Donald J. Trump (For everyone else)
I assume it's still acceptable to have a Trump thread in a Politics forum?
So this is an obvious lie - basically aimed at
Easy tiger, we're speaking in the present tense. You sure you don't want to cite the Boston Tea Party while you're at it. This was before my time in America, so I don't know all the details, but can you cite some specific cases of violence (physical harm to other humans) related to this that can be tracked directly to "dems?" I looked briefly and didn't see anything obvious.
Not exclusively "dems" and not politically motivated (unless you would state republicans are not against police indiscriminately killing black people, but yes, please state that).
I'm quite sure you're joking.
Politicians encouraging their supporters to get in the face of opposing politicians to make them feel uncomfortable.
extra lol. Do you just not know what violence is?
The above is a list of some of the largest political violence events in recent times. Somewhere around 99% of people who participated in these political violence events are dems. Outside of 1k people on 1/6 political violence is almost uniquely dem in this country.
Come on dude. Be serious. Your post borders on comedy it's so ridiculous.
No, I'm just going to insist you use context to follow the conversation. It was about physical violence. Reading comprehension is hard.
MY reading comprehension is hard? How about your writing comprehension?
This is exactly what you asked:
You're sounding more and more like camela saying "I love fracking" then saying "I will stop fracking" then back to saying "I will never stop fracking".
Why didn't you just say "Please cite an example of a democrat physically harming someone"?
I'll tell you as a certified rep of liberal politics, most people don't agree w/ a majority of this "woke" boogie man stuff. It was a fun house mirror effect that got blown out of proportion and then weaponized by the GOP.
lol, what an amazing turnaround after listening to some sam harris
you've posted abundantly in the past on a number of absurdist things that are the exact woke nonsense you're now trying to extricate yourself away from and pretend like you had nothing to do with
in fact, one of the big themes just a few months prior was that all the woke backlash was made up

what an absolute clown you are, just as bad as gorg, just take the L, admit you were wrong, and move on instead of trying to revise history and pretend like you were always of the mindset that you disagreed with the woke stuff
you literally pretended things like the inability to filter out transwomen on dating apps was something we were making up despite never using the app yourself and that multiple people on the apps were all posting that you were wrong and carefully explaining to you where your misunderstanding came from and instead you just turned off all those inputs and stuck your fingers in your ears going blah blah blah you guys are lying hateful bigots and none of what you say is true
it was true then, it still is true today
you know what types of personality disorders also struggle to admit they were ever wrong right? 😀
MY reading comprehension is hard? How about your writing comprehension?
This is exactly what you asked:
You're sounding more and more like camela saying "I love fracking" then saying "I will stop fracking" then back to saying "I will never stop fracking".
Why didn't you just say "Please cite an example of a democrat physically harming someone"?
Because most people are capable of following a conversation and I assumed I didn't have to treat you like an infant. Noted for the future, though.
Yeah, it's a pretty big reach to think we are talking about property destruction when using the word "violence." Do you have any instances of physical violence (harm to people) to cite or can we move on?
And, Antifa isn't an organization and has no army.
When Gorgonian is wrong he just makes **** up.
Here is definition of violence:
Violence is often defined as the use of physical force by humans to cause harm and degradation to other living beings, such as humiliation, pain, injury, disablement, damage to property and ultimately death, as well as destruction to a civilization society's living environment.[1]
Property destruction is in the definition, how can it be a "pretty big reach" when its literally in the definition.
When Gorgonian is wrong he just makes **** up.
Here is definition of violence:
Property destruction is in the definition, how can it be a "pretty big reach" when its literally in the definition.
Oh look, another clown that found it very important to demonstrate he was unable to follow the conversation. I already quoted the context of the conversation that was clearly referring to physical violence against humans, but go off, dunce cap.

And for the record, violence is widely used to mean specifically against people. In fact, the WHO definition of violence mentions nothing at all about destruction of property:
Violence is defined by the World Health Organization in the WRVH as “the intentional use of physical force or power, threatened or actual, against oneself, another person, or against a group or community, that either results in or has a high likelihood of resulting in injury, death, psychological harm, maldevelopment or deprivation”
Krug E, Dahlberg L, Mercy alWorld report on violence and health. Geneva: World Health Organization, 2002
I would imagine after getting absolutely humiliated with all your incorrect predictions and hot takes in the last election, you would have some humility to admit you are wrong often.
But nope, stubbornness is rooted in your DNA.
I would imagine after getting absolutely humiliated with all your incorrect predictions and hot takes in the last election, you would have some humility to admit you are wrong often.
Your imagination doesn't concern me, dunce cap.
Sorry you rushed to the microphone to announce to everyone you lack reading comprehension, but don't blame it on me.
Definition of words is normally the starting point for conversations. We aren't here to do that work for you.
I know its very painful for you when proven wrong, but you'll get over it.
Let's be clear: nobody asked you for jack squat. Nobody was even talking to you. That has a high degree of correlation with how many people give a crap about your input on this.
People login to twoplustwo from all over the world and post things and have conversations.
So unless you want to talk directly to 1 person, you have to DM them.
Hope that helps.
People login to twoplustwo from all over the world and post things and have conversations.
So unless you want to talk directly to 1 person, you have to DM them.
Hope that helps.
I didn't say you couldn't post things or comment. I disabused you of the notion that anyone asked you to do a damn thing.
Consider for a moment that you've spent half a dozen posts arguing that someone should be allowed to falsely equivocate breaking some things with literally killing people. That's literally what you're doing. All because I hurt your feelings sometime in the past and you thought you saw an opportunity to put me in my place. And you somehow think you are "winning."
You people actually baffle me.
Uh oh forum police disabusing me.
Someone doesn't have to be directed a question or comment to participate in an online forum.
Hope that helps your future forum policing efforts.
Consider for a moment that you've spent half a dozen posts arguing that someone should be allowed to falsely equivocate breaking some things with literally killing people. That's literally what you're doing. All because I hurt your feelings sometime in the past and you thought you saw an opportunity to put me in my place. And you somehow think you are "winning."
You people actually baffle me.
I am only targeting you because you are wrong quite often, and instead of admitting you are wrong you double / triple down on it with contempt for the other poster.
So don't cry when people take extra effort to correct you.
Let's be clear: nobody asked you for jack squat. Nobody was even talking to you. That has a high degree of correlation with how many people give a crap about your input on this.
Let's go back and correct the record.
Nobody asked me for anything - correct.
Nobody was even talking to me - correct.
On an online posting forum, that doesn't matter. People with no prior input often come in and post things.
This is normal online posting behaviour and frankly shouldn't need to be explained to someone of even your calibre.
Let's go back and correct the record.
Nobody asked me for anything - correct.
Nobody was even talking to me - correct.
On an online posting forum, that doesn't matter. People with no prior input often come in and post things.
This is normal online posting behaviour and frankly shouldn't need to be explained to someone of even your calibre.
jfc you really don't understand basic english do you? I'm going to end this interaction with you with this: you should stop. You are embarrassing yourself. Have a good one.
jfc get a room y'
sorry y'all, I didn't mean to kill this thread!
So, for fairness sakes, let's consider this action early in ex-president TRUMP's last term:
Trump Orders Missile Attack in Retaliation for Syrian Chemical Strikes
April 6, 2017
any chance TRUMP would still support the anti-Syrian rebels today or is TRUMP completely in dictator al-hassad and Putin's back pocket?
probably time to update the thread title
Sure, it's been time for almost half a year now. "Convicted felon, rapist Donald Trump" would be a great update.
Let's Go Felon!
Wow Trump isn't even President yet and he sits down with MTP and does a great job . Remind me how many times Biden went on Fox News Sunday?