to prove their claims about cat-eating Haitians in Springfield. The WSJ spoke to the woman who filed it, who said she later found her cat alive and well in her basement. She also apologized to her Haitian neighbors.”

NJ Bar to suspend or disbar Trump lead lawyer, Alina Habba for defrauding a client?

Habba : " I can fake being smart..."

these lawyers never learn, get close to trump and kiss your career away

American bars need to consider why so many of their members have
started abandoning ethical behavior, and why they all share the same client.
