Donald J. Trump (For everyone else)

Donald J. Trump (For everyone else)

I assume it's still acceptable to have a Trump thread in a Politics forum?

So this is an obvious lie - basically aimed at

) 25 Views 25
28 April 2019 at 04:18 AM

14430 Replies


by Montrealcorp k

So all casinos bankrupted , not just trump ?

Yup never trump fault lol.

Trump been a great swindler for decades …..
Everyone (other casinos) made money but his .
Now PB will go in hiding for couple hours /days again after being proven wrong for the « infinith » time !

No, Trump not a great swindler for decades. you're quoting things from a source that has a bias against Trump and republicans. He's built many successful properties, golf courses and resorts. If he was a swindler he would of been exposed or arrested over a decade ago (and I don't "go into hiding"; I just don't spend 24hrs watching these threads I have much more important useful and patriotic things to do, no offense).

by Playbig2000 k

No, Trump not a great swindler for decades. you're quoting things from a source that has a bias against Trump and republicans. He's built many successful properties, golf courses and resorts. If he was a swindler he would of been exposed or arrested over a decade ago (and I don't "go into hiding"; I just don't spend 24hrs watching these threads I have much more important useful and patriotic things to do, no offense.

Hey bro, remember that time he got arrested and tried and convicted for some fraud stuff, but you told us that was politically motivated and didn't count? It wasn't that long ago actually.


"If he's not corrupt because if he was he would've been convicted of fraud by now."

Boy have I got news for you.

by Playbig2000 k

No, Trump not a great swindler for decades. you're quoting things from a source that has a bias against Trump and republicans. He's built many successful properties, golf courses and resorts. If he was a swindler he would of been exposed or arrested over a decade ago (and I don't "go into hiding"; I just don't spend 24hrs watching these threads I have much more important useful and patriotic things to do, no offense).

You are clearly a lost cause …..

Ps: not just one source , experts been asked and he made illegals transactions .
All other casinos made money not trump .
They fired trump lol .

But seems you can’t read shrug

by Playbig2000 k

No, Trump not a great swindler for decades. you're quoting things from a source that has a bias against Trump and republicans. He's built many successful properties, golf courses and resorts. If he was a swindler he would of been exposed or arrested over a decade ago (and I don't "go into hiding"; I just don't spend 24hrs watching these threads I have much more important useful and patriotic things to do, no offense).

FWIW , if you would just dare to read the article and lay off your bias and conspiracy mind tricks …..

Look trump actions !

In three interviews since late April, Trump acknowledged in general terms that high debt and lagging revenues had plagued his casinos. He did not recall details about some issues, but did not question The New York Times’ findings. He repeatedly emphasized that what really mattered about his time in Atlantic City was that he had made a lot of money there.

Read the bolded lines couple hundreds times , u might get it at some point …

Trump didn’t deny anything so how can it be bias or against him ?
Knowing trump , u damn know his not afraid to called them liars in their faces …

Trump's one true talent was the ability to convince some new suckers to invest in his businesses so he could then suck the money out. Rinse, repeat.

by Playbig2000 k

I have much more important useful and patriotic things to do, no offense.

Yeah, like doing your patriotic duty to avoid vegetables.

by Montrealcorp k

Trump didn’t deny anything so how can it be bias or against him ?
Knowing trump , u damn know his not afraid to called them liars in their faces …

So any business that claims bankruptcy under the laws means they're corrupt?

And no, claiming his Florida property was worth more than a biased lawyer in NY thought it was worth (who literally said in public for years she wants to "get Trump") isn't a crime, especially since no one was hurt, and the Bank was completely happy and satisfied with the deal that was paid on time. That doesn't happen in real life, where the gov't looks into your business to manufacture a crime like that. Don't you realize when the bank wants to know how much a property is worth because they're lending money against it they would hire someone to appraise it at Trump's expense? (I don't even know if the property was used as collateral for the deal, because if it was, the bank would of 100% hired an appraiser to determine it's worth, they wouldn't just ask the owner how much it's worth). Trump's assessment of his property was agreed with by several people who are actually in real estate.

And the other "big crime that made him a convicted felon" was when he paid a lawyer for drawing up a NDA and paying someone in a settlement so she won't talk about having sex with him, whether it was true or not (they weren't shutting her up because she witnessed him kill someone or commit an actual crime) and his accountant entered the transaction on their books as a "legal expense". Good God. Let's lock him up for not listing it as building materials.

So stop saying he's a "convicted felon" when these are his crimes of the century. It's sad people can't see how he was being targeted politically. These things happen in communist countries, they're not supposed to be happening in the United States.

No Trump isnt hands washed free

but that incident is insane that absolutely, afaik, the bank or estimator wasnt alked abotu once and it was just trump who magically had the power to lable hiwmuch is real estate costed

I could be wrongmaybe he has that power but last I checked you needed a bank or estimator to declare how much a property is worth sometimes even insurance companies need to as well.

So trump IS at fgault if he was able to just sell it and appraise it at that value but In the case he had to go through a estimtor, I dont see how he is at any fault, even if he cooked the books or whatever if you an do that in real estate.

hes done other things that are wrong though

pb, wipe the orange from your lips...

by Didace k

Trump's one true talent was the ability to convince some new suckers to invest in his businesses so he could then suck the money out. Rinse, repeat.

Trump is an elite grifter - 2nd only to Musk.

by Didace k

Trump's one true talent was the ability to convince some new suckers to invest in his businesses so he could then suck the money out. Rinse, repeat.

Trump favourite strategy .
And works great in his latest djt stocks scam ….

by Playbig2000 k

So any business that claims bankruptcy under the laws means they're corrupt?

And no, claiming his Florida property was worth more than a biased lawyer in NY thought it was worth (who literally said in public for years she wants to "get Trump") isn't a crime, especially since no one was hurt, and the Bank was completely happy and satisfied with the deal that was paid on time. That doesn't happen in real life, where the gov't looks into your business to manufacture a crime like that. Don't you re

Seem you are In the wrong thread or changing the goal post ,again …

I said trump incompetence and bankrupt casinos .
U said I lie and it wasn’t trump fault .

I said it was trump fault and only him bankrupt while other casinos thrived .

Now u write this long text with straw manning that has nothing to do with the original arguments trying to defend trump .

Stop lying to yourself , trump sucks ….
His been guilty for fraud , him and his business more then once .
Wake up ….

by #Thinman k

pb, wipe the orange from your lips...

PB tells us to stay away from vegetables, but he's been munching on that carrot for months. More right wing hypocrisy, obvs.

by Montrealcorp k

Seem you are In the wrong thread or changing the goal post ,again …

I said trump incompetence and bankrupt casinos .
U said I lie and it wasn’t trump fault .

I said it was trump fault and only him bankrupt while other casinos thrived .

Now u write this long text with straw manning that has nothing to do with the original arguments trying to defend trump .

Stop lying to yourself , trump sucks ….
His been guilty for fraud , him and his business more then once .
Wake up ….

You like the msm both have heavy bias againt trump he not bankrupt casino on purpose

I have new gov't whisleblower I helping here he is


Pb, im seeing heavy rain and some nasty weather in specific highly populated rural swing states

Is the establishment ****ing with the weather to kick out gop in person voting?

my sources are telling me Trump made a back door deal with the DS to get that last little push over. he'll work with the DS as long as he gets elected, can continue to grift, and can avoid jail time. why is nobody talking about this?

by kevinb1983 k

my sources are telling me Trump made a back door deal with the DS to get that last little push over. he'll work with the DS as long as he gets elected, can continue to grift, and can avoid jail time. why is nobody talking about this?

Trump is all talk about drain the swamp. Easiest DS payoff of all time.

by Playbig2000 k

You like the msm both have heavy bias againt trump he not bankrupt casino on purpose

I have new gov't whisleblower I helping here he is


I don’t actually read any msm news .

But I have 20+ named (not anonymous) person working for trump saying his unfit for president …

I guess one anonymous person is worth more mathematically in your world and more credible then 20+ named persons .
With that kind of disparity of what reality is for you I guess there isn’t much more too had.

It’s like trump saying when he sell a 10k sqf estate saying is the same has 30k sqf estate and shouldn’t be considered fraud either ?

How can anyone makes any sense with that kind of maths you showing ?

Trump looking like he's had an accident in the wood varnish factory.

Why is he wearing black face?

by Gorgonian k

Why is he wearing black face?

consider going to an optometrist. that's an eye doctor btw

by wreckem713 k

consider going to an optometrist. that's an eye doctor btw

That's not why he is wearing black face. Why is he wearing black face?

by Gorgonian k

That's not why he is wearing black face. Why is he wearing black face?

you might need a neurologist & psychologist too

by wreckem713 k

you might need a neurologist & psychologist too

That's cool, but why is he wearing black face?
