Donald J. Trump (For everyone else)

Donald J. Trump (For everyone else)

I assume it's still acceptable to have a Trump thread in a Politics forum?

So this is an obvious lie - basically aimed at

) 26 Views 26
28 April 2019 at 04:18 AM

14495 Replies


by bahbahmickey k

Dems also used the intelligence community to stay in power (collusion to get the intelligence community to say the laptop was fake right before the election) and they encouraged political violence (BLM & the supreme court intimidation plot). Trump used the dem playbook on nearly everything he is accused of doing wrong.

Even if these things are true (which I don't agree with), they're not at all similar to the things Trump is accused of doing.

by chillrob k

Exactly which donors are these?

My understanding is that most corporations that give money to political parties give to both parties.

Corporations can donate very little and yes usually they donate to both parties . There are a few exceptions with some tech companies donating virtually only to the democrats, fossil fuel companies donating virtually only to republicans, stuff like that.

But the big money is in PACs and 527 nowadays and private donations.

For the 21-22 cycle we have Soros donating 180m to the democratic party for example, Griffin (the Citadel guy) donating 70m to republicans.

Sam Bankman Fried was top3 in the 21-22 cycle for democrats (after Soros and Bloomberg) , at a little less than 40m.

You can check all the numbers here.

by Playbig2000 k

She was told by President Trump to either stop down on her own or she'll be let go the hard way, and she chose to stop down on her own for not investigating reports of voter fraud by a Nicki Hailey staffer.

Is this something you know through your super secret sources?

by Rococo k

Is this something you know through your super secret sources?

Of course, I'm not one to spread fake news.

by Playbig2000 k

Of course, I'm not one to spread fake news.

She recently told Hailey to drop from the race, it's unclear why that wasn't enough to stay in Trump grace tbh

by Luciom k

She recently told Hailey to drop from the race, it's unclear why that wasn't enough to stay in Trump grace tbh

She wasn't being cooperative with an investigation.

by Rococo k

Is this something you know through your super secret sources?

It's amazing. Your source seems to know about literally everything. Is your source secretly running the country?

by Luciom k

Corporations can donate very little and yes usually they donate to both parties . There are a few exceptions with some tech companies donating virtually only to the democrats, fossil fuel companies donating virtually only to republicans, stuff like that.

But the big money is in PACs and 527 nowadays and private donations.

For the 21-22 cycle we have Soros donating 180m to the democratic party for example, Griffin (the Citadel guy) donating 70m to republicans.

Sam Bankman Fried was top3 in the 21-22

I don't see what any of this has to do with my post. I was told that the Democrats destroyed businesses on behalf of their competitors who had donated lots of money to their cause.
So then I asked who these (corporate) donors were. I wouldn't expect the kinds of people you mention to be in competition with those destroyed businesses.

by chillrob k

I don't see what any of this has to do with my post. I was told that the Democrats destroyed businesses on behalf of their competitors who had donated lots of money to their cause.
So then I asked who these (corporate) donors were. I wouldn't expect the kinds of people you mention to be in competition with those destroyed businesses.

You don't expect stockholders of big banks to be in competition with small banks?

by Luciom k

You don't expect stockholders of big banks to be in competition with small banks?

You didn't say anything about stockholders of big banks.

But no, I can't imagine they would be too concerned about competition from relatively tiny institutions.

by Luciom k

Ye mentioned because they went to a Trump casino lol, not because of other associations

Donald Trump
Former President Donald Trump is also mentioned in the documents but not accused.

Sjoberg mentioned an incident when she left with Epstein, Giuffre and a few others on a plane from Palm Beach, Florida, in 2001.

When the plane was unable to land in New York due to a storm, they had to land in At


by Rococo k

I don't accept that all politicians are sociopaths.

Sociopaths are people who do not mind causing any amount of distress to any number of people if doing so gives them the tiniest amount of pleasure or non distress to themselves or maybe their family or closest friends. Regular people except for Doctors Without Border types are not that bad but if they could do it secretly, would in fact be willing to cause 10x worth of distress to others to avoid x distress to themselves, family or friends (or are unwilling to endure x distress to save others from 10 x distress). Politicians are regular people rather than DWBs.

by David Sklansky k

Sociopaths are people who do not mind causing any amount of distress to any number of people if doing so gives them the tiniest amount of pleasure or non distress to themselves or maybe their family or closest friends. Regular people except for Doctors Without Border types are not that bad but if they could do it secretly, would in fact be willing to cause 10x worth of distress to others to avoid x distress to themselves, family or friends. Politicians are regular people rather than DWBs.

I actually think that the system we have put in place selects politicians for the top jobs in such a way, they are systematically (on average) much more psychopathic than the median citizen

That is in no way specific to politicians. In fact I might argue that there is a no hierarchical structure in human history that it is not true of.

by Willd k

That is in no way specific to politicians. In fact I might argue that there is a no hierarchical structure in human history that it is not true of.

I think some hierarchies select in a way , psychopathy helps you far less to reach the top.

Hierarchies with politics, IE where you get to the top of other people of your level or below decide so, maximize psychopathy.

But if getting to the top is linked to being actually good at something, and this something requires a modicum of empathy and/or a mind model which accounts for other human beings, that's not necessarily the case.

IE top entertainers aren't necessarily psychopaths

I certainly don't mean that all top people in all professions are psychopaths, just that hierarchical structures select in a way such that people at the top are generally more likely to have such tendencies (i.e. what you initially said for politicians). Entertainment is a field that is fairly loose in its hierarchical structure and as such won't have as strong a correlation as a lot of professions. Large corporate structures on the other hand heavily select for psychopathy at the highest levels and government/politics is just an example of this rather than being some sort of special case.

by Luciom k

You don't expect stockholders of big banks to be in competition with small banks?

big banks and small banks have totally different markets population.

by bahbahmickey k

Dems also used the intelligence community to stay in power (collusion to get the intelligence community to say the laptop was fake right before the election) and they encouraged political violence (BLM & the supreme court intimidation plot). Trump used the dem playbook on nearly everything he is accused of doing wrong.

so why intelligence community under democrats "influence" in 2016 election let leak suspicious allegations about hillary email 10 days before the election?

Ah yes this was suppose to be a brillant positive plan right ?

by Rococo k

It's amazing. Your source seems to know about literally everything.

I'm the source.

by Playbig2000 k

I'm the source.

Guys, I think this was meant to be the big reveal.

So are trump supporters openly pro Putin now?

Thought they had been for a while

by thethethe k

Thought they had been for a while

I thought that was just a trollish reaction to the left claiming Trump was a traitor for his ties with Putin, but I guess the shirt could also be super srs.

by coordi k

I thought that was just a trollish reaction to the left claiming Trump was a traitor for his ties with Putin, but I guess the shirt could also be super srs.

im sure those brave soldiers that die during the cold war appreciate it.
i wonder what Joseph McCarthy is thinking now lol, his own party !

So looks like Trump can be bought
