Donald J. Trump (For everyone else)
I assume it's still acceptable to have a Trump thread in a Politics forum?
So this is an obvious lie - basically aimed at
"May violate"??? it either does violate the law or not, and it's not like it's some very complicated scheme, it's an extremely straightforward one.
I see no problem with this if they are still investigating and not ready to charge. I would wager that is standard language for this type of letter.
common sense ?
Russia a friend of the republican party ?
i guess north korea too ?
i like how you say dictators are in high esteem for republicans and you say you are for freedom lol.
And you call democrats nazis ?
How can we trust you know how to read and have good comprehension of it ?
you cant even copy a name correctly...
I never said Russia's a friend of the "republican party" actually just forget about parties for now, there's corruption in both parties. Putin is part of an alliance to take down the global deep state who's stronghold was in Ukraine (taken over by the DS in 2014) where they were designing biological weapons some of which take out a specific race. They destroyed dozens of them already, Putin has spoke out about them publicly as well but of course the fake MSM will never report this because they're controlled by the same DS.
If you're asking who the dictators are just look up Agenda 2030, the green new deal, and the WEF and Klaus Schwab's "great global reset" and then ask yourself which ones are the dictators here, Trump or the DS. It's not for me to prove I was right, it for you to wake up to the real world around you. You still have hope ; )
I'm really surprised they didn't come up with a fake video of Trump by now, but they're probably planning something much bigger such as using CGI to fake an alien invasion to cancel the election or maybe an EMP attack to shut down the voting if they see they can't manufacture enough voted fast enough. These guys are losing their grip on the world but they're not going down too easily (of what's left of them, they're like snakes with their heads cut off and won't die). iykyk
I see no problem with this if they are still investigating and not ready to charge. I would wager that is standard language for this type of letter.
But the events are all known and transparent, if there is a violation there is a violated code they can point to while describing Musk actions as illicit.
It's either is legal to giveaway money to people who are registered voters in a specific area and sign a declaration in favor of some amendments of the constitution, or it isn't, and it should be automatic to generate a definitive answer to that without any investigation
I never said Russia's a friend of the "republican party" actually just forget about parties for now, there's corruption in both parties. Putin is part of an alliance to take down the global deep state who's stronghold was in Ukraine (taken over by the DS in 2014) where they were designing biological weapons some of which take out a specific race. They destroyed dozens of them already, Putin has spoke out about them publicly as well but of course the fake MSM will never report this because they'r
Which race were the purported biological weapons being developed in Ukraine created to wipe out?
I'm really surprised they didn't come up with a fake video of Trump by now, but they're probably planning something much bigger such as using CGI to fake an alien invasion to cancel the election or maybe an EMP attack to shut down the voting if they see they can't manufacture enough voted fast enough. These guys are losing their grip on the world but they're not going down too easily (of what's left of them, they're like snakes with their heads cut off and won't die). iykyk
I am surprised neither candidate has done that or foreign nations
oh course, before they were "staffers", these four people where nobody's, on the fringe and jobless.
sounds more trustworthy than a general for sure
CNN: Fox News edited Trump’s rambling answers and false claims in barbershop interview, full video shows
The Fox News Channel’s recent segment about Donald Trump’s “surprise” visit to a barbershop in the Bronx resembled a campaign ad for the former president’s reelection.
Trump was seen taking questions and making small talk with Black and Hispanic barbershop customers and workers, some of whom were wearing “Make Barbers Great Again” shirts. The visit was part of “Fox & Friends” co-host Lawrence Jones’ ongoing barbershop interview series.
But the version of the visit shown on television was, to borrow a hairstyle metaphor, a crop cut. Fox edited out many of Trump’s rambling comments and false claims. Participants had to repeatedly follow up when Trump meandered away from the original point of their questions.
CNN reviewed a more complete video of the barbershop visit that was uploaded to Instagram on the day of Trump’s appearance in the Bronx and compared it to the segments that were shown on “Fox & Friends” on Monday.
Fox’s edits omitted numerous Trump tangents and exaggerations – a striking decision given Trump’s recent attacks on CBS newsmagazine “60 Minutes” for editing an interview with his opponent, Vice President Kamala Harris, earlier this month.
Trump’s complaints about “60 Minutes” center on an edit of Harris’ comment about the relationship between Israel and the United States. He has charged that CBS manipulated the Harris interview to “make her look better” and demanded that CBS release the unedited transcript of the interview, which CBS has declined to do.
Hey TDS trolls, so which one of you guys posted all these nasty reviews about the McDonalds President Trump visited? That wasn't very nice!!
Hey TDS trolls, so which one of you guys posted all these nasty reviews about the McDonalds President Trump visited? That wasn't very nice!!
"The best McDonalds I've ever been to in 47 years. The older employee was extremely nice. Make McDonalds Great Again! Bring back the Dollar Menu!"
CNN: Fox News edited Trump’s rambling answers and false claims in barbershop interview, full video shows
This isn't even close to the same thing. Of course Fox edited the video because they can only fit so much. That's not the same as interviewing a candidate for President and changing her answer. That's election interference. This is why Trump will be filing a lawsuit against CBS. What fox did is standard procedure.
I honestly can’t tell the difference between what’s real and what’s AI anymore using just my eyes. It’s annoying because now I have to research if something I saw actually happened.
Man there are actons that are simple and clear to examine. Then yes you go to trial if needed to prove them in court but it's fairly normal to be able to claim that an action you witness is clearly legal, or clearly illegal, in the vast majority of cases, without the need of a trial.
How can the DoJ claim those donations "MAY VIOLATE" the law without saying which law for example? there is no gray area about this at all, he is doing all publicly, and it's a simple set of actions, which the law either cover, or doesn't.
This isn't even close to the same thing. Of course Fox edited the video because they can only fit so much. That's not the same as interviewing a candidate for President and changing her answer. That's election interference. This is why Trump will be filing a lawsuit against CBS. What fox did is standard procedure.
Wow. Just... wow. You win the award for fitting so much stupid into so few words. Today and every day.
Hey TDS trolls, so which one of you guys posted all these nasty reviews about the McDonalds President Trump visited? That wasn't very nice!!
What are we supposed to do when they allow a fascist convicted felon to shut down the place and take income away from the already impoverished workers that work there?
So now lefties just take everything that a four-star general says as holy gospel? I guess things have come quite a long way over the last 50-60 years.
You are quite a bit better than this. You are not a MAGA idiot, and I strongly suspect that you personally believe in your gut that Kelly is telling the truth as he remembers it. No one is saying that we should believe Kelly because of his rank. But the fact remains that he is not some Democratic political hack. If he were, he never would have been Trump's chief of staff in the first place. Rather, he is one of many conservatives who worked closely with Trump and came away with a strong conviction that Trump should not be president.
I'm getting a little tired of listening to people like Mitch McConnell criticize the MAGA movement and Trump without acknowledging their own complicity in this whole debacle.
What are we supposed to do when they allow a fascist convicted felon to shut down the place and take income away from the already impoverished workers that work there?
1. The workers were present. Income wasn't "taken away".
2. He wasn't convicted of anything close to a real crime. That's why he's still the frontrunner.
3. He's far from a fascist. He's trying to give the power back to the people and take it away from DC.
You're allowing his controlled opposition media physiologically implant these things into your head. You should examine both sides (what they've done in the past and what they're planning to do in the future) and make your own decision instead of being programmed with propaganda.